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God NO not that plastic faced, nauseating, squeaky balled twonk Have you seen the ad for his Love Songs album? Makes me want to smash the crap out of the tele with a shovel, it's so FAKE!!!! He's trying WAY too hard and it does my friggin nut in. Thing is, when he was with Kate I liked him cos he had a bit of attitude, but since they've finished I'm sick of this perfect, polished persona he's adopted. He needs to grow a pair and man up.
I can relate to more how she hurts than him, she just has a thicker skin and covers it better, but deep down I can tell she's in bits. 
Funny thing is I don't think she covers it well at all. .

she grabs a new  man, asap (rebound stuff) marry's him (again a daft thing to do with a rebound man)  and all the time acts completely erratic. . I don't think she is thick skinned at all. .I think her actions are a direct result of her thin skin and insecurities.. dressing and acting like some sort of ..well to be frank.. tart ..

A sure sign of a woman lacking self esteem is the need to be on the arm of a man all the time and appear 'sexy' or 'sexual'.. she never gave herself time to recover from the breakup.. I feel for the kids having a new live in 'daddy' so soon after their own daddy has left and who may not even last the year..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Wasn't it her fooling around with guys that started the split?
It seems her being out with a gay guy or something was the catalyst..I dont know, Peter hasn't stated his reasons (*cough* yet. But for the right money or when popularity starts to wane he might *cough*)

I could just tell when I saw her being interviewed by Piers Morgan and after she came out of the jungle that she wasn't as over it all as she liked to think she was. I'm not saying she's an angel, not at all, but I don't think it was all down to her. If she was that bad why did he stick around for 5 years?
I must be the only one who likes her Don't get me wrong, I'm not a die hard fan (like Choccy from C4 - she thought she was her kidney donor or something the way she went on), and I think she has done some pretty stupid stuff over the years and recently, but I don't feel that resentment or anger like alot of others do. I just find her quite honest. She's not ashamed of how she's made her money, to me she's never tried to portray something she isn't. True, she plays the media like a fiddle but it's a very lucrative arrangement for both sides. I dunno, I've seen so many 'celebs' who wont put a foot wrong or dare to even fart in the wrong direction, are scripted to the hilt in interviews and sculpted by publicists, PR agents and Managers to sell the brand. That's fine, but I find it shallow and dull after a while.
She just seems to choose her own path, says what she thinks and seems quite open.

I wont do a Renton and sit back,light a cigar and wait for an attack cos this a grown-up debate (sort of)

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