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Jackassfan, I have noticed a few of your links aren't working properly, I think it's the same as before that extra characters are appearing at the end of the URL line.

Ones that I've noticed are:


Wasted Youth

We Need to Talk About Kevin (there's also a typo)

Il Generale Della Rovere


Fa Meg Pa, For Kaen

The Runner


With all of them, it's the first of two films you link in the post which is a bit odd.

El Loro

I saw The Searchers (1956). the John Ford classic with John Wayne in one of his best roles as an antihero, fairly rare in westerns of that time. What many people watching this film may miss is a shot of a gravestone in the early part of the film of his mother. His mother was killed by Comanches 14 years before the start of the film which is a key factor in Wayne's character's hatred of Comanches.


The younger Debbie is played by Lana Wood, sister of Natalie who played the older Debbie.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Jackassfan, I have noticed a few of your links aren't working properly, I think it's the same as before that extra characters are appearing at the end of the URL line.

Ones that I've noticed are:


Wasted Youth

We Need to Talk About Kevin (there's also a typo)

Il Generale Della Rovere


Fa Meg Pa, For Kaen

The Runner


With all of them, it's the first of two films you link in the post which is a bit odd.


I shall re-edit them, i really should start checking the links after posting 


Jackassfan, I don't know your age, but I remember the outcry from the public when Cathy Come Home was first shown on television in 1966. I was 14 at the time, so my parents wouldn't have let me see it then. I did see it years later. For many people, this would have been the first time that television produced a piece of social realism rather than comfortable TV. And of course it was Ken Loach's first major success.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Jackassfan, I don't know your age, but I remember the outcry from the public when Cathy Come Home was first shown on television in 1966. I was 14 at the time, so my parents wouldn't have let me see it then. I did see it years later. For many people, this would have been the first time that television produced a piece of social realism rather than comfortable TV. And of course it was Ken Loach's first major success.


I am 31


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