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Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Nice one Aimee - it is fascinating


I completed "Infection prevention and control".

Learned nothing LOL

Yeah i have . . . wash yer hands and err . . . ringworm is a fungus not a parasite. There

You learned 'wash your hands' didn't know before?

Did the sarcasm pass you by? Sorry

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Nice one Aimee - it is fascinating


I completed "Infection prevention and control".

Learned nothing LOL

Yeah i have . . . wash yer hands and err . . . ringworm is a fungus not a parasite. There

I've found my dad 2 cousins  and 1 of them lives unbelievably across the road from my local co-op 

We learned that my grandad moved into the same street as my grandma and that's how they met

Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Nice one Aimee - it is fascinating


I completed "Infection prevention and control".

Learned nothing LOL

Yeah i have . . . wash yer hands and err . . . ringworm is a fungus not a parasite. There

I've found my dad 2 cousins  and 1 of them lives unbelievably across the road from my local co-op 

We learned that my grandad moved into the same street as my grandma and that's how they met


Yesterday, after a long period of negotiation we offloaded responsibility for the grand kids onto the opposite camp of grand parents. I suppose we could have left 'em home alone but people seem rather sensitive about this at the moment.
We made our way to Newcastle where due to a lack of organisation managed to avoid meeting up with a FM who is known to you all. We also managed to avoid some chump who fell off his bike and nearly nudged us into the Tyne.
After a look around the shops we headed for a recommended restaurant, which was shut down due to a lack of leccy supply. The leccy blokes had the road up. We ate at a Jappanese franchise place which was surprisingly good.
Made our way to the Sage to see CSN. I appeared to be the youngest bloke there.
Fantastic gig though but!
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by moonie:

Got really angry and bit my trying not to slap a child who was treating his younger his brother like a punch bag whilst his mother and sisters where sitting opposite and doing nothing


S'ok I wouldn't hit a child tbh but it just made me so

Oh dear, i know what you say. Have watched the same thing. Blame the parents not the child. Its hard tho......

Originally Posted by moonie:

I just felt sorry for the one being bullied Skylark No one seemed to care really. Just like it was the norm

I totally know that moonie, very sad.
I was in Boots one day, and this little thug, about 6 years old whacked her sister about 2 years old. Mummy thought that was ok. Then mummy grabbed both of them and smacked both, very hard. I had to say something, and did. I was told to f off and mind my own business. Sad x

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by moonie:

I just felt sorry for the one being bullied Skylark No one seemed to care really. Just like it was the norm

I totally know that moonie, very sad.
I was in Boots one day, and this little thug, about 6 years old whacked her sister about 2 years old. Mummy thought that was ok. Then mummy grabbed both of them and smacked both, very hard. I had to say something, and did. I was told to f off and mind my own business. Sad x

Pretty damn sad that Skylark x

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by moonie:

I just felt sorry for the one being bullied Skylark No one seemed to care really. Just like it was the norm

I totally know that moonie, very sad.
I was in Boots one day, and this little thug, about 6 years old whacked her sister about 2 years old. Mummy thought that was ok. Then mummy grabbed both of them and smacked both, very hard. I had to say something, and did. I was told to f off and mind my own business. Sad x

Pretty damn sad that Skylark x

Yes indeed, moonie. I wont go off on one, but i do wish some people would appreciate what they have . Children are so precious 

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Finally got my new lappy out the box after three weeks and messed about with it. I'm back on my old one now as I'm drinking

Oooh, well done you...I think

I went shopping in Brighton with my daughter; had a nice lunch in Brown's in Ship Street and then cut a swathe like a pair of demons - all in under 6 hours.  Go Us..! 

Then, we met a miniature Shetland Pony walking along the pavement.

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Finally got my new lappy out the box after three weeks and messed about with it. I'm back on my old one now as I'm drinking

Oooh, well done you...I think

I went shopping in Brighton with my daughter; had a nice lunch in Brown's in Ship Street and then cut a swathe like a pair of demons - all in under 6 hours.  Go Us..! 

Then, we met a miniature Shetland Pony walking along the pavement.

On it's tod? 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by Sprout:

Finally got my new lappy out the box after three weeks  and messed about with it. I'm back on my old one now as I'm drinking  

 Good call Sprout


What make did you get?

Same as I've got. Tosh........Windows 8    I figure best get used to it now, as it's gonna be the norm 

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by Sprout:

Finally got my new lappy out the box after three weeks  and messed about with it. I'm back on my old one now as I'm drinking  

 Good call Sprout


What make did you get?

Same as I've got. Tosh........Windows 8    I figure best get used to it now, as it's gonna be the norm 

True. And if W8 is doing your head in, you can always install 8.1 free. Its a bit better.


So Toshiba lappys are good then? 

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

Same as I've got. Tosh........Windows 8    I figure best get used to it now, as it's gonna be the norm 

Welcome to the world of eternal cursing, Sprouty.


(The horse had a 'walker' with it, btw)

Yep, I started about 2.30 with it this afty and finally I had to give in about 7ish 


(Good about the horse) 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

True. And if W8 is doing your head in, you can always install 8.1 free. Its a bit better.


So Toshiba lappys are good then? 

I got a link to d/load 8.1 through the screens I was messing around in, but couldn't find it. I had my old lappy still connected though and Googled the problem. It seems it might be as well holding off on the d/load as a lot of peeps are complaining about it not working 


Wel.....I used to have a desktop years ago and then I got my old lappy (Tosh) and it's never given me many they are the ones used at work so i thought I'd go for same again. I'm not saying they are they bees knees, it's just that, that's what I know 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by Sprout:

I d/loaded Chrome Rog and then promptly lost IE  

No way Sprout! That happened to me too a couple of days ago too, after  installing W8.1. Type Internet Explorer into the search box and then pin it to the taskbar so you don't lose it again.

I'll carry on with it tomorrow, It had my head done in by the time I'd finished, and I still hadn't done all the updates 

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

True. And if W8 is doing your head in, you can always install 8.1 free. Its a bit better.


So Toshiba lappys are good then? 

I got a link to d/load 8.1 through the screens I was messing around in, but couldn't find it. I had my old lappy still connected though and Googled the problem. It seems it might be as well holding off on the d/load as a lot of peeps are complaining about it not working 


Wel.....I used to have a desktop years ago and then I got my old lappy (Tosh) and it's never given me many they are the ones used at work so i thought I'd go for same again. I'm not saying they are they bees knees, it's just that, that's what I know 

Thanks Sprout - I'd though about getting a Toshiba as they look well made and sturdy  When I break this one [which I probably will   ] I'd seriously consider a Tosh.  

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by Sprout:

I d/loaded Chrome Rog and then promptly lost IE  

No way Sprout! That happened to me too a couple of days ago too, after  installing W8.1. Type Internet Explorer into the search box and then pin it to the taskbar so you don't lose it again.

I'll carry on with it tomorrow, It had my head done in by the time I'd finished, and I still hadn't done all the updates 

Go at your own pace . Oh and I had to reinstall bluetooth too 


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