I resaw Shane (1953). Westerns don't get any better than this classic. Coincidentally this too had Jean Arthur in it but it's a much better film than A Foreign Affair.
I resaw Reach for the Sky (1956), the inspirational story of Douglas Bader starring Kenneth More in one of his best roles. Just as watchable now as when I first saw it years ago.
I watched The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010). So-so film. It was a Disney film and there was a scene which was based on the famous Mickey Mouse segment in Fantasia.
I resaw after many years Double Indemnity (1944).
The best film noir ever made and one of the major classics of American film.
Outstanding performances by Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck and Edward G Robinson.
Based on James M Cain, the script was by Billy Wilder and Raymond Chandler and is outstanding.
Directed by Billy Wilder, his first of his major classic films.
The Hobbit .... I love Richard Armitage
I resaw Places in the Heart (1984). In the 30s, a widow (Sally Field) tries to run the cotton farm with the help of an itinerant man (Danny Glover) and others. Strong drama and well acted. Robert Benton wrote and directed the film. He set the film in his birthplace and clearly had a strong connection with the people there.
Ultimately, the film is about forgiveness. The final scene reflects this and what is truly in the places in the heart in a strongly Christian way.