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I saw Tension at Table Rock, a western from 1956. Not one of the major westerns, but a good film with a decent script. Starred Richard Egan, Dorothy Malone and Cameron Mitchell. A small role for Angie Dickinson near the start of her film career. Also appearing as the gunman hired to kill off the sheriff was none other than DeForest Kelley - a pleasant surprise for any Star Trek fan.


El Loro

I resaw Rope (1948), the Hitchcock film shown as one long scene though is composed of several sections due to the fact that the maximum length of a reel of celluloid film was 10 minutes and that the film was shot over several days.


This is a clip of the trailer for the film. It starts with a scene in Central Park between the victim and his girlfriend. This scene was deleted from the released film.

El Loro

I saw Pandora's Box (1929). Directed by G W Pabst and starring Louise Brooks, this black and white silent film tells the story of Lulu, a high class prostitute and her eventual fate. Although Louise Brooks was American, she was too independently minded to fit in with the Hollywood system and so moved to Europe. Pabst chose her in preference to Marlene Dietrich for Pandora's Box and was right to do so. The film's success would depend entirely on which actress played Lulu, and Louise Brooks is mesmerising.

This is a film where a performance has become regarded as legendary and it is justified.


Although the film's subject is of an adult nature, the film is definitely of a PG nature. As a point of trivia, the film also features Alice Roberts who played the Countess Anna Geschwitz whose character is clearly lesbian, and this is regarded as the first film to do this.



El Loro

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