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Originally Posted by frodo:

oh forgot The Lovely Bones 2009 a girl tellimg the story of her own murder

If you haven't seen Heavenly Creatures (1994), you might want to look it out. It was made by Peter Jackson, and, although not as technically advanced as Lovely Bones, is better. The true story of two girls whose friendship goes to extremes and leads to murder. Set on New Zealand in the mid 1950s. One of the girls writes as Anne Perry who writes mystery stories. Peter Jackson's break through film.


Another film I recommend from a director best known for his fantasy/horror films is Sam Raimi's A Simple Plan (1998). A morality tale of how greed can lead to tragedy. The use of cinematography and Danny Elfman's music makes this exceptional with one of the best opening scenes I've seen.

El Loro

Not looked Heavenly Creatures up .is it Kate Winslet

the story of two girls?wont spoil it for anyone I always look the films up that people mention.

I enjoyed Childrens Hour shows how intolerance can wreck peoples lives


does it have to be about the last film you saw?or can you say the film you loved as well

ps have to check my spelling sorry


Jackassfan where do you see these films are they online?

not everyone is a fan of Jrr Tolkien (what ever rocks your boat)xx

I love a mixture of silly sad and Disney Films

but I try and read up on all films mentioned as I have said before

my most disturbing film Never Let  me Go breeding children for body parts

but letting them grow into their 20 first disturbed me.

quick let me turn the tele off Brian Belo is on ..night



Originally Posted by frodo:

can anyone solve this for me please 1951 version of*Scrooge*

Alistair Syms   and  John Charlesworth who played Peter Cratchit

I know what happened to the latter actor anyone know why

(John Charlesworth)

There is a small amount of information here - very sad.


One of the most tantalising mysteries in films relates to Scrooge. Towards the end of the film, Scrooge goes to visit his nephew and family. When he gets there and knocks at the door a maid opens the door and lets him in. She takes his coat and hat. He walks hesitantly towards the door of the main room and stops. He turns round to the maid who encourages him with a warm smile to go on in and he does. The maid who does not say anything looks remarkably like a young Audrey Hepburn. Audrey Hepburn was right at the start of her career, was in Britain at the time Scrooge was made, and had appeared in some minor roles in other British films. She is not credited with appearing in Scrooge and it remains an unsolved mystery as to who played that part. It has been speculated that it was someone by the name of Frances Arden who you will find no reference to in the IMDB website,


Clip from Scrooge, the scene starts about 30 seconds in:

El Loro

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