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Barman at a swanky 5 star hotel.


We would have weddings every Saturday. I would have to start at 11 a.m and work through till 4 a.m (the next day) with no official breaks allowed.


It was coming up to Christmas time and I was told that I would be working Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day with no extra pay...


...I handed my notice in the next day.


Both factory jobs I had in the 80s.  Had to work with horrible old bags who had been there since 1909 and thought they owned the place, and the job was 8 til 5, on an assembly line, and you could not leave the line. You had to wait til break for the loo.  It was hard fast repetitive work and it was vile.  I left the second job at 19, and went to college (I didn't go at 16,) and I trained in office work and admin and secretarial... I never worked in a factory again.   I only worked in those 2 jobs coz there was little else about in the early to mid 80s...

Originally Posted by Rexi:

As a GPO telephonist in the 1970s. Us young 'uns were watched over by dried up old spinsters wearing brogues and tweed suits.


We couldn't deviate from the script, couldn't talk to each other, got warnings if we spent too long 'off the boards'.


I reckon I handed in my notice about 10 minutes before I was sacked

Mine is similar - working for Cable and Wireless as an international directory enquiries and overseas telephone operator. (part time job during university)


If we deviated from the script we lost a portion of our bonus, if we didn't give the correct answer within a set time, we lost a portion of our bonus, we got abused from eejits ringing up and asking for the time every 2 minutes or so or blowing whistles down the phone to us causing feed back screeching noise in our headsets - very painful.   I also learnt how thick the general British public can be  and how abusive they could be as well. We had to put our hand up to go to the loo and were timed.  Our break was 15 minutes except it took 10 minutes to get to the break room to have a cigarette (I smoked then) so you couldn't go that far    I lasted a year which was considered long service as most people gave up the job between 3 - 6 months 

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

All of 'em. You can't beat self employment.

Neither an employer nor an employee be! (You may use that)

Exactly Joe, I've worked for myself for 6 years now, and I love the freedom of it.  However, you can get some right twats working for you (we actually inherited the one that comes to mind) when we bought the company, and they can make being an employer a nightmare.


However, I will still uphold that the worst job I ever had was working for the Prescription Pricing Authority.  A soul destroying repetitive job, that I left aged 24 and ran off to the USA, jobless and penniless, I was that downtrodden by it.

Originally Posted by zazz:
I'm stuck at mine while I tap this in my phone
I should have been home at least half an hour ago. But nope. I'm stuck here with my knob head boss doing pointless tasks passing my life away. Not sure I'm going to bother with this anymore

Thing is Zazz, in the current climate, a job is a job.

Originally Posted by zazz:
I'm stuck at mine while I tap this in my phone
I should have been home at least half an hour ago. But nope. I'm stuck here with my knob head boss doing pointless tasks passing my life away. Not sure I'm going to bother with this anymore

Aww Zazz ,I thought you were ok with your  job.  It's crap when you ain't happy with where you work.


I've had a huge variety of jobs both manual and office based and I've found generally that the work doesn't get me down, it's the bosses and co workers who make a job unbearable.

Although I did really hate the 3 weeks I spent working in a cafe at Hampton Court Palace and the couple of months I spent working in Tescos.

Retail and kitchen work just not for me I guess.

Originally Posted by zazz:
Aww katty it's not so much my work but poor management. So poor. I wasn't even paid properly last month! II need a job I get paid for my time*nods*

Hmmn yes My nieces partner is in the building trade.fine when work is available.however  a few weeks go by when it's not.He is trying to get his own business up and running..|hartd times for all,

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

I've had a huge variety of jobs both manual and office based and I've found generally that the work doesn't get me down, it's the bosses and co workers who make a job unbearable.


Yeah, at my last place the job itself was fine, enjoyed it most of the time and really liked everyone at the place... except my boss I had to leave cos I was about a week away from beating him to death with a toner cartridge or summat


My worst job was in a nursing home when I had just left school.  I LOVED the work and the residents but the co-workers were a different story.  I was forever being told off because I was too slow at getting them up in the mornings because I wasn't just hauling them out of bed and shoving on some clothes   I suppose I did keep the others behind but I had only been there a short time, had no training and was a little too emotionally involved with a few residents.  One lady lived on the top floor and was rarely brought down to the dining hall or rec room and she had alzheimers (sp).  When I finished my shifts I'd go up and chat to her and play scrabble etc and she loved it, she had no family or visitors and she loved my visits  She'd cry looking for her mammy and then tell me stories and I'd sit with her while she ate supper then head off.  I got a right bollocking off the boss for that but I still to this day think I got told off so harshly because I had reported another staff member for slapping (lightly, admittedly but still slapping!) a resident because he refused to put his arm in his jumper.  Apart from the fact the man had had a stroke and couldn't effing move his arm anyway!  I reported it to the staff nurse and for a few days was given dirty looks and shunned by the other workers so I took it to the boss who said they'd deal with it then next day I get a rolicking for sitting with the lady on the top floor  I know you aren't supposed to get too close to residents but my heart broke for her in particular.


I ended up leaving within 2 weeks of that because working with people who would barely speak to me wasn't a fun job.  I WAS very slow at picking up the routine but seeing as I was given the job with no training or prior experience I was hoping I would pick it up faster along the way.  I'd go back to that kind of work in a heartbeat now, it was a pleasure working with the residents.  


It was a bit strange Saz, I went to the interview because my mate worked there and told me he had got me an interview for household staff and then when we got there he dropped the bomb that it was an interview for auxiliary nursing and ran off before I could change my mind.  The LAST thing I wanted was to be cleaning bums and showering old people (well that was my thinking at that time anyway) but on the first day of work it was all so different and I just wanted to help.  


I got some stick though for being 17 and doing that kind of work


I think if a job makes you that unhappy (which mine is at the moment) it is time to do something about it ASAP I am going to be getting my CV dropped off to as many places as I can, and start applying for anything and everything in the area. A job may well be a job, and I am grateful I have work, but when things make you unhappy and show no sign of changing any time soon it is time to knock it on the head, I am not a quitter, which is why I havent quit this place sooner, and I'm not stupid enough to leave myself out of work, so will be making sure I have a new job to go to before telling this place what I really think. It is getting me down going there day in day out for sometimes 12 hours/13/14 hours at a time****blink****


Ranty post over!!


only two more hours til my next shift **sobs**

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Renton:

The job i have at the moment totally sucks

Boss and his cronies are pure evil


Why do people who are scum rise to the top

is it cos they have  no conscience at doing the companies bidding?

Nope it's because they wont think twice about stabbing someone in the back to get a leg up!

too true!!!

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Rexi:

As a GPO telephonist in the 1970s. Us young 'uns were watched over by dried up old spinsters wearing brogues and tweed suits.


We couldn't deviate from the script, couldn't talk to each other, got warnings if we spent too long 'off the boards'.


I reckon I handed in my notice about 10 minutes before I was sacked

Mine is similar - working for Cable and Wireless as an international directory enquiries and overseas telephone operator. (part time job during university)


If we deviated from the script we lost a portion of our bonus, if we didn't give the correct answer within a set time, we lost a portion of our bonus, we got abused from eejits ringing up and asking for the time every 2 minutes or so or blowing whistles down the phone to us causing feed back screeching noise in our headsets - very painful.   I also learnt how thick the general British public can be  and how abusive they could be as well. We had to put our hand up to go to the loo and were timed.  Our break was 15 minutes except it took 10 minutes to get to the break room to have a cigarette (I smoked then) so you couldn't go that far    I lasted a year which was considered long service as most people gave up the job between 3 - 6 months 

what iz da general british public, you $%^&*^*   $%*&


well done for sticking it out so long missus!!


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