Years ago I bought a little tiny bay tree from a garden centre which I planted out. It grew into a fine big thick bush and it has moved house with me a couple of times. I brought it to the house I am living in now when I got married. I am very proud of it and my husband likes my bush nearly as much as I do and all our friends admire it.
My problem is this -
last week a gardener came to tidy up my garden because it had got a bit out of hand. However he trimmed my bush most drastically while he was here, without even asking my permission.
I never noticed him doing it and my husband was out playing golf when it happened.
Now my bush looks all sparse and straggly and I feel quite ashamed of it.
My husband was most upset when he saw it.
He really used to like it being thick and luxuriant. He says it's hardly worth having now.
I agree with him too, because I used to pull bits off it when I was cooking and drop them in a casserole to add flavour, but now there's hardly enough to pull off any more.
Also my little pussy used to keep dry underneath it when it was raining and keep cool under it when the weather was hot and sunny. It's no good at all to my poor pussy now.
I know it will grow again but that's not the point.
What should I say to gardener about my bush?
He took it into his own hands to do that.
Should I refuse to pay him for making so free with my bush when my mind was on other things?
Any suggestions anyone?