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Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Never got the chance to do that. Mine were always laid out on the floor in front of the electric fire (off of course)   and stocking was firstly hung (empty) from the alarm clock, but when full, laid along the top of the mantlepiece  

We never got to see our stockings before Christmas morning, when they appeared on the end of our beds, filled to bursting.


Funnily enough though, I  cannot for the life of me remember the sort of stuff that was in them ... I don't think it was satsumas and nuts, but I don't remember them being stuffed with toys and sweets.


I must remember to ask my mum tomorrow

We had one of my dads socks ...........there was nuts, chocolate money, satsuma, a blower thingy and sugar mouse and a cracker - kaleidoscope. My kids stockings were fab!!! I loved doing them!

Me too 


I always wrap up the stuff for the stockings ... in different paper than the rest of the presents (because Santa brings the stockings). 


I got a bit organised this year, and wrapped the stocking stuff up weeks ago.


We stuffed it all into the stockings tonight ... and I can't remember what it is - can't wait till tomorrow to find out

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Kaleidoscope was one of the 'big' floor presents with me 

I do remember that my nan used to buy us a 'sweater dress' every year ... and my Uncle, who is a multi millionaire now (I never see him, sadly ) used to give us either a pair of tights or a one pound premium bond


oo-er! Then again, they say it's not all about money apparently  

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Kaleidoscope was one of the 'big' floor presents with me 

I do remember that my nan used to buy us a 'sweater dress' every year ... and my Uncle, who is a multi millionaire now (I never see him, sadly ) used to give us either a pair of tights or a one pound premium bond


oo-er! Then again, they say it's not all about money apparently  

Ha ha - my sons Del Boy friend has just popped in and given us a lottery ticket. I told him that I would never, ever buy someone a lottery ticket as a pressie cos although I'd be pleased for the people who'd won - I'd be gutted knowing that I'd bought it.


There was a bit of a debate etc. ....................we shook hands and agreed to share. We just checked the results. Guess what - we didn't win anyway!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Rexi:

I always wrap up the stuff for the stockings ... in different paper than the rest of the presents (because Santa brings the stockings). 


I got a bit organised this year, and wrapped the stocking stuff up weeks ago.


We stuffed it all into the stockings tonight ... and I can't remember what it is - can't wait till tomorrow to find out

  You and me both!  I wrapped the stocking stuff as it soon as it was delivered or purchased this year.  Felt so pleased to be "in front" of myself.  B*ggered if I can recall what any of it is now  


And YES, always have to use different paper for the Santa stuff.  I can remember getting caught out one year and realising that we didn't have any, so I got the kids to leave some rolls of paper out for the elves. I told them they didn't wrap the prezzies until they'd come down the chimney.


Don't think any of them believed me... 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Kaleidoscope was one of the 'big' floor presents with me 

I do remember that my nan used to buy us a 'sweater dress' every year ... and my Uncle, who is a multi millionaire now (I never see him, sadly ) used to give us either a pair of tights or a one pound premium bond


oo-er! Then again, they say it's not all about money apparently  

Ha ha - my sons Del Boy friend has just popped in and given us a lottery ticket. I told him that I would never, ever buy someone a lottery ticket as a pressie cos although I'd be pleased for the people who'd won - I'd be gutted knowing that I'd bought it.


There was a bit of a debate etc. ....................we shook hands and agreed to share. We just checked the results. Guess what - we didn't win anyway!

But wouldn't it be nice if they gave you something from those winnings.......anything 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Ha ha - my sons Del Boy friend has just popped in and given us a lottery ticket. I told him that I would never, ever buy someone a lottery ticket as a pressie cos although I'd be pleased for the people who'd won - I'd be gutted knowing that I'd bought it.


There was a bit of a debate etc. ....................we shook hands and agreed to share. We just checked the results. Guess what - we didn't win anyway!

hehehe (I'm never going to go to bed, am I??!!)


I put lottery scratch cards in the kid's stockings each year and always put them in an envelope with a message from Father Christmas on the front. This year the message reads "Don't forget that if you win you MUST share your winnings with your lovely Mum and Dad - coz that's the true spirit of Christmas, innit".


Well, you know ... just in case

Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

awwwwwwwww i'm lovin hearing all about your christmases..


eldest spongette collapsed zonko at 8pm....dead to the world she is......youngest switched her light out at 10....dunno if she's asleep though................pressies are down by the tree.....stockings by their door........


just waiting for the 8am hollering........

Spongey - hope you and the spongettes have a great day


hahaha.. love santas' message rexi!    Better safe than sorry.


I love reading all these stories too.  


I'm off to my beddy byes now ... probably get up about 9 - ish - just me here.    Day at my sis's tomorrow - to be there around 11-ish because my niece refuses to wait any later to open her prezzies.   We all have to be together before we start opening, then the girls (30 and 28!) go on a 'who can open them slowest' fight because they both want to be the one with a prezzie left when the other one has opened all theirs.    Sometimes I wonder who's the biggest kid - them or the eldest's 8 and 4 yr old


have a great day everybody - whatever time it starts!

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

awwwwwwwww i'm lovin hearing all about your christmases..


eldest spongette collapsed zonko at 8pm....dead to the world she is......youngest switched her light out at 10....dunno if she's asleep though................pressies are down by the tree.....stockings by their door........


just waiting for the 8am hollering........

Spongey - hope you and the spongettes have a great day

fankoo too xxx......i hope all you lubbly people have a great christmas xx..


just heard eldest spongette getting up....she's gone into her sisters room......they'll be up all night now watching dvds and such...




Well my lot have all just staggered in from the pub. Said they thought they'd see the clock strike midnight with me and the old fella.  Awwww.....bless.  


So I shall love you and leave you, wish you all a very Merry Christmas, wish you good luck with your attempts to stay in bed until after silly o'clock tomorrow morning, and hope that you all have a wonderful day.


May you all pull a cracker


Love Cosi  

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

hahaha.. love santas' message rexi!    Better safe than sorry.


I love reading all these stories too.  


I'm off to my beddy byes now ... probably get up about 9 - ish - just me here.    Day at my sis's tomorrow - to be there around 11-ish because my niece refuses to wait any later to open her prezzies.   We all have to be together before we start opening, then the girls (30 and 28!) go on a 'who can open them slowest' fight because they both want to be the one with a prezzie left when the other one has opened all theirs.    Sometimes I wonder who's the biggest kid - them or the eldest's 8 and 4 yr old


have a great day everybody - whatever time it starts!

Sounds brilliant Kaffers - have a great day

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

hahaha.. love santas' message rexi!    Better safe than sorry.


I love reading all these stories too.  


I'm off to my beddy byes now ... probably get up about 9 - ish - just me here.    Day at my sis's tomorrow - to be there around 11-ish because my niece refuses to wait any later to open her prezzies.   We all have to be together before we start opening, then the girls (30 and 28!) go on a 'who can open them slowest' fight because they both want to be the one with a prezzie left when the other one has opened all theirs.    Sometimes I wonder who's the biggest kid - them or the eldest's 8 and 4 yr old


have a great day everybody - whatever time it starts!


Have a good un too 

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Well my lot have all just staggered in from the pub. Said they thought they'd see the clock strike midnight with me and the old fella.  Awwww.....bless.  


So I shall love you and leave you, wish you all a very Merry Christmas, wish you good luck with your attempts to stay in bed until after silly o'clock tomorrow morning, and hope that you all have a wonderful day.


May you all pull a cracker


Love Cosi  

*wonders if mine will want to see midnight with their mum and dad*




However, it really is time for my bed ... have a great one, whatever you do and whoever you spend it with




Originally Posted by Jingle B'Ells:

10 and 5 Spongey, just checked them again, 5 year old is sleeping but the 10 year old is having none of it.....he was even eating sweets in bed which he snuck up earlier!


Hopefully not too long now though.  I suppose it doesn't matter much as everything is ready to just lay out and then us go to bed.

are they.....................believers.........

Originally Posted by Jingle B'Ells:

Yep, the 10 year old has only turned 10 this week but is very innocent still and does believe, I think this will be his last year though 

best thing we ever invested in was some sleigh bells from a toy shop......we'd jingle them outside and they'd think it was the sleigh bells and father christmas was near..........when they didn't hear them they thought he was delivering presents in our road..then we'd do it again and they'd think he was getting nearer...


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