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OMG that is the weirdest thing ever. I was just about to do a meat related thread about sainsburys being taken to court for the amount of excess packaging they have in their meat which I agree with as there is far too much. And then you post this.
Hi Isadora, not aware of the court case against Sainsburys.  I think at lot of the supermarkets/companies are guilty of excessive packaging.
Smarting Buttocks
I have heard rumours about sausages I will eat sausages maybe, twice a year at most. They're not something I buy. But please don't tell me about them, I've just had jelly and I've got a coldy/tummy bug thing as it is and it's already been boke central today. (Whatever connection jelly has with all this I don't know but I mentioned it anyway).

Quorn sausages ain't bad though.
But if it's hung, does that not drain the blood/juices out of it and make it a bit drier
It's to do with lactic acid tenderising the meat. My mother used to get a couple of rabbits each month and would let them hang on the keyboard behind the kitchen door for about a week. It just relaxes everything after the shock of being killed. Actually, writing all this, I feel like becoming a vegetarian myself.
cologne 1
but soz.......I can't do without me meat
I am quite partial to a well seasoned pork chop. Lamb I can't stand. But I think I could quite happily do without meat if I was barred from eating it tomorrow. I'm terrified of cows (one chased me in a field in Ireland when I was 19 cos I thought it was a bull and started screaming at it) and it was only a few years ago I bothered to find out exactly where bacon came from. The only thing I would miss is me mum's Irish beef stew.
It's to do with lactic acid tenderising the meat. My mother used to get a couple of rabbits each month and would let them hang on the keyboard behind the kitchen door for about a week. It just relaxes everything after the shock of being killed. Actually, writing all this, I feel like becoming a vegetarian myself.
after eating the bacon sold in supermarkets at the mo and seeing the amount of salt water come out when frying i would tend to agree. Not to mention the mess it makes with spitting all over the hob.

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