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Gawd Renton, I look at my student-aged children and I am glad I don't have to live with their mess all year round now.  


Why students? Why not let the rooms to professionals, people more of your age, who are likely to have the same interests as you.


The thought of sharing with a houseful of students makes me shudder


Posted the Travelling Tennis Ball to his next destination.


I've had him for over a week took him to Ireland with me last week and this weekend he went to Stratford upon Avon 


I'm glad to get rid of it, not cos I don't like it but because if I lost it, I'd be killed (sent it track and trace) so hopefully it will get to its next destination tomorrow 


BTW he's travelling the world and will be auctioned off to raise money for Border Terrier Welfare 


Went to visit our new grand daughter yesterday and spent and enjoyable dinner with all of the children, partners and grandchildren. Today we took eldest Grandboy to Mingoland (as he pronounced it). The most enjoyable part of the day for me was watching three euro fighters playing in the sky above Yorkshire.


Came home, quick shower and then to the pub for a couple of al fresco glasses of wine.



Slept in quite late (feeling the after effects of two days physical exertions in the garden).


Had a bath to soothe the aches and pains.


Been out and had 2 cheese and egg muffins (ÂĢ1 each from local Nosh).


Tried to go have a coffee in a coffee shop, but the queue was so long I gave up.


Bought a John Foxx Double CD and a Tosca CD.


Food shopped in Sainsbury's.




Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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