I think those whose "perfect day" involves some me time are probably those who don't get that much of it - that is - those who do spend a lot of time with their children.
It's a tad "precious" to suggest anyone is less of a parent for wanting some spaceof their own. I've been a sole parent for that last 9 years and for 13 days out of 14 it's just me and them 24/7. I adore them but it's also absolutely shattering (less so in some ways now they are teenagers but I rarely sit down before 9pm having been on the go from 6.30am). That 24 hour period by myself is a godsend for me. I can sleep in, I don't have to prepare meals, I don't have to taxi them everywhere.
That one day a fortnight allows me to recharge my batteries and be me, not Mum.
Now then, my prefect day:
Somewhere warm, a pool or beach nearby, a damn good book, wine on tap and a lovely nrestaurant nearby for when I get peckish. Now I can do this with or without the kids.