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Mr L taking me out in the wheelchair for the first time and turning it into a total and utter laugh, we were killing ourselves laughing, he turned what might have been a bit of a weird day into total hilarity and made me feel proper good about myself.

I'll never forget that day as long as I live for GOOD reasons not bad ones. 
Getting a job after redunancy and working with a great team. Also having the best boss in the world who has financed my sinking of Vodka on a Friday faster than the sinking of the Titanic, fed me like it's my last meal and being the very big, very much needed, mascara stained shoulder of 2009.

Ah, and another highlight was getting the use of my legs back after 2 days paralysis. I will never, ever moan about hairy legs again.
Mr L taking me out in the wheelchair for the first time and turning it into a total and utter laugh, we were killing ourselves laughing, he turned what might have been a bit of a weird day into total hilarity and made me feel proper good about myself.
I should really mention my mum and my boy who have also got me through what has been, without question, the toughest year healtwise yet. When I was using the chair I got into Lou and Andy mode and me and my mum used to race round the hospitals and I'd be going 'want that one' and 'dont like it' and she'd be tapping the back of my head with a newspaper like she was swatting a fly

Sometimes you have to see the funny side of crap to get through it xx
mine was my son coming home from afghanistan
Best present of all Madamski.

Aimee remember that you was so pleased.

My highlights of 2009 were becoming an uncle twice in January and November (girl and boy), offically reaching adulthood, went out clubbing and had my first hangover ever. Passing my exams and working hard with all the information available to me also.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
I'm not a sentimental person, and I'm not drunk
With you on the first one, can't claim to be 100% sober though

Totally agree, I read stuff on here sometimes and I think, jeeeez the world is a beautiful pace full of really good people...

Obviously, sometimes I think...God the whole world is full of nasty fruitcakes...but on the whole...nah, people are ace really aren't they?
I thought muf was a woman erm, cos of the name like
Oh heck, I thought s/he was a wo/man coz I thought it had summat to do with footy?

I dunno now, male...female it has ace taste in music and a missus with ace taste in music and is a dead nice.

I feel a bit cack for presuming it has summat do with footy and is therefore a fella though.
Oh muf has a missus? I didn't know that, but then she/he could still be a she cos one of my mates on facebook is marrying her girlfriend. Ahh feck I'm confused.
The missus didn't throw me, man/woman, could be was just I though muf likes footy so must be a man.

I'm not sure wtf that says about me but I'm sure it's not good

He might not even like which case I'm obliviously completely MENTAL

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