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Mine eats cheese with everything, on his sunday dinner, with curry, chinese...whatever we have for dinner... BIG THICK SLICES OF BLOODY CHEESE

If we run out of cheddar its cottage cheese, cottage cheese on this, on that.

I have just had to endure watching him eat thick cut cheese baps with mouthfuls of chicken and mushroom chinese takeaway. I am developing a cheese phobia

Is this normal?

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Stating the obvious eg I'll have pizza on the plate for dinner and he goes "is that pizza?" or I get up and he goes "is that you up?"
Answering a question with "what?" first eg do you want fish for dinner and he goes "what?.....yeah ok"
He's a sniffer. Sniffs socks to see if he can get another day out of them. Sniffs food to see if it's edible. Sniffs his armpits to see if he needs a shower.
yeah... not listening is one of mine's.

snoring is a biggy.

and picking his feet... absent mindedly... 'pick,pick,pick'  ...  I hate feet anyway.. .but its the sound of it too.   I shout at him when he does it.

Oh... (oooh, I am so on a roll now)....  if I didn't go completely ape when he does it... scraping the fork on his teeth (as discussed in a thread earlier in the week).

Thats all for now.

I still love him to bits!  
I`ve got a list!
He snores.
He talks in his sleep.
He moans in his sleep.
He never closes a cupboard door.
He passes wind and thinks it`s funny. (No, it is NOT funny).
He always decides to have a chat when I`m watching something on T.V.

I could go on.....and on....and on.
I`m sure I have grounds for divorce, so he`s lucky I love him to bits.
I had another bf with terrible nasal hair and i used to tweezer it when he had passed out blind drunk. I know how to pick em. Happily single for now
OH has the nostril spider-legs
I bought him a set of those battery-operated clippers.
But I do get the tweezers onto his ears every now and then. I swear he's getting hairier as he gets older
Where do I start?  I'm serious here cos I've got my bullet points out

  • Putting an empty margarine tub back in the fridge or milk carton so I don't realise we've run out.
  • Having sugar all over the counter when he's made a cup of tea.
  • Crumbs and buttery knife when making a sandwich.
  • Taking all the bread for his sandwiches and toast for work with the exception of the crusts - I'm a lucky girl I get the crusts!
  • Not changing the toilet roll when it runs out but leaves old one on holder and takes a new one out of packet then leaves it on the cistern for me to do
  • refusing to take his muddy boots off when he walks in the house and leaving me to clean up after him.
I'd better stop before I burst a blood vessel
Putting an empty margarine tub back in the fridge or milk carton so I don't realise we've run out. Having sugar all over the counter when he's made a cup of tea. Crumbs and buttery knife when making a sandwich. Taking all the bread for his sandwiches and toast for work with the exception of the crusts - I'm a lucky girl I get the crusts! Not changing the toilet roll when it runs out but leaves old one on holder and takes a new one out of packet then leaves it on the cistern for me to do refusing to take his muddy boots off when he walks in the house and leaving me to clean up after him.

That'd be enough to tip me over the edge.
Pengy offline 4546 Forum Posts Today at 12:49 (Edited: ) Where do I start? I'm serious here cos I've got my bullet points out * Putting an empty margarine tub back in the fridge or milk carton so I don't realise we've run out. * Having sugar all over the counter when he's made a cup of tea. * Crumbs and buttery knife when making a sandwich. * Taking all the bread for his sandwiches and toast for work with the exception of the crusts - I'm a lucky girl I get the crusts! * Not changing the toilet roll when it runs out but leaves old one on holder and takes a new one out of packet then leaves it on the cistern for me to do * refusing to take his muddy boots off when he walks in the house and leaving me to clean up after him. I'd better stop before I burst a blood vessel
that sounds like me except for the muddy boots lol

Leaving his work wellies on the landing for me to stub my toe on.
Using the banistair to hang his clothes over.
Never cleaning the bath after him.
Tumble drying his clothes every morning before work.  TO HEAT THEM UP!
Not knowing where the was basket is.
Leaving the loo roll inserts on the floor when the roll is done.  He obviously doesn't see the bin beside his arse.
Going the whole way back to the fridge/freezer/cupboard to put an empthy box back instead of throwing it in the bin which is closer.
Flicking his toes, the noise he makes drives me up the wall.
Breathing noisily.
Eating noisily.
SNORING  like he belongs on a farm or airstrip.  It's the worst snoring I;ve ever heard.
Not letting people finish a 'I went into tescos today'  him: 'awww that one in the town?'  'Yeah, anyway, went ot tescos to get some bread'  him: 'awww i bet you picked up an out of date one did you?'  'erm, no, went to get bread and was about to pay at the til'  him: 'dont tell me you forgot your purse!?' ............get my drift?

Asking Qs about shows I'm watching which he has no interest in.

I'll have to stop coz I'[m making him sound awful!  When the truth is I'm used to it all now so it only annoys me when I'm in bad form.


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