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Duel (1971) 8/10
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) 9/10

2 of the best low budget thrillers ever made. Oddy enough, both films exist in 2 versions. Duel was made for TV but was lengthened for cinema release. Invasion the shorter version omits the studio imposed opening and ending scenes where Miles is being examined in hospital and his story is verified. The shorter version ends with Miles on the highway :
"They're're're next!"
El Loro
I didnt realise it has been a week since i last posted in this thread

The Apartment (1960) 9.5/10 2nd viewing
The Road Home (Wo de fu qin mu qin) (1999) 9/10 2nd viewing
Touchez Pas Au Grisbi (1954) 8.5/10
Un Prophete (2009) 8.5/10
Crazy (2005) 8/10 2nd viewing
The Trial (Le Proces) (1962) 8/10
Eternity And A Day (Mia aioniotita kai mia mera) (1998) 8/10
The Private Lives Of Pippa Lee 6/10
Les carabiniers (1963) 6/10
Julie And Julia (2009) 6/10
Triangle (2009) 4/10
Invincible (2006) 4/10
Devils On The Doorstep (Guizi lai le) (2000) 9.5/10
Samson And Delilah (2009) 9/10
Diamonds Of The Night (Demanty noci) (1964) 8/10
Who Killed The Electric Car (2006) 7/10
Kira's Reason (En kÃĶrlighedshistorie) (2001) 7/10
Inglourious Basterds (2009) 7/10
Le Gout Des Autres (2000) 6/10
Funny People (2009) 6/10
The Countess (2009) 4/10
Heart Of Glass (Herz aus Glas) (1976) 4/10

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