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Jack I think you must have now seen virtually every film ever made.

The Soloist 8/10

Give it a few more years and then i will have
Luckiy i found out a few months ago that loads of films are posted on youtube and have found loads of classics and obscure films that are not out on DVD and  i am working my way through them

I have seen The Solist and thought it was alright, i rated it 6/10
Jackassfan, I know you used to link your film titles to the IMDB site before we were switched to Livecloud. If you want to know how to do this now, it is a bit different. When you have typed the film title in the Your Comment box, highlight the title with your mouse. The Insert/Edit link is now usuable (13th along). Click on this, then paste the IMDB address in the Link URL box (you can ignore the other 2 boxes) and click Insert. Then carry on with your posting.
El Loro

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