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I don't think I've ever explained the origin of my name before, but I alluded to it recently, and I remember a few FMs on the old C4 site getting the reference straight away.

Although I had been lurking on the C4 site from the early days, I didn't join until towards the end of BB6 (I was forced to because C4 started blocking non-members even just from reading). I needed a name PDQ, and as I had a soft spot for Eugene Sully at the time, I thought I'd base it on him.
"Eugene's Lair" was the name of a level in an old computer game that I used to love - "Manic Miner". I liked the idea of a punning name, and I thought Eugene would appreciate the geeky reference, so...
My avatar is a screenshot of Eugene himself from the game - it was either that or a toilet bowl...

[In the game, "Eugene's Lair" was itself a jokey reference to Eugene Evans - a well-known games programmer at the time.]
Eugene's Lair
Mine comes from when I used to use MSN chatrooms (many many moons ago), when I first joined I couldn't come up with anything so I used one of the suggestions they made and have shortened it over the years until it became this one.  

My avatar at the moment comes from my sexual fascination with creme eggs. (Seeing as it's almost Easter )  My usual one of Angus Young, well I suppose it's self explanatory.
..But i have a talent, a wonderful thing, coz everyone listens when i start to sing ....

Hahahahaha that song reminds me of being 10 and doing concerts around all the old folk homes and pensioner evenings in our village with my class.  I had to sing that as a solo. My junior school teacher obviously saw a sing snap career for me 
Hahahahaha that song reminds me of being 10 and doing concerts around all the old folk homes and pensioner evenings in our village with my class.  I had to sing that as a solo. My junior school teacher obviously saw a sing snap career for me
lol Did your mother not videoe it, imagine seeing that again 

Are your ears burning ?  lol talking about your class paintings in the bus stop.
Ev (Peachy)
lol Did your mother not videoe it, imagine seeing that again

Bloody hell woman, I think betamax had just been invented then, and we were far too poor to be able to afford a cinecam (or whatever they had back then)   But yes, I really would love to see it if I could.

Are your ears burning ?  lol talking about your class paintings in the bus stop.
Really?  Why? It's been ages since I did an online one. (Mr Cinds gets some dropped on his desk every now and then)  *goes off to look*

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