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I resaw Dead of Night (1945) which was excellent. The definitive British portmanteau film consisting of 5 separate stories encased in the 6th story.

The 5 separate stories were:

Hearse Driver directed by Basil Dearden which was quite good

Christmas Party directed by Alberto Cavalcanti which again was quite good.

The Haunted Mirror directed by Robert Hamer was very effective and had quite a suspenseful ending.

Golfing Story directed by Charles Crichton. This was the semi-humerous story which featured Basil Radford and Naunton Wayne who were well known in the late 30s and 40s in their films, the most famous being The Lady Vanishes.

The Ventriloquist's Dummy directed by Alberto Cavalcanti. This starred Michael Redgrave and is justifiably the most famous story in this film.


The linking 6th story was directed by Basil Dearden and was very good, particularly the climax of the film which was very clever.


An Ealing classic (they didn't only make comedies).

El Loro

Jackassfan read about You I Love(lya lyublyu tebaya)

you only gave it 4 out of ten ,but finding readups on foreign films is a bit difficult ,do you have to watch them online?


The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo was on film 4 (the swedish version that is )


but the one you mentioned above sounds the type of film I would enjoy

Originally Posted by frodo:

Jackassfan read about You I Love(lya lyublyu tebaya)

you only gave it 4 out of ten ,but finding readups on foreign films is a bit difficult ,do you have to watch them online?


The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo was on film 4 (the swedish version that is )


but the one you mentioned above sounds the type of film I would enjoy


I do watch a lot of films online but You I Love(lya lyublyu tebaya) was a rental from

Swedish version of Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is very good and far better than the american remake 

Originally Posted by frodo:



Just read about your film    Dead of Night  sounds good going to try and find it online this one is good too.


          Night of The Demon   Dana Andrews Peggy Cummins  1957    


I've seen that a few times and is one of the classics. It was directed by Jacques Tourneur who also directed some of the classic Val Lewton horror films of the early 40s such as the original Cat People (1942).

El Loro

Frodo, rather than copy the link straight into your reply, type out what you want to say including the name of the film. Then use your pointer to highlight the name of the film. If you look at the row of icons at the top of the Post Reply box, the 14th icon which looks like 2 links in a chain (Insert/Edit Link) is available (before you lighlight some text, it's not). Click on that icon. Paste the address of the link into the first line (Link URL). Leave the target line as open in a new window. The title line is optional and most of us leave it blank. The class line is a bit of a mystery as to what it does and I just ignore it. Then click insert and you come back to the Post Reply box. You should now see that the highlighted text is hyperlinked. (to get rid of a link, position your pointer on to the text with the link, then click on the Unlink icon which is the one after the Insert icon.


Tim Burton is an interesting director. The frustrating thing I find about him is that he has the potential to make a genuine masterpiece, a film which will be remembered in hundreds of years time, but he is so wrapped up in the world of Hollywood and commercialism that I doubt if he will. I'm not saying his films aren't good, it's just that they could be great.

El Loro
Originally Posted by frodo:


jackassfan  Dark Shadows       That is a must     Johnny Depp Tim Burton you gave it a

low scoring ,still a winner for me Iv'e seen most of the films that Tim Burton has directed....thanks ,can I ask how you did that (  not putting the etc )

yet still getting thro'?


The best Tim Burton films are Ed Wood, Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow and Big Fish


Did not like Batman, Batman Returns, Mars Attacks and Sweeney Todd



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