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It's to do with lactic acid tenderising the meat. My mother used to get a couple of rabbits each month and would let them hang on the keyboard behind the kitchen door for about a week. It just relaxes everything after the shock of being killed. Actually, writing all this, I feel like becoming a vegetarian myself.
see, that stuff doesn't bother me
I'd miss Bacon butties and chicken. Not really miss much else except the odd steak with chips, onion rings and peppered sauce!! Here..why do some veggies not eat meat but eat fish? Something I find a bit hypocritical.
apparently, there is a divide between veggies and vagans? not sure what it is  but would think some folk around the world would love to eat anything they could get. each to their own IMO
Now that could be misconstrued if read by the wrong eyes
to see the folk in africa scraping around in the dirt for grains of rice spilled from bags which they did not get, because they were too weak to stand. And to add a point, some of the celebs who go there to adopt/help folk makes me sickcoz they are veggies or vegans.
when did all this veggie thng start? i cant recall this back in the 50s? seems to me that the start of all is directly related to the ones in "celeb" status. anyone in the 50s refusing to eat stuff were made to sit there untill it was finished. call me old fashioned but this is how i see it.

It's so trooooo.  No vegetarians in Britain prior to 01/01/1950. 
to see the folk in africa scraping around in the dirt for grains of rice spilled from bags which they did not get, because they were too weak to stand. And to add a point, some of the celebs who go there to adopt/help folk makes me sickcoz they are veggies or vegans

You do realise that to consume meat you consume many times more of the world's resources than a vegetarian does?   Being as how all them pigs and cows have to eat vegetable matter to convert it to meat.

In fact, if someone truly cares about feeding the world, being veggie is the only way to be.

In essence, wrong.
There are lots of meat substitutes around (Quorn, Linda McCartney stuff etc).

MMD, I was born in the 70's so have no idea what happened in households circa 1950's I'm afraid, but I'm struggling to accept that there was no vegetarianism in the second world war.

Re Africa and hunger,  I will never ever understand why it is probably the world's largest and most donated to charity yet there are still people starving and desperate for water. Makes sense none.

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