The Odd Couple (1968) 9/10 2nd viewing
Spring In A Small Town (Xiao cheng zhi chun) (1948) 8.5/10
Last Ride (2009) 8/10
Ballast (2008) 8/10
Watch on the Rhine (1943) 7.5/10
Precious (2009) 5/10
Sauna (2008) 4/10
The Countess (2009) 4/10
Saw 6 (2009) 3/10
Sundays And Cybele (Les dimanches de Ville d'Avray) (1962) 9/10
Summer At Grandpa's (Dong dong de jia qi) (1984) 9/10
The Messenger (2009) 8.5/10
Men Who Hate Women (MΓ€n som hatar kvinnor) (2009) 8.5/10
Bonnie & Clyde (1967) 8.5/10 2nd viewing
Hold Back The Dawn (1941) 8/10
Korhinta (1956) 8/10
Little Soldier (Lille soldat) (2008) 7.5/10
Seraphine (2008) 7.5/10
The End Of Summer (Kohayagawa-ke no aki) (1961) 7/10
The Message (Feng Sheng) (2009) 7/10
The Edge Of The World (1937) 7/10
Winter In Wartime (Oorlogswinter) (2008) 7/10
Masculin fΓ©minin: 15 faits prΓ©cis (1966) 6/10
Juste avant la nuit (1971) 6/10
2012 (2009) 5/10
The Rebound (2009) 4/10
Carriers (2009) 4/10
The Merry Gentleman (2008) 4/10
Summer At Grandpa's (Dong dong de jia qi) (1984) 9/10
The Messenger (2009) 8.5/10
Men Who Hate Women (MΓ€n som hatar kvinnor) (2009) 8.5/10
Bonnie & Clyde (1967) 8.5/10 2nd viewing
Hold Back The Dawn (1941) 8/10
Korhinta (1956) 8/10
Little Soldier (Lille soldat) (2008) 7.5/10
Seraphine (2008) 7.5/10
The End Of Summer (Kohayagawa-ke no aki) (1961) 7/10
The Message (Feng Sheng) (2009) 7/10
The Edge Of The World (1937) 7/10
Winter In Wartime (Oorlogswinter) (2008) 7/10
Masculin fΓ©minin: 15 faits prΓ©cis (1966) 6/10
Juste avant la nuit (1971) 6/10
2012 (2009) 5/10
The Rebound (2009) 4/10
Carriers (2009) 4/10
The Merry Gentleman (2008) 4/10
Leon (1994) 10/10 5th viewing
Forbidden Games (Jeux Interdits) (1954) 9.5/10 2nd viewing
Baran (2001) 8.5/10
Goodbye Mr Chips (1939) 8.5/10
Germany Pale Mother (Deutschland bleiche Mutter) (1980) 8.5/10
Bringing Out The Dead (1999) 8.5/10 3rd viewing
The Bone Man (Der Knochenmann) (2009) 8/10
Up In The Air (2009) 8/10
An Education (2009) 8/10
Ten (2002) 8/10
Minor Mishaps (Sma ulykker) (2002) 8/10
Oldas es kotes (1963) 7.5/10
Yatzy (2009) 7/10
Adam (2009) 7/10
Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) 7/10
The Blind Side (2009) 5/10
Law Abiding Citizen (2009) 3/10
The Box (2009) 3/10
Halloween 2 (2009) 2/10
Forbidden Games (Jeux Interdits) (1954) 9.5/10 2nd viewing
Baran (2001) 8.5/10
Goodbye Mr Chips (1939) 8.5/10
Germany Pale Mother (Deutschland bleiche Mutter) (1980) 8.5/10
Bringing Out The Dead (1999) 8.5/10 3rd viewing
The Bone Man (Der Knochenmann) (2009) 8/10
Up In The Air (2009) 8/10
An Education (2009) 8/10
Ten (2002) 8/10
Minor Mishaps (Sma ulykker) (2002) 8/10
Oldas es kotes (1963) 7.5/10
Yatzy (2009) 7/10
Adam (2009) 7/10
Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) 7/10
The Blind Side (2009) 5/10
Law Abiding Citizen (2009) 3/10
The Box (2009) 3/10
Halloween 2 (2009) 2/10
The Dawns Here Are Quiet (A zori zdes tikhie) (1972) 9.5/10
The Blue Dahlia (1946) 8.5/10
De man die zijn haar kort liet knippen (1965) 8/10
Blue Eyelids (PΓ‘rpados azules) (2007) 7.5/10
Sabotage (1936) 7/10
The Lovely Bones (2009) 6/10
The Bad Lieutenant: Port Of Call - New Orleans (2009) 6/10
Paper Heart (2009) 3/10
The Blue Dahlia (1946) 8.5/10
De man die zijn haar kort liet knippen (1965) 8/10
Blue Eyelids (PΓ‘rpados azules) (2007) 7.5/10
Sabotage (1936) 7/10
The Lovely Bones (2009) 6/10
The Bad Lieutenant: Port Of Call - New Orleans (2009) 6/10
Paper Heart (2009) 3/10
Les rendez-vous d'Anna (1978) 9/10
The Road (2009) 9/10
A Serious Man (2009) 8.5/10
Okay (2002) 7.5/10
Bright Star (2009) 7/10
The Parallax View (1974) 6/10
City Island (2009) 6/10
The Age Of Stupid (2009) 6/10
Trucker (2008) 6/10
Twilight: New Moon (2009) 2/10
The Road (2009) 9/10
A Serious Man (2009) 8.5/10
Okay (2002) 7.5/10
Bright Star (2009) 7/10
The Parallax View (1974) 6/10
City Island (2009) 6/10
The Age Of Stupid (2009) 6/10
Trucker (2008) 6/10
Twilight: New Moon (2009) 2/10
This is where Jack slaps me... 
My Super Ex-Girlfriend.
There were a lot of films on t'telly last night but I'd seen them all so went out on a limb with the mindless tripe. Plus I like Luke Wilson. When Eddie Izzard appeared I was entirely won over. And I even laughed three times.

My Super Ex-Girlfriend.
There were a lot of films on t'telly last night but I'd seen them all so went out on a limb with the mindless tripe. Plus I like Luke Wilson. When Eddie Izzard appeared I was entirely won over. And I even laughed three times.

Cariad, when you consider some of Una Thurman's films such as Batman and Robin and The Avengers, My Super Ex-Girlfriend stands out as a masterpiece. (Having said that she has also appeared in some extremely good films, she just seems to have the ability to sometimes pick appalling films).
The last film I watched was Little Miss Sunshine which I really enjoyed. Still mulling over tonight's film. It's a toss-up between Where The Wild Things Are, Up In The Air or Beyond Any Reasonable Doubt.
.....Now where did I place that coin?
.....Now where did I place that coin?
Ok been a while since i have posted here, i will post the films i have seen in September and October
Tomme Tonner (2010) 5/10
Love In A Puff (Chi ming yu chun giu) (2010) 8/10
Placido (1961) 9/10
Platinum Blonde (1931) 7.5/10
Bashing (2005) 8/10
The Woman That Dreamed About A Man (Kvinden der drΓΈmte om en mand) (2010) 6/10
Exit Through The Gift Shop (2010) 7/10
Next Stop Wonderland (1998) 6/10
Three (Tri) (1965) 8/10
Sounds Of Sand (Si le vent soulève les sables) (2006) 8/10
Never On Sunday (Pote tin Kyriaki) (1960) 7/10
Closely Observed Trains (Ostre sledovanΓ© vlaky) (1966) 9/10 2nd viewing
Heartbreaker (L'arnacoeur) (2010) 7/10
La moustache (2005) 6/10
Piranha (2010) 4/10
The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life (Le premier jour du reste de ta vie) (2010) 8/10
Three Wise Men (Kolme viisasta miesta) (2008) 6/10
Moolaade (2004) 8.5/10
Hawks And Sparrows (Uccellacci e uccellini) (1966) 7.5/10
The Expendables (2010) 4/10
Confidentially Yours (Vivement dimanche) (1983) 8/10
Four Lions (2010) 7/10
When We Leave (Die Fremde) (2010) 8/10
Silence (Chinmoku) (1971) 4/10
Inherit The Wind (1960) 9/10
Troubled Water (DeUsynlige) (2008) 9/10
Hidden Diary (Mères et filles) (2009) 6/10
The Disappearance Of Alice Creed (2010) 7/10
I Vinti (1953) 7.5/10
Family Nest (Csaladi tuzfeszek) (1979) 8/10
Crossing Hennessey (Yut mun Hinneisi) (2010) 6/10
Beijing Bicycle (Shiqi sui de dan che) (2001) 8/10
Entranced Earth (Terra em Transe) (1967) 7/10
Accused (Anklaget) (2005) 8/10
The Happy Housewife (De gelukkige huisvrouw) (2010) 8/10
Get Him To The Greek (2010) 4/10
Chaser (Chugyeogja) (2008) 8.5/10
Le Silence De Lorna (2008) 8.5/10 2nd viewing
Funuke: Show Some Love, You Losers (Funuke domo, kanashimi no ai wo misero) 8/10
Women Without Men (Zanan-e bedun-e mardan) (2009) 6/10
Shadows Of The Forgotten Ancestors (Tini zabutykh predkiv) (1964) 5/10
The Railroad Man (Il ferroviere) (1956) 9/10
When Heaven Falls (Himlen falder) (2009) 6/10
The Judge (Dommeren) (2005) 7/10
Ivul (2009) 4/10
24 City (Er shi si cheng ji) (2008) 6/10
The Childhood Of Maxim Gorky (Detstvo Gorkogo) (1938) 8.5/10e
Day And Night (Dag och natt) (2004) 8.5/10
The Runaways (2010) 6/10
RΓ³zyczka (2010) 7/10
Das Experiment (2001) 9/10 2nd viewing
Fish Story (Fisshu sutori) (2009)4/10
Submarino (2010) 9/10
The Girl On The Train (La fille du RER) (2009) 7/10
Twilight: Eclipse (2010) 2/10
The River (He liu) (1997) 8/10
Manslaughter (Drabet) (2005) 7/10
Dust In The Wind (Lian lian feng chen) (1986) 8.5/10
Brother (Brat) (1997) 8/10
Stray Dog (Nora inu) (1949) 8.5/10
Scott Pilgrim vs The World (2010) 3/10
Animal Kingdom (2010) 8/10
Bjarnfreoarson (2009)
Shoeshine (Sciuscia) (1946) 9/10 2nd viewing
Dreams (Kvinnodrom) (1955) 7/10
After The Thin Man (1936) 9/10
Attack The Gas Station (Juyuso seubgyuksageun) (1999) 8/10
The Way Ahead (1944) 7.5/10
Knight And Day (2010) 5/10
Cry In The Woods (Den som frykter ulven) (2004) 6/10
Winters Bone (2010) 9/10
What Became Of Us (Mita meista tuli) (2009) 8/10
Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers (Kame wa igai to hayaku oyogu) (2005) 5/10
7 Days (Les 7 jours du talion) (2010) 5/10
Le Cercle Rouge (1970) 9/10
Lovely Rita (2001) 4/10
Kissed By Winter (Vinterkyss) (2005) 7/10
Ocean Heaven (Haiyang tiantang) (2010) 8/10
The Bench (Bænken) (2000) 8.5/10
Children Of Hiroshima (Gembaku no ko) (1952) 9.5/10 Youtube
Blackmail (1929) 8/10
The Happiest Girl In The World (Cea mai fericita fata din lume) (2009) 6/10
Boy (2010) 7/10
Poetry (Shi) (2010) 9/10
Nina Frisk (2007) 5/10
Taxi Blues (Taksi-Blyuz) (1990) 6/10
The Debt (Dlug) (1999) 7/10
Defendor (2009) 4/10
Criss Cross (1949) 8/10
Tomme Tonner (2010) 5/10
Love In A Puff (Chi ming yu chun giu) (2010) 8/10
Placido (1961) 9/10
Platinum Blonde (1931) 7.5/10
Bashing (2005) 8/10
The Woman That Dreamed About A Man (Kvinden der drΓΈmte om en mand) (2010) 6/10
Exit Through The Gift Shop (2010) 7/10
Next Stop Wonderland (1998) 6/10
Three (Tri) (1965) 8/10
Sounds Of Sand (Si le vent soulève les sables) (2006) 8/10
Never On Sunday (Pote tin Kyriaki) (1960) 7/10
Closely Observed Trains (Ostre sledovanΓ© vlaky) (1966) 9/10 2nd viewing
Heartbreaker (L'arnacoeur) (2010) 7/10
La moustache (2005) 6/10
Piranha (2010) 4/10
The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life (Le premier jour du reste de ta vie) (2010) 8/10
Three Wise Men (Kolme viisasta miesta) (2008) 6/10
Moolaade (2004) 8.5/10
Hawks And Sparrows (Uccellacci e uccellini) (1966) 7.5/10
The Expendables (2010) 4/10
Confidentially Yours (Vivement dimanche) (1983) 8/10
Four Lions (2010) 7/10
When We Leave (Die Fremde) (2010) 8/10
Silence (Chinmoku) (1971) 4/10
Inherit The Wind (1960) 9/10
Troubled Water (DeUsynlige) (2008) 9/10
Hidden Diary (Mères et filles) (2009) 6/10
The Disappearance Of Alice Creed (2010) 7/10
I Vinti (1953) 7.5/10
Family Nest (Csaladi tuzfeszek) (1979) 8/10
Crossing Hennessey (Yut mun Hinneisi) (2010) 6/10
Beijing Bicycle (Shiqi sui de dan che) (2001) 8/10
Entranced Earth (Terra em Transe) (1967) 7/10
Accused (Anklaget) (2005) 8/10
The Happy Housewife (De gelukkige huisvrouw) (2010) 8/10
Get Him To The Greek (2010) 4/10
Chaser (Chugyeogja) (2008) 8.5/10
Le Silence De Lorna (2008) 8.5/10 2nd viewing
Funuke: Show Some Love, You Losers (Funuke domo, kanashimi no ai wo misero) 8/10
Women Without Men (Zanan-e bedun-e mardan) (2009) 6/10
Shadows Of The Forgotten Ancestors (Tini zabutykh predkiv) (1964) 5/10
The Railroad Man (Il ferroviere) (1956) 9/10
When Heaven Falls (Himlen falder) (2009) 6/10
The Judge (Dommeren) (2005) 7/10
Ivul (2009) 4/10
24 City (Er shi si cheng ji) (2008) 6/10
The Childhood Of Maxim Gorky (Detstvo Gorkogo) (1938) 8.5/10e
Day And Night (Dag och natt) (2004) 8.5/10
The Runaways (2010) 6/10
RΓ³zyczka (2010) 7/10
Das Experiment (2001) 9/10 2nd viewing
Fish Story (Fisshu sutori) (2009)4/10
Submarino (2010) 9/10
The Girl On The Train (La fille du RER) (2009) 7/10
Twilight: Eclipse (2010) 2/10
The River (He liu) (1997) 8/10
Manslaughter (Drabet) (2005) 7/10
Dust In The Wind (Lian lian feng chen) (1986) 8.5/10
Brother (Brat) (1997) 8/10
Stray Dog (Nora inu) (1949) 8.5/10
Scott Pilgrim vs The World (2010) 3/10
Animal Kingdom (2010) 8/10
Bjarnfreoarson (2009)
Shoeshine (Sciuscia) (1946) 9/10 2nd viewing
Dreams (Kvinnodrom) (1955) 7/10
After The Thin Man (1936) 9/10
Attack The Gas Station (Juyuso seubgyuksageun) (1999) 8/10
The Way Ahead (1944) 7.5/10
Knight And Day (2010) 5/10
Cry In The Woods (Den som frykter ulven) (2004) 6/10
Winters Bone (2010) 9/10
What Became Of Us (Mita meista tuli) (2009) 8/10
Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers (Kame wa igai to hayaku oyogu) (2005) 5/10
7 Days (Les 7 jours du talion) (2010) 5/10
Le Cercle Rouge (1970) 9/10
Lovely Rita (2001) 4/10
Kissed By Winter (Vinterkyss) (2005) 7/10
Ocean Heaven (Haiyang tiantang) (2010) 8/10
The Bench (Bænken) (2000) 8.5/10
Children Of Hiroshima (Gembaku no ko) (1952) 9.5/10 Youtube
Blackmail (1929) 8/10
The Happiest Girl In The World (Cea mai fericita fata din lume) (2009) 6/10
Boy (2010) 7/10
Poetry (Shi) (2010) 9/10
Nina Frisk (2007) 5/10
Taxi Blues (Taksi-Blyuz) (1990) 6/10
The Debt (Dlug) (1999) 7/10
Defendor (2009) 4/10
Criss Cross (1949) 8/10
Heres August viewings as well
To Get To Heaven First You Have To Die (Bihisht faqat baroi murdagon) (2006) 7/10
Toy Story 3 (2010) 8.5/10
Death At A Funeral (2010) 3/10
Here And There (Tamo i ovde) (2009) 6/10
Black Girl (La noire de) (1966) 8/10e
Bo (2010) 8/10
You Will Be Mine (Je te mangerais) (2009) 5/10
The Only Son (Hitori musuko) (1936) 9/10
No One Knows About Persian Cats (Kasi az gorbehaye irani khabar nadareh) (2009) 4/10
Poker (2010) 5/10
Face To Face (Ansikte mot ansikte) (1976) 9/10
Theres Always Tomorrow (1956) 7.5/10
Love Is Colder Than Death (Liebe ist kΓ€lter als der Tod) (1969) 6/10
Prefab People (Panelkapcsolat) (1982) 8/10
Greenberg (2010) 4/10
Blue Spring (Aoi haru) (2001) 7.5/10
The Housemaid (Hanyo) (2010) 6/10
L'enfance nue (1968) 7/10
About Elly (Darbareye Elly) (2009) 7.5/10
At The End Of Daybreak (Sham Moh) (2009) 7/10
Reconstituirea (1968) 8.5/10
Gilda (1946) 9/10
Insomnia (1997) 8/10
The A Team (2010) 4/10
Question In Details (KΓΆntΓΆrfalak) (2010) 8/10
Cemetary Junction (2010) 6/10
Splice (2010) 4/10
What Time Is It There (Ni na bian ji dian) (2001) 9/10
Autumn Ball (Sugisball) (2007) 8/10
Sweet Rush (Tatarak) (2009) 6/10
The Exterminating Angel (El Γ‘ngel exterminador) (1962) 7/10
The Face (Ansiktet) (1958) 7/10
Bienvenido Mr Marshall (1953) 8.5/10
Le Crime De Monsieur Lange (1936) 7.5/10
Au Revoir Taipei (2010) 8.5/10
The Ghost Writer (2010) 6/10
Shrek Forever After (2010) 4/10
The Family Way (1966) 9/10
Accident (1967) 7/10
Buddah Collapsed Out Of Shame (Buda as sharm foru rikht) (2007) 8/10
Love In Another Language (Baska Dilde Ask) (2009) 7.5/10
The World Is Big And Salvation Lurks Around The Corner (Svetat e golyam i spasenie debne ovsyakade) (2009) 7/10
Black Snow (Ben ming nian) (1990) 7/10
The Liar (Valehtelija) (1981) 6/10
The Nightingales Prayer (Doa al karawan) (1959) 8.5/10
The Northerners (De noorderlingen) (1992) 7/10e
Ajami (2009) 7/10
To Get To Heaven First You Have To Die (Bihisht faqat baroi murdagon) (2006) 7/10
Toy Story 3 (2010) 8.5/10
Death At A Funeral (2010) 3/10
Here And There (Tamo i ovde) (2009) 6/10
Black Girl (La noire de) (1966) 8/10e
Bo (2010) 8/10
You Will Be Mine (Je te mangerais) (2009) 5/10
The Only Son (Hitori musuko) (1936) 9/10
No One Knows About Persian Cats (Kasi az gorbehaye irani khabar nadareh) (2009) 4/10
Poker (2010) 5/10
Face To Face (Ansikte mot ansikte) (1976) 9/10
Theres Always Tomorrow (1956) 7.5/10
Love Is Colder Than Death (Liebe ist kΓ€lter als der Tod) (1969) 6/10
Prefab People (Panelkapcsolat) (1982) 8/10
Greenberg (2010) 4/10
Blue Spring (Aoi haru) (2001) 7.5/10
The Housemaid (Hanyo) (2010) 6/10
L'enfance nue (1968) 7/10
About Elly (Darbareye Elly) (2009) 7.5/10
At The End Of Daybreak (Sham Moh) (2009) 7/10
Reconstituirea (1968) 8.5/10
Gilda (1946) 9/10
Insomnia (1997) 8/10
The A Team (2010) 4/10
Question In Details (KΓΆntΓΆrfalak) (2010) 8/10
Cemetary Junction (2010) 6/10
Splice (2010) 4/10
What Time Is It There (Ni na bian ji dian) (2001) 9/10
Autumn Ball (Sugisball) (2007) 8/10
Sweet Rush (Tatarak) (2009) 6/10
The Exterminating Angel (El Γ‘ngel exterminador) (1962) 7/10
The Face (Ansiktet) (1958) 7/10
Bienvenido Mr Marshall (1953) 8.5/10
Le Crime De Monsieur Lange (1936) 7.5/10
Au Revoir Taipei (2010) 8.5/10
The Ghost Writer (2010) 6/10
Shrek Forever After (2010) 4/10
The Family Way (1966) 9/10
Accident (1967) 7/10
Buddah Collapsed Out Of Shame (Buda as sharm foru rikht) (2007) 8/10
Love In Another Language (Baska Dilde Ask) (2009) 7.5/10
The World Is Big And Salvation Lurks Around The Corner (Svetat e golyam i spasenie debne ovsyakade) (2009) 7/10
Black Snow (Ben ming nian) (1990) 7/10
The Liar (Valehtelija) (1981) 6/10
The Nightingales Prayer (Doa al karawan) (1959) 8.5/10
The Northerners (De noorderlingen) (1992) 7/10e
Ajami (2009) 7/10
Jackassfan me thinks I've stirred you into action 
Maybe my estimate of 1000 films was a bit out, but on the basis of your postings above, it must have been around 400 since mid January.
I was looking at your list of your top 60 films and noticed that there were no silent films. It maybe that you are not into silent films, but if I were to recommend one silent film to see it would be F W Murnau's 1927 film Sunrise. The film is so well told and acted by Janet Gaynor that you do not miss the fact that it is silent, and in reality words are superfluous. It stands out from all other silent films IMO.

Maybe my estimate of 1000 films was a bit out, but on the basis of your postings above, it must have been around 400 since mid January.
I was looking at your list of your top 60 films and noticed that there were no silent films. It maybe that you are not into silent films, but if I were to recommend one silent film to see it would be F W Murnau's 1927 film Sunrise. The film is so well told and acted by Janet Gaynor that you do not miss the fact that it is silent, and in reality words are superfluous. It stands out from all other silent films IMO.
Jackassfan me thinks I've stirred you into action
Maybe my estimate of 1000 films was a bit out, but on the basis of your postings above, it must have been around 400 since mid January.
I was looking at your list of your top 60 films and noticed that there were no silent films. It maybe that you are not into silent films, but if I were to recommend one silent film to see it would be F W Murnau's 1927 film Sunrise. The film is so well told and acted by Janet Gaynor that you do not miss the fact that it is silent, and in reality words are superfluous. It stands out from all other silent films IMO
Maybe my estimate of 1000 films was a bit out, but on the basis of your postings above, it must have been around 400 since mid January.
I was looking at your list of your top 60 films and noticed that there were no silent films. It maybe that you are not into silent films, but if I were to recommend one silent film to see it would be F W Murnau's 1927 film Sunrise. The film is so well told and acted by Janet Gaynor that you do not miss the fact that it is silent, and in reality words are superfluous. It stands out from all other silent films IMO
You did

I have all the films that i have seen this year and rated (and all other years from 2005 onwards) on my Laptop and so far i have seen 467 films, so you are about right really

For some reason i havent watched any silent so far, but i will have to change that soon and start watching them
Though a Japanese film from 1960 Naked Island (which i watched earlier this year) is almost silent except for one scene where you hear a group of people singing
Yesterdays films....
Social Network (2010) 8.5/10
Slim Susie (Smala Sussie) (2003) 6/10
Social Network (2010) 8.5/10
Slim Susie (Smala Sussie) (2003) 6/10
For some reason i havent watched any silent so far, but i will have to change that soon and start watching them
As a sampler to silent films, these are some, besides Sunrise:From a historical point of view, D W Griffiths' Intolerance as being the first major full length American film made. The full length version runs for just over 3 hours. It is an examination of intolerance in 4 historical eras. It is an epic, but being Griffiths it does feel in places a bit preachy.
It is actually his second major film, but I cannot recommend his first "Birth of a Nation" as it notoriously has the Klu Klux Klan as the goodies going after a black man accused of raping a white woman. That should only be seen if you have done research on the film first of all and realise that it was a reflection of attitudes then which are unacceptable now.
There are of course the comedies. I'm not a great fan of Chaplin, but if I were to select one it would be The Goldrush.City Lights is also highly regarded. Harold Lloyd was excellent and Safety Last! is probably his best.
Buster Keaton is for many the greatest of the lot. Not only are his films funny, they are also exciting and he is famous for effectively being the first key stuntman in film. Many of his films are gems - my personal favourite is Our Hospitality with the most delightful train scene in the history of film, but his The General is generally regarded as his best.
In terms of science fiction, there is one stand out. Fritz Lang's Metropolis. A more complete version has recently been found, and I think a DVD is due to be issued in the near future.
This is a link to a site which is devoted to silent films and shows a list of their top 100.
Not surprisingly, all the films I have mentioned are listed. Looking quickly at that list, it is a good quality list and you could well use it as a checklist. Most of those listed in the first part are obtainable in this country. However number 7 on the list Carl Dreyer's The Passion of Joan of Arc is not available on DVD in the UK. If your DVD player can play American DVDs, then you can import it quite readily from the States. My DVD player does not. I had been waiting for this film to become available for years. I had tracked down the UK distributor which holds the rights as they had arranged for a cinema showing some years ago. I got in touch with them, but they said that as the film had no music score, they were trying to arrange for a suitable score to be prepared. That was a few years ago.
Eventually I discovered that I could import a South Korean distrbutor's DVD from the States which carried UK subtitles, besides French and Korean, and South Korean DVDs are the same region as the UK. So I have now got a copy, but this is an extreme rarity. There may be online streaming versions around, but their quality and legailty may be questionable.
Thanks for all the recommendations
Passion Of Joan Of Arc is on youtube in 8 parts (Not sure if you want to watch it like that though, but will post the link below incase you do)
If you want a DVD player that will play all regions, go on and have a look, i bought a multi region player on there a few years ago and received it after a few days
Passion Of Joan Of Arc is on youtube in 8 parts (Not sure if you want to watch it like that though, but will post the link below incase you do)
If you want a DVD player that will play all regions, go on and have a look, i bought a multi region player on there a few years ago and received it after a few days
Thank you jackassfan for finding and posting that link. It is better to have that than nothing, but I have the DVD and if you want to see the film, I strongly advise you to get an imported copy, particularly as you have a multi-region player. You will find that it was released in the States, so you won't have the hassle of trying to find a copy which will only play on Region 2 players.
The film is so intense that it needs to be seen without a break, with no interruptions and with the lights turned off and curtains drawn. Dreyer intended the film to be viewed with no music track in complete silence, but although the DVD I have has this option, it is too much. It was Falconetti's only film (she is generally referred to with just her surname) and many people consider her performance to be the greatest performance in the history of film.
This is a link to Amazon to the US DVD version.
I have noticed on the page that it is described as without English subtitles, though the user comment says that it does. So I have also provided a link to where you will see more than 1 possibility.
The film is so intense that it needs to be seen without a break, with no interruptions and with the lights turned off and curtains drawn. Dreyer intended the film to be viewed with no music track in complete silence, but although the DVD I have has this option, it is too much. It was Falconetti's only film (she is generally referred to with just her surname) and many people consider her performance to be the greatest performance in the history of film.
This is a link to Amazon to the US DVD version.
I have noticed on the page that it is described as without English subtitles, though the user comment says that it does. So I have also provided a link to where you will see more than 1 possibility.
Thanks for the links, i shall take a look and will probably buy a copy
Angels In Fast Motion (Nordkraft) (2005) 8/10
I Live In Fear (Ikimono no kiroku) (1955) 7/10
I Live In Fear (Ikimono no kiroku) (1955) 7/10
Street Of Shame (Akasen chitai) (1956) 8/10
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