I have seen this film twice and although very dark I found it strangely absorbing. I would rate it 7/10. The couple in the film are first introduced in an earlier Berman film Scenes from a Marriage though with different actors.
The Return 2006 8/10
Slow going but enjoyable film that is beautifully shot
Tomboy (2011) 8/10
I resaw Top Hat (1935) yesterday evening. Friedrich Austerlitz and Virginia McMath were at their best in this classic Israel Baline musical. (better known as Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in this classic Irving Berlin musical).
I resaw "I was a male war bride" (1949) yesterday. Another Howard Hawks screwball comedy with Cary Grant, with Ann Sheridan in the Katherine Hepburn/Carole Lombard role. Cary Grant in drag was quite a sight
For a moment I thought you had been watching The Dead (1987) which was John Huston's last film.
If you don't already know this, you need to read this Daily Mail article.
The lead actress of this film was sentenced some days ago to a year's imprisonment and 90 lashes for appearing in this film
If you don't already know this, you need to read this Daily Mail article.
The lead actress of this film was sentenced some days ago to a year's imprisonment and 90 lashes for appearing in this film
I read about that before i saw the film
Jackass, I've amended your link for 5 Fingers, so in my posting the link now works.
I remember reading the book "Operation Cicero" over 30 years ago - the book on which this filmed was based, then saw the film years later. A classic film. James Mason was one of the best English film actors and was always worth watching whether in mainstream films or less well known films. He seemed prepared to take risks in some of the films he was in, films which other actors might have been reluctant to appear in. I'm thinking of films like Odd Man Out, Pandora and the Flying Dutchman and Lolita. I remember seeing one of his later films Age of Consent at the cinema. That was shown as part of a double bill with 10 Rillington Place. Of the 2 films, Age of Consent was far more enjoyable, particularly as it also starred a young Helen Mirren. Not a great film, but is notable for being the last feature film from Michael Powell. At that time, Powell had been ostracised for the best part of a decade following the mauling arising from Peeping Tom, and I doubt if many established film actors were prepared to work under Powell - with the exception of James Mason. Helen Mirren was right at the start of her film career.
If you don't already know this, you need to read this Daily Mail article.
The lead actress of this film was sentenced some days ago to a year's imprisonment and 90 lashes for appearing in this film
I read about that before i saw the film
You will be glad to hear that she has now been released from prison after 3 months and the lashing has been overturned. BBC article
As the article says, the other Iranian film people are still in custody including the best known one Ja'far Panahi who although still under house arrest lost his appeal against a 6 year prison term. He is prohibited from making any films or giving interviews for I think the next 20 years.
If you don't already know this, you need to read this Daily Mail article.
The lead actress of this film was sentenced some days ago to a year's imprisonment and 90 lashes for appearing in this film
I read about that before i saw the film
You will be glad to hear that she has now been released from prison after 3 months and the lashing has been overturned. BBC article
As the article says, the other Iranian film people are still in custody including the best known one Ja'far Panahi who although still under house arrest lost his appeal against a 6 year prison term. He is prohibited from making any films or giving interviews for I think the next 20 years.
Thats is great news especially the lashings being overturned
Sad news that Jafar Panahi lost his appeal
Bagland (2003) 6/10
The Beaver (2011) 4/10
Korczak (1990) 9/10
Matador (1986) 6/10
I resaw Brief Encounter (1945). As close to a perfect English film as has ever been made.
I resaw Brief Encounter (1945). As close to a perfect English film as has ever been made.
I resaw after many years The Nun's Story (1959) directed by Fred Zinneman and starring Audrey Hepburn. Nothing to do with Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. It is a serious film and ultimately quite downbeat. I am interested in the film as Fred Zinneman was a great director, Audrey Hepburn is my favourite actress, and one of my aunts is a nun.
The book from which the film was made is a semi-fictional story of a real nun. Although the film ends with Hepburn leaving the convent, it leads it open as to whether she would join the resistance (the film ends during WW2) as a nurse or whether she would go back to where she had been working as a nurse in what was the Belgian Congo but is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The real nun joined the resistance as a nurse, then at the end of the war in displaced prisoners camps where she met the writer of the book. She eventually moved to Arizona and then Hawaii.
It is hard to imagine that anyone other than Audrey Hepburn could have played this role. Both the nun and Audrey Hepburn were born in Belgium. Both were deeply affected by being in Europe during WW2. The scenes set in the Congo were filmed there, and I think these mist have influenced Audrey Hepburn when in the latter part of her life she threw herself into her work as a Unicef goodwill ambassador going to the poorest countries and bringing the plight of starving children to the attention of the world.
I have seen The Nuns Story, its an excellent film and i think it is Audrey Hepburns best performance
Kokowaah (2011) 8/10
Another Earth (2011) 6/10
Eduart (2006) 7.5/10
Super 8 (2011) 4/10
I resaw the classic Importance of Being Earnest (1952) with Michael Redgrave, Joan Greenwood and Edith Evans. An early role for Richard Wattis and the film debut of Dorothy Tutin. Dorothy Tutin did little in the way of film and television work but did most of her work on stage. As such, she did not get the stardom that actresses such as Maggie Smith and Judy Dench have.
I have to confess that I don't take to Jacques Tati.
I resaw Battleship Potemkin (1925) which is one of the really major classics of all time. A dramatised documentary, its use of editing and montage has been one of the most important influences on films since.
The Odessa Steps massacre scene is one of the most famous scenes in any film. Brian de Palma copied the scene in The Untouchables, but if you were to compare the two sequences, the Potemkin version dwarfs The Untouchables and is still powerful 86 years later.
The cinematographer was Eduard Tisse who worked almost exclusively on Sergei Eisenstein's films.
I have to confess that I don't take to Jacques Tati.
Thats the only film i have seen of his so far
Like Crazy (2011) 6/10
I have to confess that I don't take to Jacques Tati.
Thats the only film i have seen of his so far
From what I can remember, his films are very similar, mainly a series of incidents rather than a story. I suppose a more modern equivalent would be the Mr Bean character, and the second film Mr Bean's Holiday is clearly titled after Monsieur Hulot's Holiday.
I have to confess that I don't take to Jacques Tati.
Thats the only film i have seen of his so far
From what I can remember, his films are very similar, mainly a series of incidents rather than a story. I suppose a more modern equivalent would be the Mr Bean character, and the second film Mr Bean's Holiday is clearly titled after Monsieur Hulot's Holiday.
I will watch his other films and see if i agree with you on him
I saw Mr Blandings Builds his Dream House (1948) with Cary Grant and Myrna Loy. A good comedy - it was remade in 1986 as The Money Pit with Tom Hanks.
The book from which Mr Blandings was made was by Eric Hodgins and is autobiographical. According to IMDB the house was recently sold for $1.2m.
Oldboy (2003) Top film *****
I resaw Groundhog Day (1933) with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell - great film.
I resaw Groundhog Day (1933) with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell - great film.
I resaw Groundhog Day (1933) with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell - great film.
I resaw Groundhog Day (1933) with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell - great film.
I resaw Groundhog Day (1933) with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell - great film.
I resaw Groundhog Day (1933) with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell - great film.
I resaw Groundhog Day (1933) with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell - great film.
I like Groundhog Day, but i dont rate it as highly as most people do
I like Groundhog Day, but i dont rate it as highly as most people do
I hope you didn't mind me doing the repeated postings but it seemed the obvious thing to do
I resaw Groundhog Day (1933) with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell - great film.
I resaw Groundhog Day (1933) with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell - great film.
I resaw Groundhog Day (1933) with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell - great film.
I resaw Groundhog Day (1933) with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell - great film.
I resaw Groundhog Day (1933) with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell - great film.
I resaw Groundhog Day (1933) with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell - great film.
I resaw Groundhog Day (1933) with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell - great film.
One film that I watch if it's on
The Future (2011) 6/10
The Dilemma (2011) 3/10
Hellboy 2 (2008). Some spectacular monsters and a couple of quietly touching scenes lifted the film from what would otherwise have been just an excuse for CGI effects.
I resaw Sylvia Scarlett (1935). Notable only for being the first time Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn appeared together. This is not a good film, sort of part melodrama and part comedy. It was based on a book by Compton Mackenzie (best known for Whisky Galore and Monarch of the Glen). This book was written in 1918 which is when D W Griffith was making films, and the film did feel at times as if it was by him.
Katherine Hepburn dressed as a young man for much of the film. How she managed to convince other characters that she was male does not really hold up as from the back, it was obvious that her hips were too wide to be that of a male.
I saw White Hunter Black Heart (1990) directed by and starring Clint Eastwood. The film is about a fictitious account based on the build up to the making of a film. Clint Eastwood plays John Wilson, but using John Huston as a model. The film being made is based on The African Queen, and there are minor roles for the equivalents of Katherine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart, but in no way should WHBH be regarded as about the making of The African Queen.
WHBH is based on a book by Peter Viertel who wrote the screenplay. Peter Viertel was one of the screenwriters of The African Queen, and the character of Pete Verrill (played by Jeff Fahey) is obviously intended to be him.
The film is really a character study of a man who becomes obsessed with hunting an elephant rather than making a film, and the tragic consequence of his obsession. I wonder if there's a nod to Moby Dick there which was another film directed by John Huston.
I'm not suggesting that Clint Eastwood is similar to John Huston but there are some similarities, not the least being that both of them are actor/directors, and that both continued directing films on a full time basis well past the normal retirement age (Huston until he died aged just over 80), and Eastwood still working and now 81. Also Eastwood makes films which concentrate on good old fashioned story telling rather than being obsessed with special effects.
Tyrannosaur (2011) 9/10
Albert Nobbs (2011) 7/10
I saw The Ten Commandments (1956). Due to its length I saw it in 3 stages - it runs for almost 4 hours, but being episodic that didn't affect my viewing. Although the film was quite spectacular in places for its time, I felt it became more and more stodgy as the film progressed.
The part played by Anne Baxter was Nefretiri. Although one would tend ti assume that this was wrong, that she should be called Nefertiti, it turns out that this was not a mistake - they were different people.
It had been intended for Nefretiri to be played by Audrey Hepburn, but the director turned her down as being "too slender".
I saw a very old film yesterday - Orphans of the Storm (1921). A D W Griffith film starring Lilian and Dorothy Gish as two girls brought up as sisters caught up in the storm of the French Revolution. A long film running at about 3 hours with ad breaks, but I didn't notice the length. As one would expect, much of the acting was very hammy if compared with modern films, but the 2 Gish sisters were good actors, particularly Lilian who continued making films until she was 93.
Some liberties were taken with historical accuracy, mainly showing Danton (one of the main leaders of the revolution) as much nobler than he probably was, and Robespierre (another key leader) as out and out villain (which was probably an exaggeration). Although the film did mention at the end that Robespierre was guilotined, it didn't mention that Danton was also guillotined.
Although most of the film was dramatic, there were some scenes which were clearly intended to be almost farcical. The climax is quite exciting, though expected.
Lucille La Verne appeared as Mother Frochard, a thoroughly nasty piece of work:
Years later she provided the voice of the witch in Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs, and her character was based in part on Mother Frochard:
Harry And Tonto (1974) 8.5/10
Bones (Ossos) (1997) 8.5/10
Harry And Tonto (1974) 8.5/10
Bones (Ossos) (1997) 8.5/10
I've amended your Harry and Tonto link as for some reason, yours doesn't want to work.
Harry And Tonto (1974) 8.5/10
Bones (Ossos) (1997) 8.5/10
I've amended your Harry and Tonto link as for some reason, yours doesn't want to work.
I edited to see what was wrong with the link and i accidently added a letter at the end of the link
Body And Soul (1947) 9/10
Circumstance (2011) 6/10
I saw Anna and the King (1999). That's the one with Jodie Foster and Chow Yun-Fat. Quite reasonable but nothing exceptional.
Sut (2008) 8/10
Yumurta (2007) 7/10
The Runner (Davandeh) (1990) 8.5/10
Pixote (1981) 8/10
Jackassfan, I have noticed a few of your links aren't working properly, I think it's the same as before that extra characters are appearing at the end of the URL line.
Ones that I've noticed are:
Wasted Youth
We Need to Talk About Kevin (there's also a typo)
Il Generale Della Rovere
Fa Meg Pa, For Kaen
The Runner
With all of them, it's the first of two films you link in the post which is a bit odd.
I saw The Searchers (1956). the John Ford classic with John Wayne in one of his best roles as an antihero, fairly rare in westerns of that time. What many people watching this film may miss is a shot of a gravestone in the early part of the film of his mother. His mother was killed by Comanches 14 years before the start of the film which is a key factor in Wayne's character's hatred of Comanches.
The younger Debbie is played by Lana Wood, sister of Natalie who played the older Debbie.
Jackassfan, I have noticed a few of your links aren't working properly, I think it's the same as before that extra characters are appearing at the end of the URL line.
Ones that I've noticed are:
Wasted Youth
We Need to Talk About Kevin (there's also a typo)
Il Generale Della Rovere
Fa Meg Pa, For Kaen
The Runner
With all of them, it's the first of two films you link in the post which is a bit odd.
I shall re-edit them, i really should start checking the links after posting
Jackassfan, I don't know your age, but I remember the outcry from the public when Cathy Come Home was first shown on television in 1966. I was 14 at the time, so my parents wouldn't have let me see it then. I did see it years later. For many people, this would have been the first time that television produced a piece of social realism rather than comfortable TV. And of course it was Ken Loach's first major success.
I resaw Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan (1982) one of the better Star Trek films. Kirstie Alley's film debut.
Steve Blalock who was one of the stuntmen and did other Star Trek films apparently is not related to Jolene Blalock from the Star Trek - Enterprise series.
Jackassfan, I don't know your age, but I remember the outcry from the public when Cathy Come Home was first shown on television in 1966. I was 14 at the time, so my parents wouldn't have let me see it then. I did see it years later. For many people, this would have been the first time that television produced a piece of social realism rather than comfortable TV. And of course it was Ken Loach's first major success.
I am 31