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Heatseek - thought you might be interested....

I don't normally watch this type of programme but I saw an item on Teletext this morning about this and I think I'll give it a go.

He said Baltimore was the worst!

Vinnie Jones's Toughest Cops USA, ITV4, 10pm
This series has footballer-turned-actor Vinnie Jones follow the police working in some of the most dangerous cities in the US.
In this the first episode, Jones finds himself in Baltimore.
He patrols the city's districts with the officers, riding with the violent crime impact division, learning about the harsh realities of the city where gritty HBO drama The Wire is set.

Longer review: Vinnie Jones' Toughest Cops USA
Baby Bunny
Fearne Cotton And Paris Hilton On ITV2


This brand new series for ITV2 sees Fearne Cotton getting up close and personal to starlets Paris Hilton, Peaches Geldof and Alesha Dixon.

With exclusive access to the celebrities’ lives and inner-circles, Fearne hangs out with them when they’re on stage, at home, in the office, in the studio and while they’re relaxing with friends. And, as she gets to know them, they open up to her about their families and love lives.

Before embarking on her inquisitive journey into the celebrities’ lives, Fearne studies the way the press portray them and says she hopes to find out whether their media images are true to them or not.

Fearne says: “The whole lifestyle behind the public image is fascinating. I love piecing together the jigsaw puzzle of what lies beneath the surface. The series will be a real chance to peel back the layers of the celebrities’ lives.”

Fearne and Paris Hilton
Episode one

The first episode in the series sees Fearne gain an exclusive insight into the life of the controversial heiress Paris Hilton.

As she jets out to join her in her LA mansion, Fearne hopes to discover the truth behind the headlines about the model, actress and pop star.

With her glamorous lifestyle the 28-year-old is pursued by paparazzi wherever she goes and has become a fixture in the world’s magazines and newspapers.

Coming from the Hilton Hotel dynasty Paris is rumoured to be worth in excess of $50 million. Her name is now a brand in its own right, which includes clothing and handbag ranges, a perfume collection, record label and even a dog accessories range. But Fearne sets out to discover how much Paris is involved. Is she simply a figure head or is she more than just a pretty face?

Paris has starred in five series of the hit reality TV show The Simple Life as well as her own hugely successful Paris’ British Best Friend and My New BFF shows. She has made guest star appearances in the OC and My Name is Earl as well as big screen guest roles in films like Zoolander. But is the Paris we see on screen the same Paris behind closed doors?

She’s written a best selling book – Confessions of an Heiress as well as launching a pop career achieving the top 10 in 17 countries with her single, The Stars Are Blind.

Fearne wants to find out what’s next for the star, and if she really believes she can achieve success in everything that she does.

With exclusive access to this Hollywood star’s life, will Fearne uncover the real Paris and will they become friends? Or will Paris use one of her favourite phrases on Fearne and tell her: “Talk to you never.”

Thursday, 22 October 2009, 10:00PM – 11:00PM ITV2

ITV1 8:30pm Corrie. Apart from Tony and Carla there is a side story about Joe's boat which apparently causes "outrage"

Ch4 9pm A doc about a woman bigamist with 5 husbands

More4 10pm Hung. About a man called Ray with a biggun - started last week, not bad, I will see if it continues to beâ€Ķ. Ray is rather dishy though...

More4  10:40pm Curb Your Enthusiasm - new series started last week. Last week's episode was HILARIOUS!

But I may tape CYE to watch Question Time.
Baby Bunny
Typical. Nowt on really over the weekend and a ton of interesting stuff on tonight!! I don't know what I'll be watching/ recording out of this lot. All reviews from the Radio Times.

8:00pm - 9:00pm Channel 4
Dispatches: Do You Know What's In Your Breakfast?
Journalist Jane Moore reveals how nutritious the nation's breakfasts really are and probes the marketing techniques employed by the lucrative cereal and yoghurt industries. Moore finds that some retailers and manufacturers are unwilling to adopt the traffic light systems recommended by food standards authorities.

8:30pm - 9:00pm BBC1 
Freed to Offend Again
Are we safe from dangerous prisoners released back onto our streets? A Panorama investigation reveals that known sex offenders and violent offenders are committing many more serious crimes, including rape and murder, on their release from prison than the government tells us about. With reporter Raphael Rowe.

8:30pm - 9:00pm ITV1
Coronation Street

Will Pam expose Molly and Kevin's affair? Will Maria tell Carla about her engagement to Tony? Can Norris cope with his new assistant?

9:00pm - 10:00pm BBC1

This series just keeps getting better. There's no shortage of beautiful footage - a galloping sengi (aka elephant shrew) is one of the stars tonight - but for me it comes alive when it's at its ugliest. Last week, the komodo-versus-water-buffalo encounter was gruesome, but it's equalled by this week's set-piece showdown between hyenas and lions. First, a pride of lions bully a lone hyena away from their kill, lashing out with their claws and snapping their blood-stained jaws. At this point you expect the hyena to slink away suitably chastened, but no, she calls her mates before returning mob-handed and taking on the lions. What follows isn't pretty. To call the look on the lions' faces "cheesed off", as the hyenas finally force them away, would just about cover it. It's one of many brilliant scenes. Mammals are the theme, starting with the marvellous Weddell seal of Antarctica (which has an oddly human-sounding call, like a drunken football fan shouting "Yay!") and progressing via reindeer, meerkats and elephants with poor parenting skills to the mating contest of the humpback whale - the most massive battle in all of nature.

9:00pm - 10:00pm ITV1
Murderland: 2/3 - Hain's Story

In last week's RT, Robbie Coltrane claimed that Murderland is a notch above standard TV cop drama fare in that it's a "psychological drama" that owes much to Hitchcock and film noir. Well, maybe. And maybe Coltrane and writer David Pirie wanted to eschew the detective-drama conventions, but at its heart Murderland is very conventional with a very well-worn central premise (which I won't give away, but which you've probably already guessed). In fact, it's similar to, but not as good as, last year's Lucy Gannon drama The Children, which examined a murder through the different perspectives of those most directly involved. Murderland's victim is a prostitute, Sally (played by Lucy Cohu), whose body is discovered by her young daughter Carrie. Fifteen years on, Carrie (now Carol, and played by Amanda Hale) wants to solve the mystery of who killed her mother.

9:00pm - 10:20pm Channel 4
Race and Intelligence: Science's Last Taboo

Documentary series presented by Rageh Omaar. In 2007, Nobel Prize-winning US scientist James Watson was quoted referring to research suggesting that black people were less intelligent than other races. His comments caused a storm of controversy. Rageh Omaar sets out to probe Watson's comments, meeting some scientists who believe that races can be differentiated as well as those who vehemently oppose this view.

9:00pm - 10:00pm BBC4
Glamour's Golden Age: 2/3 - Beautiful and Damned

Apparently, in the 1920s you could be famous simply for dressing up and attending every flash party going. Fancy! This is a divinely definitive guide to inter-war hedonism: full of fun and frothy archive clips but staffed by experts, furnishing us with every last detail about the clothing, the drugs, the gossip columnists, the epic japes, whether or not the film Bright Young Things is authentic (it is) and, indeed, exactly why young things were specifically given the adjective "bright". It's first-class cultural history - and Hermione Norris's narration is like bathing in milk.

10:00pm - 10:30pm Dave
Sitcom about two people who decide to share a flat together for convenience. Daisy persuades Tim to have a house-warming, but the party in the upstairs flat is better.
Baby Bunny

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