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I saw Frau Im Mond (The Girl in the Moon) (1929). Directed by Fritz Lang and was his own other science fiction film and made 2 years after Metropolis.


Silent, this film was a science fiction film about the first manned flight to the moon showing the planning, flight and on the moon. The planning and flight had some scientific credibility as advice was given by Hermann Oberth who was a German rocket scientist. Fritz Lang's wife at the time Thea Von Harbou wrote the novel from which the film was made and she also was involved with the screenplay. The last part of the film on the moon was entertaining enough but was scientifically absurd and Hermann Oberth had no involvement with that.


Although the film is quite long at 163 minutes and there are sections in it which drag when people are talking to each other, the film as a whole was good, but not as remarkable as Metropolis.


El Loro
Originally Posted by frodo:

I agree TCM needed a change but I love the old films .Rebecca,Gaslight,The Heiress,

 I could go on I hope they still show these films can you think of a good remake?



All 3 are great films especially Rebecca, Alfred Hitchcock is one of my fave directors, I do think Psycho is a tad overrated though


A good remake? i can't really think of one 


hello jackassfan 

can't really comment on films at the moment..this morning the laptop went off 

blank screen and It would not switch off It has done this a few times lately in the middle of something It will go blank.

I make the most of It when It does come on missing my Montalbano  but I am recording It at the moment

             thanks to you and El Loro I keep in touch ..may have to indulge in a new laptop..bye for now

Originally Posted by frodo:

hello jackassfan 

can't really comment on films at the moment..this morning the laptop went off 

blank screen and It would not switch off It has done this a few times lately in the middle of something It will go blank.

I make the most of It when It does come on missing my Montalbano  but I am recording It at the moment

             thanks to you and El Loro I keep in touch ..may have to indulge in a new laptop..bye for now


a few years ago my sisters desktop computer did this and at the  start it would only do it a few times a week and then over the next few months it ended up doing it all the time

Originally Posted by frodo:

hello El Loro 

I'm watching The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle on True Movies

   Top Hat to follow ..Ginger Rodgers and Fred Astaire

the dancing is magic not seen it before

I've seen quite a few of the Astaire/Rogers films but not the Story of Vernon etc as that is the least typical of their films and doesn't seem to very cheerful.

El Loro
Originally Posted by frodo:

hello jackassfan when my laptop allows I read all your comments and films you have watched I can't settle down to watch any of them with this %%^^^^ ing 

thing at the moment rewatched this this film such a pain not being to watch some of the films you have seen 





Looks like you might have to end up getting a new laptop


Ordinary People is a great film and deserved the oscar for best film over Raging Bull


Hello jackassfan ..El Loro 

I have been watching this film ..Iv'e seen It many times before I have the film channel for a while so I'ts good to be really involved instead of rehashing films I have seen


I felt a little guilty because I just love films and this way I feel able to join in

I always have this channel leading up to mmm lets say the festive season .                


I watched quite a lot of the jackass film last night three on Sky Movies  they will be on again to be honest ..I watched sort of from a distance cos I'm not that really that big a fan .I found myself laughing ..The portaloo...the ram the bull 

the rocket up his ....had the biggest laugh last night ..the tooth pulling ..LOL

  hahaha I had a great time 




I saw The Book of Eli (2010). It was directed by the Hughes brothers and starred Denzel Washington and Gary Oldman. Cameo appearances from Frances de la Tour and Michael Gambon. Right at the end of the film is an uncredited cameo appearance from Malcolm McDowell.


The story could be regarded as a standard post-apocalyptic film, a bit like Mad Max. Bleached landscape (the film could almost have been made in black and white) and violent scenes throughout. Gary Oldman is searching for a book which is reputed to be of great power. It turns out that Denzel Washington has the book and is journeying to take it to its destination. The resolution of the film makes this very different from this genre and is what makes this film worth watching. It reminded me of another book/film but I won't name it as otherwise it would give far too much away.


Denzel Washington was perfect for the part of Eli. If the film had been made some years ago Morgan Freeman would have been a logical choice.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I saw The Book of Eli (2010). It was directed by the Hughes brothers and starred Denzel Washington and Gary Oldman. Cameo appearances from Frances de la Tour and Michael Gambon. Right at the end of the film is an uncredited cameo appearance from Malcolm McDowell.


The story could be regarded as a standard post-apocalyptic film, a bit like Mad Max. Bleached landscape (the film could almost have been made in black and white) and violent scenes throughout. Gary Oldman is searching for a book which is reputed to be of great power. It turns out that Denzel Washington has the book and is journeying to take it to its destination. The resolution of the film makes this very different from this genre and is what makes this film worth watching. It reminded me of another book/film but I won't name it as otherwise it would give far too much away.


Denzel Washington was perfect for the part of Eli. If the film had been made some years ago Morgan Freeman would have been a logical choice.



I saw this on TV  the other day El Loro. I think your summation is pretty much on the money. I have to say, I am not a fan of the post-apocalyptic film (they always seem to have a familiar look and similar technology traits). However I did for the most part enjoy the film, not one I would go back to again, but I liked the payoff at the end - the revelation of the book.


The only thing I would disagree on is your Morgan Freeman suggestion. I think even a few years ago he would have been too old to be convincing in the fight scenes. For me Denzel had the part pretty much nailed.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by frodo:

This Is Not A Film


I cant believe Jafar Panahi was put under house arrest and banned for 20years for making this film and that it was smuggled out in a cake a film I will deffo watch

this.Just read about It thanks


This film is not the reason why he was banned, the reason was (from Jafar Panahi imdb trivia page)....

On April 14, 2010, Iran's Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance said that Panahi was arrested because he "was making a film against the regime and it was about the events that followed the [2009] election


Abbas Kiarostami, another Iranian film director, has recently said that Jafar Panahi had managed to complete another film while under house arrest. Whether that will get smuggled out of Iran remains to be seen, Not only is Jafar Panahi banned from making any films for 20 years, he is banned from giving any interviews or leaving the country.


His first film The White Balloon:

is the tale of a young girl who loses a coin and her efforts to get it back. Very simple story, but in its quiet way is just as tense as any Hollywood blockbuster, and is a wonderful film.


Offside is another of his films. It's about some girls who try to get into a football match, dressed as boys as girls aren't permitted into grounds. They get caught and remain outside the grounds under guard. Although the match can be heard in the background, you see nothing of the match. The film is about the girls and their guards. As with The White Balloon, the emphasis is on ordinary people.


El Loro

For Frodo in particular, A restored version of Fritz Lang's 1924 film Siegried and its sequel Kriemhild's Revenge has been released on DVD and Blu-Ray under the title Die Niebelung. This epic - runs for the best part of 5 hours - will be of major interest to you as it is the forerunner of Lord of the Rings. The story comes from the same source as Wagner's operas but is not a film version of them. The source story was of course some of the inspiration for Tolkien.


El Loro
Originally Posted by frodo:

Hi Jackassfan 


Keyhole sounds good (my kind of film)

Pans Labyrinth I watched but the violence in It was too much for even me even though the ending wasn't convincing enough to make me stomach It

    Happy Halloween by the way



I think Pan's Labyrinth is an excellent film which surprised me as i didn't think i would like the film before i saw it

Originally Posted by El Loro:

For Frodo in particular, A restored version of Fritz Lang's 1924 film Siegried and its sequel Kriemhild's Revenge has been released on DVD and Blu-Ray under the title Die Niebelung. This epic - runs for the best part of 5 hours - will be of major interest to you as it is the forerunner of Lord of the Rings. The story comes from the same source as Wagner's operas but is not a film version of them. The source story was of course some of the inspiration for Tolkien.


Thankyou El Loro Its really kind of you  sorry I havn't answered before xx


I saw Hitchcock' "Secret Agent" (1936) starring John Gielgud and Madeleine Carroll in a spy thriller based on a story by Somerset Maugham. Made between The 39 Steps and The Lady Vanishes it's watchable but not in the same league as either. Peter Lorre is in it as "The General" and is a bit wierd, rather like a sinister version of a Marx Brother.


There are a couple of scenes in the film with an Army Captain.

Although not credited in the film and isn't referred to on IMDB, I believe it to be the film debut of Michael Redgrave.


El Loro

Being a long time fan of Michael Powell I saw his Tales of Hoffman (1951). This is a straight filmic version of Offenbach's operetta. Powell had made The Red Shoes before and that film is known for its stylish ballet scene.


Many of the people who appear in the film have their singing dubbed though the man who played Hoffman did do his singing. Robert Helpmann, the ballet dancer, was in the film as the villain in the various stories. He was in The Red Shoes as was Moira Shearer who was also in this film (and also appeared some years later in Powell's Peeping Tom). Pamela Brown was also in the film as Hoffmann's friend. She lived with Michael Powell for the latter part of her life and is buried next to him.

El Loro

I resaw La citÃĐ des enfants perdus (The City of Lost Children) (1995), the Jean-Pierre Jeunet/Marc Caro. Starred Ron Perlman as the strong man searching for his young brother, Daniel Emilfork as the ageing scientist, Judith Vittet as the young girl who accompanies Ron Perlman on his search, and Domique Pinon (he appears in all of Jeunet's films) as lots of clones and the originator.


The film is a dark fantasy and very Terry Gillamesque - comparisons can be made between this and Brazil in style though not in story.

El Loro

I saw "Billy Rose's Jumbo" (1962). This was the last out and out musical that Doris Day made and was also the last film that Busby Berkeley was involved in producing the dance routines (not that there were many). This film marked the end of the MGM classic musical era. Although the film had its moments it never really felt other than a shadow of past glories. Jimmy Durante and Martha Raye were also in it. The lead was played by Stephen Boyd but he did not do his singing. The film was based on the musical play produced in 1935.


The story was about a circus - Jumbo being the elephant in it.

El Loro



I've seen The Imposter(if Its the same the mother actually knows )

but I wont say more for those who may watch It.


Is this the new Spiderman..not Toby Maguire ?



One of my favourite films and I've lost the DVD Is ''To Kill A Mocking Bird


 with Gregory Peck  


thanks for putting the films so easy to read which I do nearly everyday


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