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Originally Posted by frodo:


the third film in the books of C.S.Lewis the fourth is the Silver Chair.


I loved the books still have them intact, I loved this film 

I wonder how they will deal with the final book in the series "The Last Battle" if it is ever made. C S Lewis was a very strong Christian and the conclusion of the book is the strongest evidence of that. If they are faithful to the spirit of the book it won't go down well with non-Christians and if they are not then the whole point of the book is lost.

El Loro

Hello El Loro so you get it too .does it matter if the Last Battle is lost on some people.I stick to my beliefs right or wrong ,other people may dis- agree and I respect their views also,as you obviously do.


The films havn't gone down that well but they are magical to me are the books 

thanks for pointing that out about the last book 

Frodo x


jackassfan are you a member of a film club to see all these films ?

 does it cost a fortune .because some of them ..not all I would love to watch.

Just speaking as a forum member ..or are you a film critic ,really no dis -respect but as an avid film lover and would love to see loads of the films you rate ,but would find the cost out of my league there a cheap way round this or does it cost a fortune ...thanks for your time Frodo

Originally Posted by frodo:

jackassfan are you a member of a film club to see all these films ?

 does it cost a fortune .because some of them ..not all I would love to watch.

Just speaking as a forum member ..or are you a film critic ,really no dis -respect but as an avid film lover and would love to see loads of the films you rate ,but would find the cost out of my league there a cheap way round this or does it cost a fortune ...thanks for your time Frodo


I am not a member of a film club or a critic 

a lot of the films i see are from online sites such as Youtube, (divx player needed) and and some are rentals from


I buy DVDs from amazon and ebay but i never buy any that are over ÂĢ10

Originally Posted by frodo:

Hello El Loro so you get it too .does it matter if the Last Battle is lost on some people.I stick to my beliefs right or wrong ,other people may dis- agree and I respect their views also,as you obviously do.


The films havn't gone down that well but they are magical to me are the books 

thanks for pointing that out about the last book 

Frodo x

Re C S Lewis. Besides the Narnia series he wrote 3 science fiction/fantasy books. "Out of the Silent Planet" (which is set principally on Mars), "Perelandra" (set mainly on Venus, and "That Hideous Strength" set on Earth. They are more adult in nature than the Narnia stories. There is also an incomplete sequel to "That Hideous Strength" called "The Dark Tower".


As I'm sure you know, Lewis and Tolkien were close friends. Another of their close friends was Charles Williams. He was also a novellist and wrote some extraordinary dark supernatural fantasy books. In chronological order they are "War in Heaven", "Many Dimensions", "The Place of the Lion", "Shadows of Ecstasy", "The Greater Trumps", "Decent into Hell", and "All Hallows' Eve". They are not a series as such. Williams is nowhere near as well known as Lewis and Tolkien.


Lewis's "That Hideous Strength" is the closest to Williams' novels.

El Loro
Originally Posted by frodo:

jackassfan are you a member of a film club to see all these films ?

 does it cost a fortune .because some of them ..not all I would love to watch.

Just speaking as a forum member ..or are you a film critic ,really no dis -respect but as an avid film lover and would love to see loads of the films you rate ,but would find the cost out of my league there a cheap way round this or does it cost a fortune ...thanks for your time Frodo


Let me know which films i have rated that you want to see and i will give you the links to watch them if they are online 

Originally Posted by frodo:


thankyou for replying could you put a O for online for me and then I'll

have a good look.I'm not that techno minded but I've found my way around a little .

Cant tell you how kind it was I really appreciate it  thanks x 


I will edit a lot of my previous posts and add the online links to them

Films on youtube may disappear because of copyright complaints, loads i have seen on the site in the past are now gone


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