Occident (2002) 6/10
Never Let me Go ,was decribed as a rom/com on sky
it haunted me after I watched it.
wont spoil it but you can read about on wiki
The girl with the dragon tatoo-(swedish version ) on film 4
a bit violent but I loved it
I have seen this film several times and give it a 9/10 rating. Although a bit stilted in places the film is one of Eisenstein's best films, it is at times horrifying, other times exciting, and other times humerous. It is the Russian equivalent of Laurence Olivier's Henry V (1944) as both films were based on historical events and were used as propaganda against the Nazis.
What makes Alexander Nevsky almost unique is that the film was a collaboration between the director and the composer and the film being almost created around the music. The music was by Sergei Prokofiev, one of the major Russian composers. The only other film I am aware of with this form of collaboration is Once upon a time in the West (Sergio Leone/Ennio Morricone).
I have Alexander Nevsky in two versions, one on DVD, the other on VHS tape.
The one on VHS tape is very unusual. The music score was restored and was performed by the St Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Yuri Temirkanov. Not unusual in that but what is unusual is that the VHS tape has no film classification on it as it was treated as a music tape rather than a feature film tape and therefore exempt. As far as I know this version has never been released on DVD.
I loved The Prestige but must admit I had to watch it twice to really
get it
Hereafter and Grand Torino both directed by Clint Eastwood
are worth watching.And of course Lord of the Rings trylogy
I loved The Prestige but must admit I had to watch it twice to really
get it
Hereafter and Grand Torino both directed by Clint Eastwood
are worth watching.And of course Lord of the Rings trylogy
I would never have guessed
I saw Detective Dee: Mystery of the Phantom Flame (2010). Chinese martial arts film supposedly based on historical people but with its CGI effects felt more like a typical Hollywood CGI spectacular. I preferred Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and Hero to this.
lol EL loro
must look out for your films ,Taken wasn't a film but a series I love science fiction,have watched both of The day the earth stood still films,the one with
Michael Rennie (think thats his name)is my fav.klatu-barada-niko,Gort
scared me to death love itx
I've seen the Michael Rennie version of The Day the Earth stood still a few times and it's a good film. I have the remake on DVD but haven't got round to seeing it yet.
I remember Taken when it was shown on television. Dakota Fanning as the young girl was amazing. To be able to give such a convincing performance clearly shows that if she is as good an adult actor as she was as a child actor she could be phenomenal.
I have an interest in a very wide range of films from very old films onwards. To me, a film needs to be well told and acted - special effects have little interest to me unless they are there to develop the story. Films which are just an excuse for special effects have little interest to me.
I saw Day of Wrath (1943) directed by Carl Theodor Dreyer, one of his masterpieces. A great film. Set in 17th century Denmark when there were merciless witch hunts. Beautifully told and chilling.
Ive looked up some of the films mentioned on wiki they sound really good
its FUNNY I love all the books from CS Lewis read them all at my age .
I have the first three that have been made into films .
Johny Depp is another of my favourites ,The ninth Gate,
Alice in wonderland as the mad hatter .cant stand films that leave you wringing your hands thinking *what the heck did that ending mean*
If someone asked what is your favourite film mmmmm
oh forgot The Lovely Bones 2009 a girl tellimg the story of her own murder