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Former Member

OK, so I got my car insurance renewal to start on 16 May, and it went up from £40 a month to £60, for no gosh darned reason.  Grrr.   I know that the insurance has gone up a lot, and I think they blame the compensation claims for this, but up a THIRD!  Jeeeeeez!  Last year, it went up from £35 a month to £50 and I had a whinge down the phone at them, and they reduced it to £40 by changing the recovery a bit (I don't get help now unless I am more than a mile from home; but the chances are I would be when I broke down anyway, and even if I was half a mile away, I could walk back!) so I agreed to change that.


So I rang them today and they said they can lower it a fiver because I am a 'loyal' customer, (so down to £55 a month.)    Big deal!  I am nearly 40, I passed my test 20 years ago, and I have been with them 10 years and NEVER made a claim, and yet they bump my premium by a third!  I am like   It's a LOT of dosh. 


Does this seem like a ludicrous leap to you?  Has yours gone up a lot too?  Does this sound like a high amount to pay?  (£55 to £60 a month.) Or reasonable for a 38 year old woman?   It does include recovery in this quote, and the recovery is about £130.  But 2 years ago, I was paying £35, and this year they are asking for £60 a month!  I do like this insurance company and have my home insurance and pet insurance with them too, and don't want to leave, but a jump of a third!


Any advice anyone?  


Replies sorted oldest to newest

just go on a price comparason web site and get quotes, its all very well and good not wanting to change but will you still be saying that when you see you can save ££££££.


Im with sheilas wheels, they are by far the cheapest i found and each year they havent gone up hardly at all. ive been with them for 3 years now. Home and car.


It does seem quite high Cupcake..... I think Mr Baz insurance is only about £23 a month..... but although it is fully comp, we have pared back on the extras, such as recovery, as we have that via our bank account...




Compare prices Cupcake...mine went up £80 last year and I went back to RAC for the same price as the previous year, no doubt I'll be changing again in September...also you do pay quite a bit extra to pay monthly, at least I was 


Thanks folks.  I have looked at a few others, and they actually range from about £450 for the insurance (paying by instalments,) to about £600. (not including recovery.)  That includes everything I am getting, including uninsured driver cover, and no claims bonus etc, but the quotes do seem to get lower if you increase your excess.  I am just hacked off because I am really happy with this company, but they are charging a lot now.


One of my pals said it could be my age: I am only 38.  hers is 20% cheaper but she is 55.  Could that be a factor?


Blimey this thread has got me like this >>>   lol.  My OH has never had any insurance that was less than £1000!  It's usually around 1200 now which is why he got rid of the car and just drives the workvan...which is a lot cheaper on insurance coz his boss is named driver but even at that, its still about £600 a year.


Suppose that's the price of living in Northern Ireland


In fact.. every year i get several companies phone me up to quote me, as soon as i say im with sheilas wheels they say...well i wont waste your time, we cant match them.  (i dont work for Sheilas wheels by the way)


Blimey Cupcake!   I suppose a lot depends on where you live.  Do you have much no claims bonus?    I paid around £200 for a year (that's no recovery mind, but I got that for about £70 elsewhere.    Go on a comparison site - and phone people like Direct Line - makes notes - allow yourself an afternoon, phone them, tell them your cheapest quote, most of them will undercut what you tell them.   Then phone the next one and tell them the lowest quote...  Good luck.  

Originally Posted by Ells:

Blimey this thread has got me like this >>>   lol.  My OH has never had any insurance that was less than £1000!  It's usually around 1200 now which is why he got rid of the car and just drives the workvan...which is a lot cheaper on insurance coz his boss is named driver but even at that, its still about £600 a year.


Suppose that's the price of living in Northern Ireland

Gosh Ells, so that seems cheap to you then?!  LOL.  


Funny thing is: when i lived in a different area some 2 years back, it WAS quite low.  In 2009 it was £28 a month, then it went up to £35; then when I moved to where I live now, which is a fairly OK area, but has a higher car theft statistic (because there are 10 ways out of the 3 or 4 roads that my road is in and it's one mile from the motorway,) my insurance went up from £35 to £50!) I managed to get it to £40 as I said, but now they wanna charge £60!  I have 10 years no claims BTW.  Also, my next door neighbour who is 35 pays £700 a year, so maybe it's the area.  


I pay about £25 a year, but I've been with Saga for a few years now. I wont be able to drive the car anymore because of my old problem and broken arm on top, so I enquired about getting my grandson onto my insurance (he's 17 and just about to do his test). £5000. No way, unfortunately.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I pay about £25 a year, but I've been with Saga for a few years now. I wont be able to drive the car anymore because of my old problem and broken arm on top, so I enquired about getting my grandson onto my insurance (he's 17 and just about to do his test). £5000. No way, unfortunately.

Terrible isn't it? How are young people ever expected to afford prices like that?


(hope your arm is much recovered now )

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by Rexi:

Wait till your girls pass their test cupcake ... then you'll see the expensive side of insurance

What girls Rexi?

Oh sorry


Bit confused LOL    I don't have any girls.  

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I pay about £25 a year, but I've been with Saga for a few years now. I wont be able to drive the car anymore because of my old problem and broken arm on top, so I enquired about getting my grandson onto my insurance (he's 17 and just about to do his test). £5000. No way, unfortunately.

Do you mean £25 a month Cologne

Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I pay about £25 a year, but I've been with Saga for a few years now. I wont be able to drive the car anymore because of my old problem and broken arm on top, so I enquired about getting my grandson onto my insurance (he's 17 and just about to do his test). £5000. No way, unfortunately.

Do you mean £25 a month Cologne

cologne 1
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Bramble's Mommy~:
That's a big jump, I too would look for other quotes. I went with direct line last time, they're not on comparison sites though. I hope you find a better deal

I am actually with them LOL.  I am seriously wondering if it is the area I live in, as I have looked at about 5 different companies online and am struggling to find any that are waaay cheaper.  The cheapest I am getting is about £48 a month.  And that is with a £350 excess.  Also, I believe that the quote SHOULD have been £50 a month last year, and they lowered it to keep me as a customer, and now they are bumping up to what it should be/would have been this year.


phone them and ask to be put thru to cancellations.


that worked for me and they sharpened their pencils rather than lose a paying customer.


but be prepared  for them to say  'ok bye'. then you go to  price cpomparison sites .

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

phone them and ask to be put thru to cancellations.


that worked for me and they sharpened their pencils rather than lose a paying customer.


but be prepared  for them to say  'ok bye'. then you go to  price cpomparison sites .

I am actually going to go to the post office tomorrow and my bank too, and see if they can do any better.  Every time I go to both of them, they beg me to go with them and ask when my renewal is, so I think I will try them.  Maybe that is the right quote for my area, and my age.  I have no kids under 18 or anything (which is what all of the sites asked!  Maybe that makes insurance higher..) and I have never claimed, so I cannot think of ANY reason it would be this high except for the area.  As I said, it was cheaper 2 years ago in my old area: MUCH cheaper.  I will find out if I can do better first though.


I watch that programme Don't get done, get Dom on BBC1 in the mornings.


Anyhoo last week they had a section on this where people are finding that despite being a loyal customer who hasn't claimed.  They found that if you stick your details into a your insurance company's website the chances are you'll find your quote being considerably cheaper.


You do have the option to refuse the new quote and apply again as a new customer.  I would also as the others have said, try a comparison website.  Very rarely do any insurance company deserve our loyalty 

Originally Posted by Pengy:

I watch that programme Don't get done, get Dom on BBC1 in the mornings.


Anyhoo last week they had a section on this where people are finding that despite being a loyal customer who hasn't claimed.  They found that if you stick your details into a your insurance company's website the chances are you'll find your quote being considerably cheaper.


You do have the option to refuse the new quote and apply again as a new customer.  I would also as the others have said, try a comparison website.  Very rarely do any insurance company deserve our loyalty 

I guy I work with does that every year, one year he will register, then the next year his wife, so they are considered a 'new customer'  


I don't have car insurance, but I did used to have my contents insurance with Direct Line and I found them to put up the quote by outrageous amounts, something like £15 a month to £30 Went on a comparison website and got quotes for £12 so I phoned them about it, they said they could lower it to £20 as some sort of 'good will' gesture but couldn't afford to match it. Told them I wouldn't be renewing in this case and went with the cheaper one All of these companies rely on people not bothering to check comparison sites/shop around etc as it's too much hassle

Originally Posted by zazz:

GO COMPARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ahh now there's some one that needs to be thrown,screaming, from an aircraft.

Originally Posted by Ells:

Blimey this thread has got me like this >>>   lol.  My OH has never had any insurance that was less than £1000!  It's usually around 1200 now which is why he got rid of the car and just drives the workvan...which is a lot cheaper on insurance coz his boss is named driver but even at that, its still about £600 a year.


Suppose that's the price of living in Northern Ireland

Nope, MrJen is paying 150 a month atm Got stitched right to the ground by the insurance company.....

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:


In general I consult Martin Lewis' website for financial advice.

Yeah me too Joe, I like that you know that any info on there is completely unbiased and the forums are good for advice too.


Cupcake, tell them that you will not only move your car insurance but you will also move your home and pet insurance if they don't lower the price immediately and significantly. Then, if you have to shop around, at least you will have lost nothing but a bit of time

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Blimey this thread has got me like this >>>   lol.  My OH has never had any insurance that was less than £1000!  It's usually around 1200 now which is why he got rid of the car and just drives the workvan...which is a lot cheaper on insurance coz his boss is named driver but even at that, its still about £600 a year.


Suppose that's the price of living in Northern Ireland

Nope, MrJen is paying 150 a month atm Got stitched right to the ground by the insurance company.....

I remember when my brother passed his test, the insurance was more than the car


Thank you for all your replies folks  Well, today I went to an insurer in my high street - a smaller one that has been going for 20 odd years.  I used to use them up to the late 90s and left them as I got a good offer from my current one,....  AND, they quoted me £218!  


I am so disgusted with direct line...  Their price was £500!  And about £160 for the breakdown and then 15% on top for the 'privilege' of paying by instalments.  So a total of WELL over £700!   My pals have said to me that they showed no loyalty to me, so I shouldn't show any to them!  And I F**king well ain't gonna!  The £218 is about £260 with the interest if I take instalments, but I can literally pay the £218 in advance, so I will!  And I won't have £55 to £60 a month coming out for the next 12 months.  Bye bye direct line!  You lost a good customer here, because I am taking my other insurances to this company too, when they're due!


Last edited by Former Member

Well done cupcake!    I bet you feel great having got yourself a bargain!   Insurance companies are all scummy.. i have no loyalty to any of them - I compare every year and go with the cheapest and I do exactly the same with my house insurance.     They all have a turn at being the cheapest - just depends on the state of their balance sheet I reckon.


Good stuff Cupcake Direct Line have been the worst in my experience for whacking the price up at renewal time I used to have my gas and electricity with British Gas and pay by monthly direct debit and they kept increasing the installments without telling me I do check my statements fairly regularly so it only took about a month to notice and I phoned them up and made them change it back - they'd increased the monthly payments for gas from £35 to £55


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