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i remember when i was kid......can't remember how old i was but mull of kintyre was number 1......we used to go to this pub every boxing day and meet my aunty and and my sister would be bored whilst the adults got rat arsed.....

me mum after too many vodkas climbed on the table and sang 'mull of kintyre' very loudly whilst wobbling around on top of the table......she then fell off and crashed straight through the gents toilet door.....

we then spent the afternoon in casualty cos she broke her wrist...

we were a quality family...

mine include........deciding it'd be safer to walk home up the train tracks(the weymouth to waterloo route!) xmas eve.........falling down the embankment and landing in a gorse bush where i stayed til about 6am cos i passed out.........spent all xmas day picking thorns out of meself..

getting pushed into maccyd's in a trolley and slamming into a pot plant which fell over......i was dressed as a baby at the time..(my hen night)...they weren't best pleased...

getting ratted on 17 bottles of bud and falling down the steps of a nightclub..

and the others are too embarrasing!!

My Dad used to get up and sing the whole of the MIkado when he was sloshed... where ever we were... and if there was a table he would get on there first to do it.

I inexplicably know alot of the words to mikado songs now... even though I have never seen it.

and I have had so many drunken injuries...  I cooked my finger once... I have mentioned that on here before... you have to be drunk to not realise your finger is in the frying pan!
I yacked in my friends handbag.
For some reason I remember crawling around on the floor underneath the table and remembered that it wasn't a good idea to be doing that when I'd drunk so much and there happened to be an open handbag in front of me...
Being polite, I couldn't puke on the floor, so I decided that the handbag would be a better place
I guess I must have done it quietly though as nobody seemed to notice (they were all drunk too). She never mentioned it either, so hopefully she just thought she'd done it or just was used to having people throw up in her bag
oh and about 10 years ago we went to butlins with some mates of ours....the hubby's looked after the kids whilst me and my mate went out........we got hammered.....went back to our room.......i threw up in my suitcase......hit me head on the wardrobe door and when i woke up.......lying in me suitcase i'd puked in......i could only see in black and white...which lasted for about 4 hours..

packing to go home was no fun either..
I can handle all the drink I have. It's all in the mind. The most embarrassing thing I've been in is waking up on the steps leading down to Blackpool beach to find that the beach is absolutely packed, knowing that they'll have all had to step over us to get there.
But I'm the one that usually has to take responsibility for the people I'm with who can't handle their drink.
Crunchy  Nuts
I went to my uncles funeral 3 years ago and at the wake stupidly decided on keeping up with my male cousins pint for pint. I dont remember a bloody thing past closing time, apparently we had a lock in until gone 4am.

All i knew is that I woke up in bed with a dressing gown on, so I silently lay there quite pleased with myself that I had made it to bed and even got undressed and put dressing gown on. That was until I looked around me and wandered whos bloody bed I was in, upon looking out the window, I realised i was at my cousins house..... All good, dont ya think.... Until I went down stairs and was told that they had to drag me up the hill from the pub and undress me and put me too bed.

All bloody day there was me looking in the mirror and making sure that I was looking representable and little did I know that later on that night I was undressed naked and put in dressing gown and put to bed by my male cousin.

Not been brave enough even to go see him since LOL
Sheep in a Jeep
pmsl the one night I was out with the girlies, I think it was my 27th birthday and they had made me a badge out of a paper plate, *saying buy me a drink its my birthday*.

Well all was good until I started on the Tequila slammers, when my legs felt all jellified so decided it was a good idea to sit on the edge of one of the  bottle dump bins in the nightclub. I went backwards and ended up wedged from my shoulders to my arse in this dump bin. My mates were in pieces and left me there giggling like a hyena with the occasional cry for help. One bouncer came to my rescue, thankfully.

All was ok then until I left the club, but I decided to slip at the top of the stairs on the exit and went down about 8 steps outside the club on my ass and when I landed on the last one, I sat there so embarrased I sat and opened my handbag and casually made a ciggy, before going to get my shoes that were 6ft to the left and right LOL
Sheep in a Jeep
but I decided to slip at the top of the stairs on the exit and went down about 8 steps outside the club on my ass and when I landed on the last one, I sat there so embarrased I sat and opened my handbag and casually made a ciggy, before going to get my shoes that were 6ft to the left and right LOL
Why do we do that?? Make a right tit of ourself then try to act like it was intended? And the thing is when you're pissed and try to act or talk normally you know it's coming out in a slurred mess but you try anyway
Another time, I went out with a female cousin and it got to the end of the night of which she went to speak to 5 or 6 policemen and I was rat arsed, so thought it was best if I did the disappearing act and go home. I walked passed 6 or 7 shops gathering up pace and my legs tied themselves up in a knot or summat cos I went flat on my face outside a pub enterance. There was a gang of people coming so stupidly thought If I just lay there, they would ignore me and carry on walking, one of the people recognised me and tried talking to me and I ignored them. They only went to ring and ambulance, so I got up and walked to the best of my ability and took short cut home.

All fun lol
Sheep in a Jeep

I have just read through and through the laughter it is now totally obvious you are all drunken mad hussies.

Of course being a gent who does not partake in alcohol in the extreme (uh hmmm), I cannot really contribute, although there are stories, and I refuse to believe them as I have no recollection of said events, so they cannot possibly be true of standing on the bridge in the middle of Worcester, on the ramparts or whatever they are called..... then allegedly lying in the middle of the road, but as I say these are not true neither are they particularly embarassing, just plain silly!

Then there was the time at Poly way back when such things exsisted, of being at a wine festival, when Myself and a young lady of my acquaintance allegedly got a little bit erm err intimate in the hall with around a thousand or so other students around....

Or the time when during a break in studies, about 2 and a half hours, an Irish fella on my course sort of challenged me to go drink for drink with him, so after going into double figures of John Smiths I think it was, we headed or more properly stumbled back to lectures and well what with it being around valentines day, I bought half a dozen roses for no particular reason and handed them out to the women on the course, we lasted, Andy and I for about 10 minutes in the lecture, before cracking up and having to leave then and then walk back to digs, only to go out again in the evening, and well after a further session, ended up crawling back up the hill....

I won't mention the sitting in the ladies bogs of a curry house one time with the door wide open whislt sat on the bog, erm yes, and throwing up in the sink, better than one or two of my compatriots one of whom threw up in his curry whilst the other passed out in his, needless to say we were ejected from said curry house.....

Or the time whilst on a pub crawl me and mate walked into every food place on the way and erm borrowed the salt sellars from them....
Cigarettes & Alcohol

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