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For me, the finals of BB2, 3 and 5 were the best.

Watching Brian and Helen mooching around the house panicking, Brian rubbing vaseline into his cheeks (erm Laugh ) and Helen yanking her dress down to cover up the 'white shorts' she had on her legs where she refused to get her thighs out in the sun Laugh Then both of them holding on to echother saying the other's name until they knew who had was a great final, definately the two best housemates of that BB had made it to the final, and the crown after Brian's exit were so enthusiastic, it looked like a brilliant atmosphere.

The only shame about that was it was before winner's week and stuff was introduced on E4, and if I remember rightly Brian didnt get that much of an interview either as it was on the stage in the middle of the crowd and everyone was going potty...I did enjoy seeing the 100k go into his account tho Big Grin

Then BB 3...Kate and Jonny both pissed as farts at the end, rolling around the floor, and Kate coming out sozzled and doing that stupid dance at the top of the stairs...she looked a tit and Id wanted Jonny to win, but another final with an exciting finish.

Finally, BB5, the tension for the finalists in the house was very apparent, and seeing the disbelief and sheer gratitude on Nadia's face when she realised not only had she won but her transexualism had been accepted by so many was dead emotional, and I blubbed like a loon Blush ( Plus seeing Jason booed was fantastic, I hated him, used to drive me up the pole watching him moisturise his arse every night Laugh )

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Originally posted by Marcus.:
Wait, hold the back page.

I have just remembered cameron popping up and down with his ample gut on show like a rock fan at a concert.

I was like, wow camern, such emotion, what happened there.

then I remembered the prize fund as i saw rays face crease into a pained expression.

Good thread. Thumbs Up

I cant remember that you know, and I really liked BB4, I shall have to go look on youtube!

BB1 was a great first off, I wanted Anna to win though (I missed loads of that one aswell being in hospital, I really wanted to see that Mel evicted too Mad haha! )
Originally posted by jamieboy:
Originally posted by daydreamy:
Originally posted by jamieboy:
i dont rember final nites
i aint ever had a fave who won Frowner

cept this yr with siavash Big Grin

Blimey who have you wanted to win in the past then Jamie? Ninja

i dont even remeber who was in them anymore lol
i forget BB on the monday after it finishes Big Grin

Good for you Big Grin I remember reading in a magazine after BB2 had finished they were setting up phone lines to deal with fans who couldnt cope with the trauma of missing their housemates Crazy
Originally posted by daydreamy:
Originally posted by Marcus.:
Wait, hold the back page.

I have just remembered cameron popping up and down with his ample gut on show like a rock fan at a concert.

I was like, wow camern, such emotion, what happened there.

then I remembered the prize fund as i saw rays face crease into a pained expression.

Good thread. Thumbs Up

I cant remember that you know, and I really liked BB4, I shall have to go look on youtube!

BB1 was a great first off, I wanted Anna to win though (I missed loads of that one aswell being in hospital, I really wanted to see that Mel evicted too Mad haha! )

hurry up then you old mingebag !
Originally posted by daydreamy:
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
The first one with Craig and when he went to his friend and said she could have her operation now

Did he keep his reasons for going in a secret throughout the whole thing? He did didnt he?

He did but I think it got out in the media, liked Craig though, because he has made himself a career using his skills and the fact that he was on Big Brother, instead of falling out of clubs like so many of the others.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by captain marbles:
BB7, especially when Davina practically had to drag a whimpering Nikki out of the house, followed by this classic bit of dialogue.
Nikki; "What about my best bits?"
Davina; "You've already had your best bits".

In that one, I liked Nikki being evicted before Aislyne, and Nikki stood at the top of the stairs looking distraught saying "why are they booing me?" Devil

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