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Originally Posted by jackassfan:

Jackass, I've amended your link for 5 Fingers, so in my posting the link now works.

I remember reading the book "Operation Cicero" over 30 years ago - the book on which this filmed was based, then saw the film years later. A classic film. James Mason was one of the best English film actors and was always worth watching whether in mainstream films or less well known films. He seemed prepared to take risks in some of the films he was in, films which other actors might have been reluctant to appear in. I'm thinking of films like Odd Man Out, Pandora and the Flying Dutchman and Lolita. I remember seeing one of his later films Age of Consent at the cinema. That was shown as part of a double bill with 10 Rillington Place. Of the 2 films, Age of Consent was far more enjoyable, particularly as it also starred a young Helen Mirren. Not a great film, but is notable for being the last feature film from Michael Powell. At that time, Powell had been ostracised for the best part of a decade following the mauling arising from Peeping Tom, and I doubt if many established film actors were prepared to work under Powell - with the exception of James Mason. Helen Mirren was right at the start of her film career.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

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