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Reference: Would also like to add, I am frequently humbled by people on here, I sit in my ivory tower moaning about nothing, then I read Fm's posts and realise my life is good, I should appreciate what I have, instead of what I haven't. Head bowed smilie.
Me too Essie
Errrm You missed out her first line in the quote Rexicle
Ensign Muf
Would also like to add, I am frequently humbled by people on here, I sit in my ivory tower moaning about nothing, then I read Fm's posts and realise my life is good, I should appreciate what I have, instead of what I haven't. Head bowed smilie.

Aye, I've read stuff on here that I've though do you get through that...and I think bloody hell, look out of the window and smile.  I'm a glass half full person...but sometimes...when I read stuff...I think my glass is overflowing and I tell myself to get a GRIP.

The internet, it's a weird place, populated my weird folk but  it can make you cringe, cry, laugh and everything in ten minutes. 

I'm being a reet soppy sod now *has stern words with self* but ....ahhhh bugger (was) New Years Day and we are allowed to be a bit drunk and emotional?

OH and MUF IS ALL MAN 4 REELZ *Gives Karma the side eye*
Holiday in Cambodia
Heheheheh That was my mum's drunken Christmas song!
Actually, that brings me to my highlight of 2009.. having all of the remaining family members together this Christmas. A couple of them have been really unwell this year and a few times over the last few months it didn't look like we were going to get there.. but we did It was a bloody great Christmas and Hogmanay! * joins Leccy in " I don't normally do this kinda thing but what the hayull" corner*

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