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I saw Carnival Boat (1932). Just over an hour long, story set in a lumber camp where the son of the foreman falls in love with an entertainer on the carnival boat (no sign of any carnival though).


Scenes on a runaway lumber train and logs jammed in a dam provide some excitement. Some of the acting was poor.


The entertainer was played by Ginger Rogers in a very early film in her career and made a year before she and Fred Astaire came to prominence in Flying down to Rio.


El Loro

I watched Second Chorus (1940) which starred Fred Astaire and Paulette Goddard. Ok film but not one of Astaire's best. Paulette Goddard is attractive in the film but was not a singer and had to be trained by Astaire for the one number where they danced.

Burgess Meredith was also in the film. At the time Paulette Goddard was married to Charlie Chaplin, divorced him in 1942 and 2 years later married Burgess Meredith.

El Loro

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