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Originally Posted by nuts:

At the minute? Ok, I realise this might not go where I want it to but hey....


In mine, I have.....

a third of a loaf of toastie bread, and some spread, and a lock and lock box with some lettuce in and a box with eye drops in. And in the door I and a half small bottles of milk, half a jar of red pesto sauce a half a jar of beetroot and a half a jar of Hellmans 


If you wanna save some space Onetoo, you don't need to keep the mayo in the fridge



Ensign Muf
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by nuts:

And that said.......I only have a small half and half. Hands up those who've got mega sized fridge freezers?


I can't believe I'm doing a fred on fridges and freezers  

Puts hand up....both hands actually as I have one in the kitchen and one in the utility room......and a chest freezer in the garage.

Ooooh! Get you! you live in a mansion doncha?

Originally Posted by Ensign Muf:
Originally Posted by nuts:

At the minute? Ok, I realise this might not go where I want it to but hey....


In mine, I have.....

a third of a loaf of toastie bread, and some spread, and a lock and lock box with some lettuce in and a box with eye drops in. And in the door I and a half small bottles of milk, half a jar of red pesto sauce a half a jar of beetroot and a half a jar of Hellmans 


If you wanna save some space Onetoo, you don't need to keep the mayo in the fridge



But it's only a wee jar 

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Who said they had bread though - I'm pretty sure bread's supposed to go off quicker in a fridge  - or is that a myth?

I have bread, I find it lasts longer in the fridge, especially if it's been frozen first then allowed to defrost in the fridge.

Tsk tsk...


According to food scientists, the major reason that bread stales is not moisture loss, but rather a process called retrogradation, in which the starch molecules in the bread crystallize. 
Retrogradation occurs about six times faster at refrigerator temperatures (36 - 40 degrees) than at room temperature, thereby making the refrigerator the worst choice for bread storage. 
However, the retrogradation process does slow down significantly when bread is stored below freezing temperatures. The water molecules in the bread freeze, which immobilizes the starch molecules and prevents them from forming crystalline structures."

so you're right with the freezing bit Fluffs.    Most people seem to advocate freezing and then just defrosting what you need.   I don't have enough room in my freezer for bread and I usually buy crusty bread that you need to keep out anyway.

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Ensign Muf:
Originally Posted by nuts:

At the minute? Ok, I realise this might not go where I want it to but hey....


In mine, I have.....

a third of a loaf of toastie bread, and some spread, and a lock and lock box with some lettuce in and a box with eye drops in. And in the door I and a half small bottles of milk, half a jar of red pesto sauce a half a jar of beetroot and a half a jar of Hellmans 


If you wanna save some space Onetoo, you don't need to keep the mayo in the fridge



But it's only a wee jar 

I leave mine in the jar it came in

Ensign Muf
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by nuts:

And that said.......I only have a small half and half. Hands up those who've got mega sized fridge freezers?


I can't believe I'm doing a fred on fridges and freezers  

Puts hand up....both hands actually as I have one in the kitchen and one in the utility room......and a chest freezer in the garage.

Ooooh! Get you! you live in a mansion doncha?

It all came about 'cos my mum lived with us. So we had a fridge/freezer each and shared the chest freezer. When mum died we just kept them all


So, contents....milk, bread, eggs, flora, butter. ham, lager, cola,lemonade, orangeade,  orange juice, bacon, sausages, chocolate, carrots, turnip, a leek,cheese. chicken, a sausage roll from the butcher for my tea tomorrow, tinned pineapple.


That's just what's in the fridge parts, there's loads more in the freezer parts.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

In mine....


Diet coke.. lots, vodka, Green and blue milk (lots) and i cant remember the rest atm

You have coloured milk..? Wow!  

Lmao, full fat for MiniMe and Semi for everyone else

Awww, me and erin were succumbing to coloured milk envy there for a while

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Assorted vegetables, some figs and prepped pomegranates. A mix of gordal olives and chillies. Tzatziki, humerous, feta. Cathedral city, Greek yoghourt, milk, and full strength chocolate.

I'm becoming concerned about your pomegranate habit.    Have you thought about getting some help for that?

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

In mine....


Diet coke.. lots, vodka, Green and blue milk (lots) and i cant remember the rest atm

You have coloured milk..? Wow!  

Lmao, full fat for MiniMe and Semi for everyone else

Awww, me and erin were succumbing to coloured milk envy there for a while

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Ensign Muf:

But it's only a wee jar 

I leave mine in the jar it came in

You're one of those persons you can take but you can't leave aren't you? 

Anyway Muf, the jar says to store it in the fridge once opened. Aren't you worried that the food police will come and get you if you don't comply with ALL instructions?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

In mine....


Diet coke.. lots, vodka, Green and blue milk (lots) and i cant remember the rest atm

You have coloured milk..? Wow!  

LOL! That's what I thought and then.......I realised 

All our milk is green.

Mine too.....but hey.....can't stop others having what they have  


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