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I love this tree analogy when I think of people in my life, be it friends, family, acquaintances, co-workers, whomever...

Some people come into your life and they are like leaves on a tree. They are only there for a season. You can't depend on them or count on them because they are wea

k and only there to give you shade. Like leaves, they are there to take what they need and as soon as it gets cold or a wind blows in your life they are gone. You can't be angry at them, it's just who they are.

There are some people who come into your life and they are like branches on a tree. They are stronger than leaves, but you have to be careful with them. They will stick around through most seasons, but if you go through a storm or two in your life it's possible that you could lose them. Most times they break away when it's tough. Although they are stronger than leaves, you have to test them out before you run out there and put all your weight on them. In most cases they can't handle too much weight. But again, you can't be mad with them, it's just who they are.

If you can find some people in your life who are like the roots of a tree then you have found something special. Like the roots of a tree, they are hard to find because they are not trying to be seen. Their only job is to hold you up and help you live a strong and healthy life. If you thrive, they are happy. They stay low key and don't let the world know that they are there. And if you go through an awful storm they will hold you up. Their job is to hold you up, come what may, and to nourish you, feed you and water you.

Just as a tree has many limbs and many leaves, there are few roots. Look at your own life. How many leaves, branches and roots do you have? What are you in other people's lives?


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



I'm a root...I like to drink loads 

I don't know you personally, but over the years, you kind of get to know people on here, through our conversations, and yep you strike me as a root!


you'd be right Senora as far as the liking a drink is concerned .. in all seriousness, I think most of us would like to be a root, how we are perceived by others may be a different matter. I generally keep my friends forever, so I must be getting something right  

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Can I be a tree decoration?

The one-of-a-kind tree decoration is made of 18 carat white gold and is plastered with over one and half thousand stunning diamonds.

The most expensive Christmas bauble in the world, coated with precious gems: The ÂĢ82,000 Christmas bauble coated with 188 red rubies
The bauble is kept in a steel-framed case surrounded by 6mm thick laminated glass

It is surrounded by two incredible rings featuring 188 red rubies and took all year to design and make.

The bauble is being unveiled tomorrow night, but is currently being kept under lock and key in Titchfield, Hampshire.

It is so valuable it is being kept in a steel-framed case surrounded by 6mm thick laminated glass.

The box is surrounded by a high tech microwave bubble, which sounds if it is broken, and even has an extra internal alarm which fills the shop with smoke if it goes off.

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Can I be a tree decoration?

What though? 

The one Erin said 


Although personally, I think I would have been one of those nasty paper mache things your kid makes at school that you secretly hate but just can't bring yourself to get rid of.



I've got every part of the tree in my life.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.  I've got friends I've had since primary school and my family (roots) friends I've had a long time and am not so close to now but still regard them as friends (branches) and then there are friends who I only see for night's out and girl's nights in but who I don't see (nor want to see) when times are tough so I'm a pretty full tree


I am, of course, the trunk keeping all those parts of the tree together.  Ok, that might not be true.....but I didn't know which part of the tree I was


Actually I'm all of the parts aswell, I have friends for different occasions and I don't see anything wrong with that.

Originally Posted by Ells:

I've got every part of the tree in my life.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.  I've got friends I've had since primary school and my family (roots) friends I've had a long time and am not so close to now but still regard them as friends (branches) and then there are friends who I only see for night's out and girl's nights in but who I don't see (nor want to see) when times are tough so I'm a pretty full tree


I am, of course, the trunk keeping all those parts of the tree together.  Ok, that might not be true.....but I didn't know which part of the tree I was


Actually I'm all of the parts aswell, I have friends for different occasions and I don't see anything wrong with that.

Good way to be I guess 

Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by slimfern:

I'm not any of them 

Awwww. What would you class yourself as then? 

Reckon am a bit of Branch & Root.....I give but don't necessarily hang around.

In reality ...I don't like any limelight!


Vodka helps with ^^ that 


Which are you ?



I don't know Slimmy. As I said up there^^ I'd like to think I'm a root but I really don't know. Without blowing my own trumpet I know I've been there for a few peeps recently so who knows..........


I'd also like to think I know when peeps are taking me for a ride 

Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by slimfern:

I'm not any of them 

Awwww. What would you class yourself as then? 

Reckon am a bit of Branch & Root.....I give but don't necessarily hang around.

In reality ...I don't like any limelight!


Vodka helps with ^^ that 


Which are you ?

I'm like that, I'll be there if someone needs me but I am not around at other times.    I suppose people see that as a bad thing.  Or a fair weather friend but I just see it as I'm always at the other end of the phone.....even if you do have to make the effort to dial me as I sometimes hibernate and call no-one for weeks!

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by slimfern:

I'm not any of them 

Awwww. What would you class yourself as then? 

Reckon am a bit of Branch & Root.....I give but don't necessarily hang around.

In reality ...I don't like any limelight!


Vodka helps with ^^ that 


Which are you ?

I'm like that, I'll be there if someone needs me but I am not around at other times.    I suppose people see that as a bad thing.  Or a fair weather friend but I just see it as I'm always at the other end of the phone.....even if you do have to make the effort to dial me as I sometimes hibernate and call no-one for weeks!

My thought is that always there...might not be for years sometimes...but tis like yesterday 

Makes sense to me....

Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by slimfern:

I'm not any of them 

Awwww. What would you class yourself as then? 

Reckon am a bit of Branch & Root.....I give but don't necessarily hang around.

In reality ...I don't like any limelight!


Vodka helps with ^^ that 


Which are you ?

I'm like that, I'll be there if someone needs me but I am not around at other times.    I suppose people see that as a bad thing.  Or a fair weather friend but I just see it as I'm always at the other end of the phone.....even if you do have to make the effort to dial me as I sometimes hibernate and call no-one for weeks!

My thought is that always there...might not be for years sometimes...but tis like yesterday 

Makes sense to me....

 Makes sense to me too!


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