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Sunshine confided in Ben yesterday that she had an eating disorder.. so far she ahsn't revealed which eating disorder she has.. tho she has said in the past she lives on crisp sandwiches..

he at some point asked her if she was on medication

am not sure if this was at the same time she told him about her eating problems/disorder

anyway I get the feeling she thought he was implying she was perhaps a tad bonkers in the head..   pots and kettles with them two methinks  
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Humourless and unpleasant.
Surely nobody believes her "look at me pretending to be offended" stunts.
Interrupting and talking over people, not being able to take a joke, and knowlingly accusing others of hurting her - even when they have not - makes her not nice.
It's a pretty nasty and unpleasant act she puts on.
I don't believe her when she claims to be offended about such trivial things as she does.
It's all an act.  But I think she is spoilt and selfish too.
ReferenceMount Olympus Today at 18:06:
Sunshine confided in Ben yesterday that she had an eating disorder.. so far she ahsn't revealed which eating disorder she has.. tho she has said in the past she lives on crisp sandwiches..
There has been discussion elsewhere that her conversion to veganism was partly as a means of coping with her eating disorder.
Eugene's Lair

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