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do you think they will keep the deals they made in the house? as far as i'm aware, They all said they would share the £50k so £10k each (but we do have too remember that £30k of that has gone into Alex's bank account) then Aaron and Jay made a deal saying whoever won would give the other £20k (are you still with me)  but that £50k Aaron has at the moment


Aaron £40k

Jay £29,500

Louise £9,500

Alex £10k

Tom £10k


Seem's very strange that Jay will get nearly as much as Aaron the actual winner, i don't think BB should have been allowed to halve the prize money in the first place


On DS they are saying Aaron shouldn't have a share of the £50k but let the other's share it  so how do you think this will pan out? then again we will probably never found out 

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I think they only split the money the way they did because they knew Aaron was going to be the winner from the massive amount of votes each week he was up.  Aaron and Harry were the only ones not to sign up with the Desmond agency and that's why they did it I think.  I think Aaron should pocket the £50,000, well that's my opinion.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I think they only split the money the way they did because they knew Aaron was going to be the winner from the massive amount of votes each week he was up.  Aaron and Harry were the only ones not to sign up with the Desmond agency and that's why they did it I think.  I think Aaron should pocket the £50,000, well that's my opinion.

What they signed up to he's agency as part of the programme or after it? i think they should probably stick too the deals they made as it wouldn't make them look good if say Tom only got a tenner, i think they might have a harder time getting the £30k off Alex

Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Aaron and Jay did a deal guess is there be an up roar on here if Jay reneged on the deal 




I'll be taking a keen interest in this 

I imagine it'll all come out in the wash when they sort out the £10K each and other divisions.

IANAL, but it would appear that Jay and Aarron made a verbal agreement identical to that between the HMs to share the other £50K between them evenly, so I expect it would be protected by law in the same way.


One of the things which seems to have been missed in the discussion of the Jay/Aaron deal is that it came about because Aaron explained he'd had a similar agreement with Harry. (And remember: that deal would have involved sharing the full £100K...)

Therefore although the specific deal with Jay was a bit "spur of the moment", it's was still something he'd been considering for a while.

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Aaron and Jay did a deal guess is there be an up roar on here if Jay reneged on the deal 




I'll be taking a keen interest in this 

I imagine it'll all come out in the wash when they sort out the £10K each and other divisions.

IANAL, but it would appear that Jay and Aarron made a verbal agreement identical to that between the HMs to share the other £50K between them evenly, so I expect it would be protected by law in the same way.


One of the things which seems to have been missed in the discussion of the Jay/Aaron deal is that it came about because Aaron explained he'd had a similar agreement with Harry. (And remember: that deal would have involved sharing the full £100K...)

Therefore although the specific deal with Jay was a bit "spur of the moment", it's was still something he'd been considering for a while.

I didn't know about the deal with Harry, when did that happen?

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I imagine it'll all come out in the wash 

You are more optimistic than me. I could be wrong but I can't see Aaron sharing his winnings ...............principles be buggered!

He'd only be £10k up if he didn't share 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I imagine it'll all come out in the wash 

You are more optimistic than me. I could be wrong but I can't see Aaron sharing his winnings ...............principles be buggered!

He'd only be £10k up if he didn't share 

 A man of principle always sticks to his agreements ....... doesn't he? 

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I imagine it'll all come out in the wash 

You are more optimistic than me. I could be wrong but I can't see Aaron sharing his winnings ...............principles be buggered!

He'd only be £10k up if he didn't share 

 A man of principle always sticks to his agreements ....... doesn't he? 

I think he will stick too it  as for the present Soozy i wouldn't have done it either 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Aaron and Jay did a deal guess is there be an up roar on here if Jay reneged on the deal 




I'll be taking a keen interest in this 

I imagine it'll all come out in the wash when they sort out the £10K each and other divisions.

IANAL, but it would appear that Jay and Aarron made a verbal agreement identical to that between the HMs to share the other £50K between them evenly, so I expect it would be protected by law in the same way.


One of the things which seems to have been missed in the discussion of the Jay/Aaron deal is that it came about because Aaron explained he'd had a similar agreement with Harry. (And remember: that deal would have involved sharing the full £100K...)

Therefore although the specific deal with Jay was a bit "spur of the moment", it's was still something he'd been considering for a while.

I didn't know about the deal with Harry, when did that happen?

Gawd knows: one of the countless things we were never shown.

Of course it must have been at least 2 weeks ago, and it's unlikely either thought they had a chance of winning at the time. Don't forget that when Aaron made the deal with Jay he expected to be next out (i.e. 4th), and he expected Alex to win, so again the deal would appear hypothetical...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

10k is 10k ...............the fuss he kicked up over £500 - can't see him sharing.

He didn`t kick up a fuss over £500. He said he wouldn`t spend that ridiculous amount of money on a birthday present. 


Sensible people agreed.  



Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Aaron and Jay did a deal guess is there be an up roar on here if Jay reneged on the deal 


Not from me. I would understand Jay reneging on the deal if he found out Aaron wanted to kick the fookin` sh*t out of him.   

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Loved the way Aaron covered himself at the end of the conversation and after shaking hands  by saying 'Crikey ...........we've got to remember all this tomorrow'

I don't see how that counts as "covering himself" - it seemed a perfectly reasonable thing to say to me.

Firstly remember that they can't write anything down - not even as a memory aid, never mind a proper written agreement. Also, BB had already flatly refused to help organize any splitting of the prize fund once they're out of the house. It's therefore entirely up to them to remember and organize all deals. For all we know, there might have been others in the background that we haven't been told about as well.


With all the excitement of Final Night building, I just took it as Aaron drawing attention to that, and the fact that they'd both still have to keep all the deals in mind. With hindsight, it seems an even more reasonable comment seeing as BB just handed him a suitcase of cash, rather than the more common (and much more sensible) bank transfer...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Aaron and Jay did a deal guess is there be an up roar on here if Jay reneged on the deal 


Not from me. I would understand Jay reneging on the deal if he found out Aaron wanted to kick the fookin` sh*t out of him.   

 i voted for Aaron to win not  Jay

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

. With hindsight, it seems an even more reasonable comment seeing as BB just handed him a suitcase of cash, rather than the more common (and much more sensible) bank transfer...

do you really think the money in that case was real ??  I was thinking about this today - once he was out and handed the case all security vanished - considering he had interviews and BBBOTS to continue with I think that was fake and he would have had a transfer like the others - might be wrong but it made sense in my head 


I havnt seen much about Alex  but there are a few comments this evening regarding Alex not going to share ???  has anyone seen anything ?- it wouldnt surprise me as she really didnt commit or seem happy any time the split was mentioned 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

. With hindsight, it seems an even more reasonable comment seeing as BB just handed him a suitcase of cash, rather than the more common (and much more sensible) bank transfer...

do you really think the money in that case was real ??  I was thinking about this today - once he was out and handed the case all security vanished - considering he had interviews and BBBOTS to continue with I think that was fake and he would have had a transfer like the others - might be wrong but it made sense in my head 


TBH, I really don't know: the whole thing seemed really odd.


I agree with you on the security thing, but the whole handling of the final by BB was such a mess anyway that I wouldn't put anything past them!

(Having said that, on rewatching the show I saw the couple of security guards that tailed Aaron when he was walking to the interview, and they did seem to know what they were doing. Possibly the only people that night who really did have some notion of responsibility...)


Whether real or not, the whole thing with the suitcase seemed very strange anyway. In the context of the audience reception for Aaron, giving him a suitcase of "cash" and then asking him to parade with it in front of a baying mob seemed very silly and provocative. Again that was probably just another production cock-up. but considering their record with Aaron you do have to wonder...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Aaron and Jay did a deal guess is there be an up roar on here if Jay reneged on the deal 


Not from me. I would understand Jay reneging on the deal if he found out Aaron wanted to kick the fookin` sh*t out of him.   

I wouldn't blame Aaron if he keeps the prize money.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Aaron and Jay did a deal guess is there be an up roar on here if Jay reneged on the deal 


Not from me. I would understand Jay reneging on the deal if he found out Aaron wanted to kick the fookin` sh*t out of him.   

I wouldn't blame Aaron if he keeps the prize money.

Nor me, and as Justa says, I voted for Aaron to win (and get the prize money) not Jay.

Originally Posted by Baz:
Me neither Yogi .... cos I suspect that neither Jay (nor Alex) will be very interested in sharing their winnings, despite the rhetoric.



Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Aaron and Jay did a deal guess is there be an up roar on here if Jay reneged on the deal 


Not from me. I would understand Jay reneging on the deal if he found out Aaron wanted to kick the fookin` sh*t out of him.   

I wouldn't blame Aaron if he keeps the prize money.

Nor me, and as Justa says, I voted for Aaron to win (and get the prize money) not Jay.

Me too.


I was thinking the same thing about the suitcase of money, it seemed a strange way of giving him the money, when Brian gave him the case Aaron said crikey that's heavy and then on leaving the stage, brian said don't forget your money and gave him the case again, who knows but it seemed very strange

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I was thinking the same thing about the suitcase of money, it seemed a strange way of giving him the money, when Brian gave him the case Aaron said crikey that's heavy and then on leaving the stage, brian said don't forget your money and gave him the case again, who knows but it seemed very strange

would they have put £100K into a glass box in the house??


would they have taken £50K out of the box ?? and left £50K on display ?


would they have had £50K in a case on the side of the stage ?


I dont think  BB or whoever fronts the money would have taken that amount of money out of any bank in cash and had it laying around anywhere 


When Aaron approached them in the diary room about sorting the split for them they said it would be paid straight to their bank accounts after the final  - NO way would they have drawn cash out to then have to put it back to do payments into accounts 


it was all part of the show - money in the case - money on the side of the stage and then handed to Aaron twice before his interview 


what was he supposed to do with £50K  cash between  Friday night and getting a chance to get to the bank 


If his was in cash why didnt the others get given theirs in cash so the split could be done there and then ????


I still say fake notes in the case  for the show .....  the real money went straight into their bank accounts and there lies the question - who will transfer any to anyone else 

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

I agree with you on the security thing, but the whole handling of the final by BB was such a mess anyway that I wouldn't put anything past them!

(Having said that, on rewatching the show I saw the couple of security guards that tailed Aaron when he was walking to the interview, and they did seem to know what they were doing. Possibly the only people that night who really did have some notion of responsibility...)


Whether real or not, the whole thing with the suitcase seemed very strange anyway. In the context of the audience reception for Aaron, giving him a suitcase of "cash" and then asking him to parade with it in front of a baying mob seemed very silly and provocative. Again that was probably just another production cock-up. but considering their record with Aaron you do have to wonder...

and much needed to keep control of the baying mob - security have always been there to watch/escort evictees along the walk to the interview but never needed as much as they were on Friday 


I have to say while we are talking security how nice I thought the one last week was that told Faye to take his arm as the steps were slippery and helped her down - shame they didnt help Alex and Louise this week in the same  way - I felt for them trying to get down the steps with all the baying mob setting their nerves on edge 


dreadful final night show - what happened to the happy atmosphere  we all loved from CH4 


Just been reading a link someone put up on The Aaron too win page and Jay's mum has told their local paper that Jay was the people's winner and that death threats had been made against Aaron, she also states that Aaron isn't going to share the £50k with Jay 

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Just been reading a link someone put up on The Aaron too win page and Jay's mum has told their local paper that Jay was the people's winner and that death threats had been made against Aaron, she also states that Aaron isn't going to share the £50k with Jay 

Big Brother's Jay McKray is 'people's winner'


BIG Brother’s Jay McKray’s mum has declared him “the people’s winner” of the show.

Jay, 27, may have finished the runner-up in the house this year – but he was cheered wildly by fans as he left.

The popular housemate appeared on the edge of tears during Friday night’s finale, shouting “why-aye” to his hoards of admirers.

But while Jay came out to applause, winner Aaron Allard-Morgan was jeered by the fans.

Jay’s mum Susan Harding, from Ouston, County Durham, said: “In our opinion he deserved to win the whole thing.

“Never in the history of Big Brother has the winner been booed.


“In the hotel afterwards we had five or six security guards saying there had been death threats made to Aaron.”

Read More

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Just been reading a link someone put up on The Aaron too win page and Jay's mum has told their local paper that Jay was the people's winner and that death threats had been made against Aaron, she also states that Aaron isn't going to share the £50k with Jay

(The comments at the bottom are worth a read!   )


Assuming Jay's mum has been quoted accurately (which, let's face it, isn't a certainty), her comments are premature at best. Beyond that, they could be considered bitter, defamatory and possibly worse...


She must have been interviewed this morning at the latest: as we were discussing further up it's highly unlikely that Aaron was actually handed £50K cash, and it will therefore take some time for that to come through (apparently it was weeks before Cameron got his prize money). Then they all have to get together, and probably have to take financial/tax advice. It will take a while to sort out.


Besides, they will have to get the "£10K each" split sorted out as well, If Aaron gave Jay £20K and the other split never happens, we'd have the situation of Jay finishing with more money that Aaron. One of the peculiarities of the various deals done is that Aaron's deal with Jay can be settled without Aaron actually giving him a penny (Jay's cut can come from Alex instead.)

The wrap party is tonight, so I wouldn't have expected any movement on settling the deals until after that anyway.


A couple of other points:

1) Jay's mum repeats the lie that Aaron's the only winner to be booed (Cameron and Rachel were too.)

2) The Chronicle article says that "Jay pocketed £15,000", which implies he's reneged on a deal too...



Eugene's Lair

I reaLLY DON'T THINK jAY WAS the 'peoples' winner ..........far from it but I do think Aaron should stick to his agreement - it was initially his idea and he shook hands on it. I know Aaron fans will support him whatever he decides to do but will look bad IMO to those who weren't so keen.


If the boot was on the other foot and all that . Personally I think (in light of all the talk about it) he may cough up - he is a man of principle after all!

Soozy Woo

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