1st one was my name , 2nd was i was named at work , 3rd one is how i feel 

Reference: justafriend
i picked just a friend cos im nothing special just a friend in passing i guess, but there if ever needed.
You`re very special justa. 
Remember, it`s not always the noisiest that people hear.

Started off as Bizzie Lizzie, as I was in a hurry to get onto the forum and shout about Tim the Twat on BB3. Didn't think I'd be staying on, so didn't car about the name.
Got called Bizzie by peeps, then Blizzie, so changed my name to Blizzie, when we came here.
Became Blizz'ard, during the snow season, suggested by Supes as my Christmas name.
Got called Bizzie by peeps, then Blizzie, so changed my name to Blizzie, when we came here.
Became Blizz'ard, during the snow season, suggested by Supes as my Christmas name.

My name is Peter. I have a cat.
Ch4 forum was the first forum I had ever joined when they said write username I put my own name I did not realise you could make up a name I felt really stupid after.
I joined the beginning of my surname to the beginning of my hubby's surname and got longcat.
Mine's the same as Marg really, CH4 was the first forum i had ever joined, didn't realise you could make up a name, couldn't work out how too join, so daughter did it for me and used her name instead of mine
it get's very confusing people calling me Aimee
even more when someone started me a birthday thread on her birthday and then i realised she'd used her d.o.b as well
i like anew name now though

I wanted one of the Greek mythical god names cos was a bit of a greekophile, but I couldn't make up my mind which one to choose so went I for their home instead.. bit daft really but will always associate it with C4 and DS BB forum so kept it. .but I tend to use the shorted Olly everywhere else tho . . [from the Olympus bit given me by Angel yrs ago] 

Eugene's Lair ![]() Member | Yesterday at 1:54 PM |
I don't think I've ever explained the origin of my name before, but I alluded to it recently, and I remember a few FMs on the old C4 site getting the reference straight away.
Although I had been lurking on the C4 site from the early days, I didn't join until towards the end of BB6 (I was forced to because C4 started blocking non-members even just from reading). I needed a name PDQ, and as I had a soft spot for Eugene Sully at the time, I thought I'd base it on him.
"Eugene's Lair" was the name of a level in an old computer game that I used to love - "Manic Miner". I liked the idea of a punning name, and I thought Eugene would appreciate the geeky reference, so...
My avatar is a screenshot of Eugene himself from the game - it was either that or a toilet bowl...
[In the game, "Eugene's Lair" was itself a jokey reference to Eugene Evans - a well-known games programmer at the time.]
I always just assumed it was because of Eugene Sully
Although I had been lurking on the C4 site from the early days, I didn't join until towards the end of BB6 (I was forced to because C4 started blocking non-members even just from reading). I needed a name PDQ, and as I had a soft spot for Eugene Sully at the time, I thought I'd base it on him.
"Eugene's Lair" was the name of a level in an old computer game that I used to love - "Manic Miner". I liked the idea of a punning name, and I thought Eugene would appreciate the geeky reference, so...
My avatar is a screenshot of Eugene himself from the game - it was either that or a toilet bowl...
[In the game, "Eugene's Lair" was itself a jokey reference to Eugene Evans - a well-known games programmer at the time.]
I always just assumed it was because of Eugene Sully

![]() | Mount Olympus *Olly* ![]() Member | Today at 10:46 |
I wanted one of the Greek mythical god names cos was a bit of a greekophile, but I couldn't make up my mind which one to choose so went I for their home instead.. bit daft really but will always associate it with C4 and DS BB forum so kept it. .but I tend to use the shorted Olly everywhere else tho . . [from the Olympus bit given me by Angel yrs ago] 
You are one of the very first posters I remember when I joined C4, I think I was either reading the LUT or it was another thread and I was just about to refer to you as a 'he' (just assumed because others were calling you Olly and then just before I clicked 'post' I saw your sig 'I'm a she not a he' or something to that effect and I thought, crap change me post quick

You are one of the very first posters I remember when I joined C4, I think I was either reading the LUT or it was another thread and I was just about to refer to you as a 'he' (just assumed because others were calling you Olly and then just before I clicked 'post' I saw your sig 'I'm a she not a he' or something to that effect and I thought, crap change me post quick

Anyone who has watched Blackadder may remember the scene which I took my name from. Blackadder is in conversation with Dr. Samuel Johnson (Robbie Coltrane), the writer of the first dictionary. I thought the exchange between Blackadder and Dr. Johnson very amusing and as such remembered it an used it for my one and only name on this forum.
I note that some members have shortened me to EC..
I have included an extract from the script below.
I have recently changed my avatar as I thought the old one a bit to dark.
I note that some members have shortened me to EC..
I have included an extract from the script below.
SJ: "This book, sir, contains every word in our beloved language." EB: "Every word, sir?" SJ: "Every word, sir." EB: "Well, in that case, sir, I hope you will not object if I also offer the doctor my most enthusiastic contrafibularities." SJ: "What??" EB: "Contrafibularities, sir. It is a common word down our way." SJ: "Damn!" EB: "Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I'm anaspeptic, frasmotic, even compunctuous to have caused you such pericumbobulation." EB: "Of course, sir. I shall return interfrastically."
EB - Edmund Blackadder / SJ - Dr. Samuel Johnson
I have recently changed my avatar as I thought the old one a bit to dark.
Former Member
One of my friends used to call me The Veg as I was the only Veggie he knew and when i joined C4 I just couldn't think of a name so put Veg and then lengthened it.
I chat on a few Footy Fora and I use the name Veggie on them too - I've had grief over my name on one footie forum as it is just about the only one that is not footie related
I remember that Enthusiastic Contrafibulatories. 
I love your name!

I love your name!

Reference: Temps
You are one of the very first posters I remember when I joined C4, I think I was either reading the LUT or it was another thread and I was just about to refer to you as a 'he' (just assumed because others were calling you Olly and then just before I clicked 'post' I saw your sig 'I'm a she not a he' or something to that effect and I thought, crap change me post quick
yeah a lot of peeps think or thought I was a man. . 
the sig used to be, 'call me Olly for short and NO I am not a bloke!'

I still say can you tape it ? when i want something recorded My daughter looks at me as if i've lost the plot.
LolWe still say "pull the chain" for a toilet flush round these here parts

Muf short for Mufcdiver (C4 wouldn't accept a common misspelling of it)

Posted one post as Mufcdriver and C4 banned me for what seemed like 15 years

Reference: Muffy
Posted one post as Mufcdriver and C4 banned me for what seemed like 15 years though strangely they didn't ban mufcdriver
Capital offence!

Actually I told C4 to fÂĢ%& off after they edited a post of mine to make it even more incomprehensible than I'd originally intended 


My user name used to be an extended version of my initials, now it's a shortened version
Me and my mate Lilly wanted to dump our old names and have a laugh so we became Cagney and Lacey. 

It's my favourite cocktail plus I was still living in that there cosmopolitan London town.
I suppose I should/could change it to Sea Breeze now that I've based myself on the coast
I suppose I should/could change it to Sea Breeze now that I've based myself on the coast

My brother always calls me Triggers, and like my fellow forummers, he very often shortens it to Trigs! 

![]() | Scotty ![]() Member | Today at 04:19 |
I remember that Enthusiastic Contrafibulatories. 
I love your name!
Thank you Scotty.

I love your name!

Thank you Scotty.
I shall return interfrastically.
Best part of the conversation
thank you Scotty, made me smile 

Former Member
Tried loads of names when I joined C4 and they were all taken, so, in frustration, I picked a name that was a derivative of where I live. I never liked it, so changed it when we came over here..... I wanted Serendipity, ('cos it's my favorite word,) but that was already taken (
) so went for Supercalifragilisticexpialidocous 'cos it's a word we use in my family when we really like something, and because I can't say it without smiling/singing. Got 'told off' by someone, (can't remember who,) because it was "too long and stretched the page" so shortened it, (now I'm a bit more confident on the forum I'd probably tell 'em to mind their own bleedin business and I'll have whatever bliddy name I want!!!)......Ditty started calling me Supes and most people followed suit...I like it

I used to 'ave an 'orse called Serendipity.
It used to jump the fence and run up and down the dartford tunnel (when there was only one and no bridge) thus shutting it till we managed to catch her and get her back in her field.
It used to jump the fence and run up and down the dartford tunnel (when there was only one and no bridge) thus shutting it till we managed to catch her and get her back in her field.
.Ditty started calling me Supes
nah... I call you Soops!
Mine came about cos it was a frantic reregging cos I had been bopped under my old name KTBird, and there was something I wanted to post urgently (god knows what)... the Dirty Pretty Things CD cover was laying next to my pooter... I whacked the girl bit in to stop any gender confusion.
I regretted it for ages... when people would call me "Dirty"... til Angel typo'd it to Ditty in the LUT.. and that stuck!
Former Member
nah... I call you Soops!
That's true, I never know whether to spell it Supes, Soops or Soups....Anyway it reminds me of one of my favourite cheesy jokes from when I was younger

My username was inspired by a letter writer to Private Eye (Although the letter writer was a singular Buttock - I decided to go plural.)
C4 once editted my name to Smart Butt
as they did with quite a few others.
C4 once editted my name to Smart Butt

Former Member
I laugh every time I think of Smart Butt. Do you think the mods were telling you that they thought you were a smart arse?
Tanya Hyde got pruned as well prompting Spongebob Squarepants to hold on tight to her pants
Sometimes I get a bit nostalgic for the mental mods of Tempero that C4 used - then I go to the Arsenal Forum where they still moderate and within 2 minutes I'm cured pmsl
Tanya Hyde got pruned as well prompting Spongebob Squarepants to hold on tight to her pants

Sometimes I get a bit nostalgic for the mental mods of Tempero that C4 used - then I go to the Arsenal Forum where they still moderate and within 2 minutes I'm cured pmsl
Mine's cos I truly believe (and have seen) that what goes around comes around 

I never know whether to spell it Supes, Soops or Supes
I spell it Soops cos I sometimes say it out loud as I type it... only I say "Sooooooooooops"

Former Member
I was Belfast Belle on the old C4 forum, inspired by the traditional song "she is handsome, she is pretty, she is the belle of Belfastc City". I got banned for nowt and then changed to "Nosey Rosie" as its what my brother named me after I was listening with a glass up against the wall, to the neighbours. Well, they were having a fight, whats a girl to do? 

Reference: Veggie
I laugh every time I think of Smart Butt. Do you think the mods were telling you that they thought you were a smart arse?
God know what those mods were thinking. My god you couldn't even mention Tempero on C4 - They had some strange trigger words.
Former Member
It's the same on the official Arsenal forum. It's probably the same on the official Man U forum as well that they moderate. You can see fms kicking off about all the same stuff we used to 

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