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Originally posted by erinp:
I am bumping this ecause I think we all feel cheated wavey

apparently some "bb fans" love the show as it is (without a hint of reality) and are more than happy to be sppon fed what ch4 wants to show them and to be told how to vote based on entirely scripted shows, to me, as a bb fan the sooner this joke is put out of our misery the better, roll on 2011 when a decent tv station that actually wants the show can give it a proper relaunch with a decent budget, live feed , tasks that cost a little more than 50p a week and who knows maybe decent hm screening so we get intelligent, witty hm's.
Yes I agree that this BB seems heavily scripted. I've felt for the last couple of weeks that Noirin has been waiting for Isaac to arrive and she seemed to slip up a few days ago too when she said to Siavash "wait and see what happens in the next couple of days" when he was trying to get an answer from her about their relationship.
In all fairness, its not channel 4s fault, No TV station is ever going to give us the BB we want, By that I mean a REAL 'reality' show, totally unscripted unedited and real time live 24/7, we see EVERYTHING they do/say as it happens,

Even if they wanted to, they cant, cause as a TV company in order to have a licence to broadcast, they must abide by the broadcasting act,

and makes no difference how many disclaimers they put up saying that they aint responsible for what gets said or done by the HMs, of how many strong language and sexual content warnings they give,

In the eyes of the law, if they broadcast it and it causes offence or upset, or if the HMs break any laws or encourage others to break the law, then they ARE responsible.
old hippy guy
I LOVED the first two,(and we had no lf in those days, most folk didn't even have a pc or a mobile 'phone LOL!)....Fear that many people on here would have found it Sleepy by current standards...Yes, it's changed/ become more contrived because it had to change with the times.....imho there have been more interesting/intelligent hms and fewer 'wannabees' on this one than there has been for a while..... Waits to get shot down Laugh
Originally posted by erinp:
well then why did they ever give us 24/7 feed
Live Feed is not (nor ever was) truly live, there's a delay (15 mins IIRC) which allows for a crude form of editing, the obvious example of this is the sound dips.

But it is also possible to charecterise (sp?) a HM in the same we as they do with HLs.. Say HM X is this weeks hate figure and say there's a scene devoloping in the LR were another HM is upset and HM X is showing a nurturing side to his/her nature and this is obvious in the body language facial expressions i.e. it can't just be sound dipped, cut to BR camera.

So.. there exists a situation where the viewer has to trust the production team to edit without bias, simply to make the raw footage conform to broadcasting codes without.

How strong is your faith ?
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
I LOVED the first two,(and we had no lf in those days, most folk didn't even have a pc or a mobile 'phone LOL!)....Fear that many people on here would have found it Sleepy by current standards...Yes, it's changed/ become more contrived because it had to change with the times.....imho there have been more interesting/intelligent hms and fewer 'wannabees' on this one than there has been for a while..... Waits to get shot down Laugh

I am 99.999% sure I watched Big Brother 1 on my computer and it was free. Someone please tell me if I am right or wrong.
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
I LOVED the first two,(and we had no lf in those days, most folk didn't even have a pc or a mobile 'phone LOL!)....Fear that many people on here would have found it Sleepy by current standards...Yes, it's changed/ become more contrived because it had to change with the times.....imho there have been more interesting/intelligent hms and fewer 'wannabees' on this one than there has been for a while..... Waits to get shot down Laugh

I am 99.999% sure I watched Big Brother 1 on my computer and it was free. Someone please tell me if I am right or wrong.

Don't know BB, I didn't have a personal pc 'til 2003 Blush
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by erinp:
well then why did they ever give us 24/7 feed
Live Feed is not (nor ever was) truly live, there's a delay (15 mins IIRC) which allows for a crude form of editing, the obvious example of this is the sound dips.

But it is also possible to charecterise (sp?) a HM in the same we as they do with HLs.. Say HM X is this weeks hate figure and say there's a scene devoloping in the LR were another HM is upset and HM X is showing a nurturing side to his/her nature and this is obvious in the body language facial expressions i.e. it can't just be sound dipped, cut to BR camera.

So.. there exists a situation where the viewer has to trust the production team to edit without bias, simply to make the raw footage conform to broadcasting codes without.

How strong is your faith ?

which of course is why the sky run bb italy has 4 feeds available with the required dips on tv and an additional set of uncut feeds online, and of course the main reason so many bb fans want to see bb run by another channel over here.
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by erinp:
I am bumping this ecause I think we all feel cheated wavey

apparently some "bb fans" love the show as it is (without a hint of reality) and are more than happy to be sppon fed what ch4 wants to show them and to be told how to vote based on entirely scripted shows, to me, as a bb fan the sooner this joke is put out of our misery the better, roll on 2011 when a decent tv station that actually wants the show can give it a proper relaunch with a decent budget, live feed , tasks that cost a little more than 50p a week and who knows maybe decent hm screening so we get intelligent, witty hm's.

hear hear! Clapping

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