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Or have you woken up in bizarre situations?

I've been thrown in a shopping centre pond, been pushed around in a Tesco's trolley at 4am singing the Wonder of You by Elvis, woken up in the bath of an old people's home, stayed on the night bus all the way from Trafalgar to Heathrow and back again, fell asleep on the Piccadilly line and did from Tottenham Court Road to Heathrow, to Cockfosters and back to Heathrow (and cant remember any of it), apparently was demonstrating at Trafalgar for the rights of the lions cos they were homeless too and was trying to jump up and feed them a chicken kebab, and flashed a taxi driver who wasn't impressed

What have you lot done?

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I think thats why I tend to piss everywhere apart from the toilet when Im pissed cos I am scared from jumped into bed with the ex inlaws. Worst thing was I was none the wiser I had have a full blown conversation with his mother at the top of the stairs, Until I walked into my exs bedroom and he said, who you just been talking too and I said your mum and he said, like that and I looked and I was starkers. Didnt find out till the following day at the dinner table that I had got into bed with them.
Sheep in a Jeep
ooooh... in defence of the friends who lost another friend in a pub loo.... that happened to us... me and my two friends, in Gran Canaria... out and v v v drunk.  None of us know how it happened... but one minute its tequila's lined up on the bar (gag!)....  next minute one of my mates & I are waking up on the other side of the island, in a hotel up a mountain.. in the corridor.

We got back to our hotel...eventually (long story there I am not telling)...  and our other mate walked through the door... dishevelled and kinda angry looking.

She'd woken up in the bar loo's...and the bar was empty and locked up!

But I mean....  we don't remember anything either!
Peed in a drawer.  Snogged trolls.  Fell asleep naked on the stairs while me brother was staying.  Woke up with fag burns on my face.  Lost 3 hours trying to get home from next door, retraced my steps by finding bits of my mobile on the floor.  Knocked myself out on a lamppost and got dramatically rescued from pretend coppers by a passing acquaintace.  Coulda woke up with a sore arse that day.
I am blessed ... well I know look on it as a blessing... with total blackouts... so I don't remember any of it.

The most recent incident (s)  happened in Poland at the bro-in-laws wedding... I still refuse to let hubby tell me everything that happened that night....

even after we got home, and I was unpacking and sorting out the washing..and he casually told me that it was my knickers in the tesco carrier bag ,.... he's peeled them off me as I peed on the hotel bathroom floor!   

oh. the. shame.
I did get so drunk at my inlaws one new years day they shoved me in the conservatory to sleep it off, where i fell off the chair flat onto my face/nose and proceeded to throw up and pee myself. i Ended up with my Sister inlaw and mother inlaw stripping me off and washing my hair in a mop bucket

Why? i hear you ask.. well father inlaw opened two bottles of white wine over dinner and i wanted red, so i thought if i drank the white the next one would be a bottle of red what? made sense at the time.
mother inlaw stripping me off

when I first woke up in poland... in the hotel room... i was starkers in bed.... I looked around and all my clothes were neatly folded on the chair....

....I lay there terrified that his mother had done it... had stripped me and put me to bed.

Turns out it was hubby.... I think the neat folding was to keep him from freaking out as I shouted for hours & hours "I luuuuuuuvvve you... but I don't luuuuuve you as much as my kids.... but I loooooooooove you..." and repeat "...... whilst headbutting the toilet seat!

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