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I have cried with laughter at some of these stories!  

Diamond White = evil stuff, I am the silliest drunk in the world, singing etc, on that evil stuff I want to kill the world.

Ok best moments, getting off my head in a pub and deciding it would be a good idea to go for a curry, ordering the curry, starting to eat the curry and falling asleep in the plate of curry.  Not easy stuff to wash off.

My 21st, out in Brum with mates, people buying me drinks all night and ending up sitting on the pavement outside Sam Wellers (RIP) on Hill Street shouting at the top of my voice 21 today

My 30th - don't think I drew a sober breath that weekend, ended up falling over in a pub on the Sunday night, and breaking my glasses (my birthday had been on the Friday!!)

Drinking a whole bottle of Bacardi with coke, just to see if I could - my head after that one and even looking at the bottle makes me feel sick.

Grabbing this bloke and dancing with him all the way down West Brom high street Christmas Eve 1984 (then ended up with the idiot for 3 years, but that's another story)

On my hen night, falling asleep whilst sitting on the toilet in the pub, breaking the heel off my shoes - still don't know how that happened and trying to climb lamp posts in Hurst Street in Brum

Lots of others but will have to have a think first...
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!
Got pissed at my niece's birthday party she was 19.Went upstairs to the loo,fell into the bath with my trousers and knickers round my ankles,I had bolted the door and loads of folk were trying to get in.I couldn't get out the legs were dangling over the side.One of my nieces pals( a bloke) shinned up the drainpipe and in the window to rescue me,and to let a lengthy queue of desperate folk use the loo. the shame!
What embarrassing things have happened to you while drunk?

When I don't remember, and others try to convince me that I have done something embarrassing, - I simply don't believe them.

When I recall I have done something which others find embarrassing, I am convinced that I was displaying a wonderful sophisticated sense of humour and they have missed the point.

So either way I am in the clear and they are being petty, humourless, or stirring.
Oh now you have mentioned curries that opens up some more horror stories being pissed up.

When we were kids my dad used to have a indian every weekend as a treat and us kids used to have curry sauce with rice. Its was bloody lovely. So years later after much booze, my sister thought it was funny to send me into the said indian resturant and make me order curry sauce and rice,(which they wouldnt serve us) but this used to happen each weekend, the poor men in the resturant must have dreaded each time I walked in there cos I would demand *a bit of curry sauce out the pot and that nobody would notice*.

The shame, then the one night I went in there for a sit down meal, I fell asleep in there, I had curry up to my elbows, rice and poppadums down my boobs, they woke me up and I asked for a doggie bag to take the rest of my meal home lol.

Dont go there anymore
Sheep in a Jeep

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