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not a clue if ive spelleded any of the thread title right


anyway mine


3:00pm peel veg & put in cold water, put parsnips in own pan (save the water)


7:00pm roast the beef,gammon, duck (i effing hate duck, it looks like someone has killed a baby & lopped its head off)


wrap presents up that you couldnt be arsed to do before


play monopoly (which i always win)


put calpol in all childrens drinks so they dont wake up 'til 8am


might not work as the kids are now 24 & 13..but try..





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Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



pmsl @ Pirate 



me, busy all day child minding... night preparing Crimbo dinner with a few vino's, pressies are all wrapped. Hoping for a earliyish shower pj's on and a glass or three to wind down. 


*daughters buying a take-away for supper* 

*Books late ticket to Damesy's* 


Lay the table for Christmas lunch. Defrost whatever needs defrosting. Clean loos, wash kitchen floor, wander downtown to see if there is anything worthwhile in the sales.


evening, to pizza Hut for dinner with the two girlies, they will go to the pub afterwards, we will wander over to some friends for a nightcap, then home to put the pressies under the tree, wait for the girlies to get back, lock up, then hubby needs to wait for them to go to sleep so that he can put the stockings on their beds


Get up, make a nice breakfast/lunch (depends on who the kids make get up early to do brekkie but I've bribed  persuaded them to wake dad) clean the whole house (floors, washing, new bedding for all of us after it's washed of course...courtesy of the sis!) baths, cooking meat, cutting it and then a few drinks til bedtime when we bring out all the santa stuff and then I try, hopefully, to get to sleep!


Love Xmas's even better than Xmas day!


Well.. I'm up, so that's a start.    I'll shower soon, then my mission, if I choose to accept it, is to find some back up turkey gravy mix type stuff.  Then deliver a couple of wee prezzies to my angelic neighbours who I hardly ever see, but they put my bins out, take in my parcels and sweep the snow from my path in the winter, pick up and wrap a couple of last minute prezzies (they're already bought, I just need to collect them from my sis) then I think I can just lol around for the rest of the day. 


EDIT.. .just read Ells thread and remembered I still have the bed to change and floors to wash.  

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Well.. I'm up, so that's a start.    I'll shower soon, then my mission, if I choose to accept it, is to find some back up turkey gravy mix type stuff.  Then deliver a couple of wee prezzies to my angelic neighbours who I hardly ever see, but they put my bins out, take in my parcels and sweep the snow from my path in the winter, pick up and wrap a couple of last minute prezzies (they're already bought, I just need to collect them from my sis) then I think I can just lol around for the rest of the day. 


EDIT.. .just read Ells thread and remembered I still have the bed to change and floors to wash.  

I leave the floor-washing to last thing at night, so it dries overnight when no-one's around and trailing dirty footprints over it!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Well.. I'm up, so that's a start.    I'll shower soon, then my mission, if I choose to accept it, is to find some back up turkey gravy mix type stuff.  Then deliver a couple of wee prezzies to my angelic neighbours who I hardly ever see, but they put my bins out, take in my parcels and sweep the snow from my path in the winter, pick up and wrap a couple of last minute prezzies (they're already bought, I just need to collect them from my sis) then I think I can just lol around for the rest of the day. 


EDIT.. .just read Ells thread and remembered I still have the bed to change and floors to wash.  

I leave the floor-washing to last thing at night, so it dries overnight when no-one's around and trailing dirty footprints over it!

Oh no.. I refuse to do housework after tea time.   There's only me to walk on them anyway - and as it happens, I've got one of those steam mop thingies so it dries in no time.


My itinerary ( ) was:-


Got up




Gave butcher a cheque when he delivered tomorrow's dinner

Emptied the bins

Put some washing away

Stripped THE BED

Turned the mattress

Remade the bed with fresh bedcovers

Had some soup

Cleaned the kitchen

Had a bath and washed my hair

Watched Merlin


Still to do:-


Have dinner/supper

Wash kitchen floor


Go to bed


Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I purposely didn't buy cheesey footballs .......................once I start on them I can't stop.


I'm sat with my girlie and Mr Woo - we've just put all the pressies under the tree. My girls put mine to shame they're all sparlky and beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeooootiful. Having a cuppa and a mini mince pie. A;; prepped for tomorrow - feels very strange not having a drink though  I'm not at all bothered just odd that's all ..........think I'll be tempted with the cheese and bics tomorrow though - what can I have instead of port?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I purposely didn't buy cheesey footballs .......................once I start on them I can't stop.


I'm sat with my girlie and Mr Woo - we've just put all the pressies under the tree. My girls put mine to shame they're all sparlky and beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeooootiful. Having a cuppa and a mini mince pie. A;; prepped for tomorrow - feels very strange not having a drink though  I'm not at all bothered just odd that's all ..........think I'll be tempted with the cheese and bics tomorrow though - what can I have instead of port?

That's brilliant Sooz 

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

My itinerary for today is....DONE! 

Ditto So I've just opened a tin of cheesy footballs 

That's dangerous living right there Baz! 

No more solids for me until tomorrow; fluids are good though 


Don't envy you denying yourself the port, Soozy.  How about one of those fruity non-alco drinks?  I really don't know what to suggest 


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