Hope (Umut) (1970) 9/10
You Would Not Even Dream It (Vam i ne snilos...) (1981) 8/10
Elokuu (2011) 8/10
Bridesmaids (2011) 7/10
I resaw the Cary Grant film "My Favorite Wife" (1940) which is about a man whose wife supposedly drowned 10 years before, remarries and on the same day his "drowned" wife (Irene Dunne) returns. It was being remade as "Something's Got to Give" with Marilyn Monroe but was never completed due to her death. The film was then remade as "Move Over Darling" with Doris Day.
The film is very loosely based on the poem "Enoch Arden" by Tennyson, but in the poem, it is the husband who returns after having been assumed to have drowned, and the poem is far from being a comedy. But the surname Arden was used in the films.
The Westerner (1940) 8.5/10
Johnny Guitar (1954) 7.5/10
Dreng (2011) 6/10
The Ward (2010) 3/10
I saw John Ford's film "The Fugitive" (1947) starring Henry Fonda. This was based on a Graham Greene book, but with fundamental differences. The film is set in an unnamed Central American state where religion has been oppressed and Fonda is a priest on the run from the police because he is a priest. Apparently this was one of Ford's favorite films and Fonda considered it to be his best work. The film is full of religious symbolism from the very beginning to the end. What was striking to me was the black and white cinematography. Apparently there is a colourised version but that would totally destroy the film. There is a reason why top photographers use black and white stock - to enhance shadows and light.
The cinematographer was Gabriel Figueroa, a Mexican, and was Luis Bunuel's main cinematographer whilst Bunuel was in Mexico. In The Fugitive, some of the scenes are not dissimilar to some of Eisenstein's films in a photographic sense.
The new priest who appears right at the end of the film was played by Mel Ferrer (uncredited) in his film debut.
I resaw To Be or Not to Be (1942) which ranks as one of the best farce/black comedies ever made. Besides Carole Lombard in her last film and Jack Benny in easily his best film, there was also Robert Stack (best known for Eliot Ness in the TV series The Untouchables) in a very early role.
I also saw Build My Gallows High (1947) with Robert Mitchum. Jet black film noir with most of the main characters being killed off by the end of the film. A very early appearance from Kirk Douglas in his second film. The film was released as Out of the Past in the USA and was remade as Against All Odds in 1984.
It's Love I'm After (1937) 9/10
Boy Meets Girl (1984) 7.5/10
27 Dresses (2008) - formulaic romcom which was watchable but nothing special about it. The most original thing about the film was the closing credits which took the form of a newspaper article about the closing scene (no details to avoid spoiler) showing the credits embedded in the article.
Comrades (1986), Bill Douglas's last film about the Tolpuddle Martyrs who were transported to Botany Bay for their attempts to get a fair wage and set up a trade union. Because of the public reaction they were eventually reprieved.
A long film running for 3 hours, this clearly was a labour of love for Bill Douglas and those involved. Bill Douglas was a collector of old photographic equipment. This included equipment used by travelling entertainers showing slides illuminated by lanternlight. These slides could include historical accounts. This is a fundamental part of the film's conception. Alex Norton plays several parts in the film including that of a travelling lanternist.
The film has a remarkable feel for authenticity. It's not a perfect film - some of the scenes seem a bit out of place.
The film is held together by Robin Soans as George Loveless, the leader of the Martyrs. Rarely in films and tends to be mainly appearing on television. One of the other Martyrs was played by Philip Davis who is now much better known as Phil. This was Imelda Staunton's first film (as Betsy Loveless).
There were quite a few well known actors who appeared in cameos in the film, the most important part being that of Mr Pitt by Michael Hordern.For the most part they fitted in with the exception of Barbara Windsor in a non-comedic part but impossible to be taken seriously.
Losers Club (Kaybedenler Kulubu) (2011) 6/10
The Lovely Bones (2009). Too much emphasis on CHI effects lessened what should have been a much better film. Peter Jackson's earlier film Heavenly Creatures was a better film.
I resaw Bringing up Baby (1938) for the umpteenth time, one of the funniest films ever made.
Heavenly Creatures is an excellent film
Agreed on Bringing Up Baby being one of the funniest films ever made
Oh dear, doesn't sound as if you liked that one bit. I haven't seen it yet, but I have got the director's previous film on DVD "Daisies" in English yet to see, so I hope that is worth watching.
Oh dear, doesn't sound as if you liked that one bit. I haven't seen it yet, but I have got the director's previous film on DVD "Daisies" in English yet to see, so I hope that is worth watching.
I saw Daisies a few years ago and i hated it as much as Fruit Of Paradise, I am not a big fan of over the top weirdness which is why i also dislike Eraserhead and House (Hausu)
Btw if you want to watch Fruit Of Paradise, its is on youtube
Btw if you want to watch Fruit Of Paradise, its is on youtube
Thanks, I think
If you want wierdness try The Shanghai Gesture (1941) from Josef von Sternberg. It's on again on Film 4 on Thursday. The Radio Times gives it 5 stars out of 5, but I would give it 1 star. If it were being remade now, it would suit Baz Lurhmann.
Btw if you want to watch Fruit Of Paradise, its is on youtube
Thanks, I think
If you want wierdness try The Shanghai Gesture (1941) from Josef von Sternberg. It's on again on Film 4 on Thursday. The Radio Times gives it 5 stars out of 5, but I would give it 1 star. If it were being remade now, it would suit Baz Lurhmann.
Thanks, but i will give it a miss as i no longer watch films on channels that have adverts during the film as it always use to makes me lose interest after a while
Barefoot (Barfuss) (2005) 8.5/10
Generally I watch films I've recorded rather than live, and when they I have commercials, I just fast forward through them which gets over most of the interruptions.
I did start watching Fruit of Paradise but stopped after about 18 minutes as my head was spinning. For me it might have been better if I had seen it on a television as I am too close to my computer monitor for watching films. I found the first section hypnotically weird - the Garden of Eden influenced sequence. The next sequence was closer to normal but still very strange - although not a ballet, to me it seem to resemble a ballet in structure. I stopped at the point where the girl gave the sachel back to the lurking man.
I had a look at the youtube channel where that film was posted. It seemed to have quite a lot of Eastern European films from around the 60s so it may be worth exploring more, though the films posted further back seem to be in lots of segments rather than a whole which is more disruptive than ad breaks. One of the more recently posted films though was Celine and Julie Go Boating, so it looks as if the channel may have widened beyond Eastern Europe.
Generally I watch films I've recorded rather than live, and when they I have commercials, I just fast forward through them which gets over most of the interruptions.
I did start watching Fruit of Paradise but stopped after about 18 minutes as my head was spinning. For me it might have been better if I had seen it on a television as I am too close to my computer monitor for watching films. I found the first section hypnotically weird - the Garden of Eden influenced sequence. The next sequence was closer to normal but still very strange - although not a ballet, to me it seem to resemble a ballet in structure. I stopped at the point where the girl gave the sachel back to the lurking man.
I had a look at the youtube channel where that film was posted. It seemed to have quite a lot of Eastern European films from around the 60s so it may be worth exploring more, though the films posted further back seem to be in lots of segments rather than a whole which is more disruptive than ad breaks. One of the more recently posted films though was Celine and Julie Go Boating, so it looks as if the channel may have widened beyond Eastern Europe.
A PC isnt the best way to watch a film because as you say you are too close to the screen, plus you need to be comfortable to watch a film, that was why i never watched films online until i got a laptop a few years ago
All the films on that youtube channel are Czechoslovakian
When i watch youtube films that are in segments, i open up multiple windows so when the video ends i can quickly get to the next one
The Devil and Daniel Webster is one of the all time great fantasy films to come out of Hollywood, and Walter Huston as Mr Scratch is utterly brilliant.
The last film I saw... Harry Potter deathly hallows pt 2
The last film I saw... Harry Potter deathly hallows pt 2
I rarely go to the cinema. The last film I saw at the cinema was Breakfast at Tiffany's - not when it was first released back in 1961, but a re-release last year.
i watched 'knuckle'
about travellers bare knuckle fighting
I watched it online
The Terror of Tiny Town (1938) A must see film if you haven't yet
Interview (2003) 8/10
In that case, you may want to watch Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (2004) which apparently is a lot worse.
Double Jeopardy (1999) with Ashley Judd and Tommy Lee Jones. Passable entertainment but nothing exceptional. The basic premise that someone wrongly found guilty of murder and had been set up by the "victim" then escapes from prison with the intention of killing the "victim" and cannot be tried again for that is fundamentally flawed as that would be a separate crime and would not be regarded as covered by double jeopardy,
not watched it yet but 'contagion' matt damon and gwyneth paltrow looks good-its on the net but the quality doesnt look so good
anyway heres the synopsis
*A thriller centered on the threat posed by a deadly disease and an international team of doctors contracted by the CDC to deal with the outbreak.*
After taking a break of several years, Istvan Szabo is in the process of completing another film - The Door. Although the film is Hungarian (I assume), it does have Helen Mirren in. It's about the relationship between a writer (I assume Mirren) and her maid.
I looked at the imdb page for the film and it says the language for the film is in english
I looked at the imdb page for the film and it says the language for the film is in english
You are right, though apart from Helen Mirren the cast appear to be East European. I spotted that Jiri Menzel is in the cast (Closely Observed Trains).
I resaw Bigger than Life (1956) directed by Nicholas Ray and starring James Mason. It also had Walter Matthau in one of his earliest films.
A scene was filmed with Marilyn Monroe, but this was deleted.
I resaw the original Brighton Rock with Richard Attenborough as Pinkie - possibly the best British gangster film until more recent times.
The book by Graham Greene is set after an earlier book by him called A Gun for Sale. In this book, reference is made to Raven having killed Kite. Kite was the leader of the gang that Pinkie took over after Kite's death.
A Gun for Sale was made into the film "This Gun for Hire" with Alan Ladd as Raven.
gonna watch 'abduction' ina bit-the storyline sounds good-a lad spots a pic of himself as a baby in a missing persons thing..its a thriller..i let you know later if i was thrilled
Drive (2011) 8/10
gonna watch 'abduction' ina bit-the storyline sounds good-a lad spots a pic of himself as a baby in a missing persons thing..its a thriller..i let you know later if i was thrilled
2 days later, and no report back - judging by the IMBD rating of 3.7, I suspect Pirate fell asleep in the cinema and is still there
gonna watch 'abduction' ina bit-the storyline sounds good-a lad spots a pic of himself as a baby in a missing persons thing..its a thriller..i let you know later if i was thrilled
2 days later, and no report back - judging by the IMBD rating of 3.7, I suspect Pirate fell asleep in the cinema and is still there
it was ok, but i wasnt that impressed
just gonna watch 'dont be afraid of the dark' sounds interesting, but katie holmes is in it and im expecting tom 'thumb' cruise to run into shot and bounce like tigger teling us how much he loves katie
just gonna watch 'dont be afraid of the dark' sounds interesting, but katie holmes is in it and im expecting tom 'thumb' cruise to run into shot and bounce like tigger teling us how much he loves katie
I'd only ever seen one Kaiie Holmes film - Batman Returns - and didn't see any of Dawsons Creek, so the first time I really noticed her was when I saw her some weeks ago in an episode of Eli Stone, and for me that episode was the the best thing I've seen on television this year. Here's her entrance in that episode:
Melancholia (2011) 8.5/10
The Other Side Of Sunday (Sondagsengler) (1997) 8/10
just gonna watch 'dont be afraid of the dark' sounds interesting, but katie holmes is in it and im expecting tom 'thumb' cruise to run into shot and bounce like tigger teling us how much he loves katie
I'd only ever seen one Kaiie Holmes film - Batman Returns - and didn't see any of Dawsons Creek, so the first time I really noticed her was when I saw her some weeks ago in an episode of Eli Stone, and for me that episode was the the best thing I've seen on television
dont be afraid of the dark was a bit awful lol
in a bit gonna watch 'the guinea pig' box set (google it!)
but i know what im like, i'll keep hiding behind a cushion and turning the sound down
Melancholia (2011) 8.5/10
The Other Side Of Sunday (Sondagsengler) (1997) 8/10
ive got that melancholia..is the 8.5/10 your score or IMDB?
id rather take your word for it being good than a websites
but i know what im like, i'll keep hiding behind a cushion and turning the sound down
i got about 6mins into it and turned it off..not for me thank you
ah well
you live and learn
as the saying goes
Melancholia (2011) 8.5/10
The Other Side Of Sunday (Sondagsengler) (1997) 8/10
ive got that melancholia..is the 8.5/10 your score or IMDB?
id rather take your word for it being good than a websites
The 8.5/10 is my own rating for it
Melancholia (2011) 8.5/10
The Other Side Of Sunday (Sondagsengler) (1997) 8/10
ive got that melancholia..is the 8.5/10 your score or IMDB?
id rather take your word for it being good than a websites
The 8.5/10 is my own rating for it
thanks for reply
what you watching tonight jackassfan?
Tampopo (1985) 7/10
I resaw The Princess Bride (1987) which I quite like, but I don't rate it as highly as IMDB. I've seen it twice and both times noticed that some of the dialogue is muffled making it difficult to hear what was being said - main culprits being Andre the Giant as Fezzik and Mandy Patinkin as Inigo Montoya.
The film was filmed mainly in England which would explain the presence of cameo roles from Mel Smith and Peter Cook.
I saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) which was in essence a revenge movie with lots of CGI effects.
Right at the end of the credits was an extra scene where Wolverine is drinking at a bar in Japan. When the bartender asks if he is drinking to forget, he replies that he is drinking to remember.
There is an alternative post credits scene where the final ultimate fighter Weapon XI having been decapitated is seen in the rubble stretching out his hand to retrieve his head.
Both post credits scenes are supposed to herald 2 separate future films.
It was remade in 1983 link. I saw that version in the cinema and it is truly extraordinary - well worth watching if you get the chance.
I saw Star Trek (2009) last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. The actors who played the younger versions of Kirk, Spock and Bones were very convincing. Simon Pegg as Scotty was a delight. The actors who played the younger versions of Uhura and Sulu were reasonably good, but the actor who played Chekov did not convince me - sounded rather like Chris Tucker rather than Chekov.
Snowtown (201)1 6/10
Midnight (1939) 9/10
45m2 (2010) 8/10
The Housemaid (Hanyo) (1960) 7.5/10
I resaw Roxanne (1987). It is obviously based on Cyrano de Bergerac Steve Martin's character C D Bales uses the same initials
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