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Diary of a Chambermaid (1946). 6/10 This is the Jean Renoir version. I have not seen the Luis Bunuel version. An unusual film in that it was made in the USA with American actors but attempts to be a French film, hence why Jean Renoir directed. The film was independently produced in part by Meredith Burgess (best known as The Penguin in the Batman TV series) who wrote the screenplay and appeared in the film. The chambermaid is played by Paulette Goddard who was married at the time to Meredith.

At first the film seems to be a comedy, almost a farce (I sensed a touch of the old Chaplin films - interestingly Goddard was previously married to him), but the tone of the film becomes darker, with obsession and greed leading to murder. There is also the relationship between the wealthy lady of the house and her servants - this is probably what interested Bunuel.

I haven't seen Renoir's La Regle du Jeu (The Rules of the Game) which is one of those films on my list of films to see before I die. This also looks at the relationship beween the wealthy and the servants, and is regarded as one of the greatest films. It is possibly that Renoir was drawn to The Diary of a Chambermaid hoping for a repeat. I don't think he succeeded, the film is of interest, but it comes across as dated, and it is not possible to convert a French story into an American film and retain its true Frenchness.
El Loro

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