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I've always thought of New Year's Eve as representing hope. That for a shoert period ot time at midnight we can all hope the New Year will be better, brighter, more positive and less challenging than the past year, that's if we've experienced a year like that which the majority of us have. Hope can often fade though within a few days when the same old same old stuff still happens, but without hope from whichever source or moment we might as well all give up. So hope for the best but be prepared to have the strength to cope with whatever comes along  and there's always some really happy moments in every year, we just need to recognise and appreciate them 
Yellow Rose
I've often wondered the same thing.

After all, it's a purely arbitrary choice of date; someone back in the past decided that the year would end on December 31st, rather than, say, June 30th, or February 28th, and somehow people have built that simple calendric (is that even a word? )  convention into a hugely significant event.

(Still, I suppose any excuse for a party is a good one, isn't it?)
That's my point YR..................It's all a bit fake isn't it, and we deal with whatever 'rubbish' comes our way
I think the hope is real because who wouldn't hope the best lol, but if reality gives us tough stuff to deal with I think that's when we find out we're stronger than we may think we are  if we can't then the alternative is also challenging 
Yellow Rose
I've often wondered the same thing. After all, it's a purely arbitrary choice of date; someone back in the past decided that the year would end on December 31st, rather than, say, June 30th, or February 28th, and somehow people have built that simple calendric (is that even a word? ) convention into a hugely significant event. (Still, I suppose any excuse for a party is a good one, isn't it?)

I understand what you're saying as of course in "real" time this date isn't what we think it is as the calendars have been altered so many times since they were invented.

It's really a question of how we think, for what reason, on whatever day or date. We could celebrate something every day which would put most people in a positive frame of mind but we don't and yet every day there should be something to feel happy or thankful for, we take so much for granted until it's too late
Yellow Rose
Yep, I agree with what both of you say, but I still think it's all fake .......why not carry it on through the year?
Yes it's a shame we can't be more positivce all year round, it seems from observation over many years the human condition is to be negative. Whether that's because of media forces in everyone's lives that are negative and it all seeps through, or because the majority of people are really challenged in so many ways and they just can't sustain hope and positivity.
Yellow Rose
Any other year I would have defended the hope new year brings, as I was always a huge fan, but this year, I'm a bit blah about it all.

That said...........

Happy New Year, Pamuuuoooollllllaayyaahhhh!!! I really do hope that 2010 is a fantastic year for you and in 12 months time you'll think, MY GOD, how can 2011 top that?
xxxxxx Love from The Veg xxxxxxxxx

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