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Frodo, C S Lewis, Tolkien and also Charles Wiliams lived in Oxford during WW2 and afterwards. They would meet on a regular basis to have a drink and to read and discuss their writing. They called themselves The Inklings. There were others in the group but Lewis and Tolkien were the leaders. Humphrey Carpenter wrote a book about The Inklings which is worth reading:

El Loro
Originally Posted by frodo:

hello Jackassfan 

I've not been able to look at your,, films connection problems ..really hoping this will be sorted ,Sky says yes arn't holding my breathe,so thanks 


Is it just the putlocker and sockshare links you are having problems with? or cant you view anything on youtube as well?


How long have you had connection problems?


I am with virgin media and last year i had a week long problem and could hardly get on the internet at all


I havn't a clue what you mean(putlocker and sockshare)I have Sky multi-room 

its supposed to be the connection in the phone socket ,I will try and get on broadband and it says local only ? this may go on for a while ,and when you are watching something it says ...404 or whatever,this is so frustrating  I cant tell you ,the language is blue *shrugs* what can you do LOL

worse things in life at the mo '

                       take care frodo


The problems started about a month before I renewed my contract with sky it ended on Sept 2nd...and they promised changes,to be fair to them ,they have been rather lovely to me ,so I am loathe to call them ,lets see how it works out 

hope you are ok friend filmgoer .


Have you seen the American version of girl with the dragon tatoo ?

      ps night


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