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Originally Posted by Syd:

I don't think anybody is meaning to be rude, I think they/I are just expressing a bit of frustration at how hard it is to post at the moment........most, I think is tongue in cheek.. 

I wasn't getting at everyone but Soozy has made it clear before now she don't like it here but i think it's rude too hate a site and then moan when it's down for a couple of hrs FFS it's free!

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

I can't see a lot of difference tbh, it is a bit slow but I expect that'll work itself out.


and I know loads of people have posted in the past about having a like button, so if anyone doesn't want to use it then they can just ignore it.

A Bit Slow??? If it was any slower it would stop- which it has been doing for the past 2 hours with a Server Error.    Confucius say " If it ain't broke- don't fix it" . Wise words. 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Syd:

I don't think anybody is meaning to be rude, I think they/I are just expressing a bit of frustration at how hard it is to post at the moment........most, I think is tongue in cheek.. 

I wasn't getting at everyone but Soozy has made it clear before now she don't like it here but i think it's rude too hate a site and then moan when it's down for a couple of hrs FFS it's free!


Originally Posted by yorky pud:
Originally Posted by Syd:

I don't think anybody is meaning to be rude, I think they/I are just expressing a bit of frustration at how hard it is to post at the moment........most, I think is tongue in cheek.. 

In your opinion! In my opinion, Aimee is right

In my opinion Aimee is right as well. Seems some have a lot of anger controlling difficulties.

I couldn't upload a new picture but Lori was there to help, and i was grateful not foaming!

I mean a few hours taken up because the members have put forward idea's and the admins have gone and put these idea's into place. Use your brain before you put your mouths into gear folk. 

Jemima Puddleduck (fka Drama)
Originally Posted by Lori:

I also wanted to say that we are having database issues at the mo, and it's causing no end of trouble if you are trying to post. I'm sorry!


Hang in'll be OK pretty soon!


Also, if you have questions about the changes, feel free to ask!

Lori I heard we are not going to be able to post a picture from our Photobucket accounts so I tried this morning as an experiment and it did not work.  Is there a way that this can be done in the future please.


I may have got this wrong but I read the blurb form the link and it says we can use the widgets to customize the way we view the forums. .or did it?


I went to my profile cos I wanted to get rid of some of the stuff down the right hand side like the Tags widget  as I find all that stuff way too busy, but seems we can't get rid or if we can I can't work out how. .


did I get it wrong, is it only Admin that can change the forum view?

Mount Olympus *Olly*

I don't think we have any control over how we can view the forum, I think it's just Admin. When I made my post about the changes I deliberately didn't say anything about the widgets as that would just confuse people.I think (though feel free to correct me) that most of the stuff about widgets was aimed at people who want to embed widgets relating to this forum in other websites, so would only be of relevance to website designers.

El Loro

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