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I saw The Dark Knight (2008), exciting but grim.

Co-written by Jonathan Nolan who later created and wrote for the television series Person of Interest. There are some parallels between The Dark Knight and Person of Interest with both Christian Bale#s and Jim Caviezel's characters being brooding, quietly spoken to create hightened tension. Also the use of the sonar machines monitoring cellphones is enhanced in Person of Interest into a more powerful surveillance device - too similar to be just a coincidence.


El Loro

I watched The Wind and the Lion (1975). American woman (Candice Bergen) kidnapped with her children in Morroco by Berbers (Sean Connery as their leader), and the US president (Brian Keith) sends in the troops to rescue them. Written and directed by John Milius.The film is set in 1904 so not in the present time. Watchable but, although Connery is likeable, not a great film.Good music score by Jerry Goldsmith.


John Huston appeared in the film as an advisor to the president. Connery's next film was The Man who would be King, which Huston directed but Connery was recommended to Huston for that film by Paul Newman.


Oddly enough, The Wind and the Lion (set in Morocco) was filmed in Spain, but The Man who would be King (set in Kafiristan which is in Afghanistan) was filmed in Morocco.


El Loro

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