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Just wondering what you guys think of all the remaining housemates? And who do you think will actually win?

Siavash - Calm, collected, level-headed, trustworthy, cool, genuine, funny in places. Gets along with all the housemates. I believe he should win.

Rodrigo - Genuine to a certain degree, over-reacts, naive, maybe a little fake. Easily influenced by Lisa and the gang, doesn't see things clearly. Average housemate.

Dogface - Funny when drunk, attractive on a physical level, not very interesting though. She is okay, I guess. A little like Hira where there isn't anything interesting to say about her.

Marcus - Cool, full of himself, massive ego, only person I look forward to watching/listening when an argument is brewing. Says a lot of intelligent things. Hope he is in Top 3 if not evicted this week.

Freddy - Intelligent, calculating, a little naive and should have learnt lessons from the Noirin situation in relation to Bea, a bit too confident. Could only win if Bea is evicted soon so he calms down a little. Like him overall though. Hope he is in Top 3 if not evicted this week.

Charlie - Easily influenced, lack of empathy, not very intelligent, but believe he may be a good person overall. Don't like him much though because of the fact that he backs all the wrong people, all of the time.

David - Loud.. erm, not much else. Dumb in some ways. Dislike him.

Lisa - Calculating, gameplan, talks in code i.e. will let everyone know her opinion about 1 or 2 people so they vote for them too, devious, two-faced. Dislike her intensely.

Bea - Manipulative, disgusting, gameplan, calculating, milks the situation for all it's worth. Fake. Negative. I outright hate her.

This weeks eviction is awful as a guy said in another thread. BB should've put a twist in to stop this from happening, since Bea or Lisa deserve to go by far. I hope it is a double eviction next week with all housemates up, so we can finally get rid of Bea and Lisa, and the housemates can have a calm last week.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Siavash - Gets along with all the housemates because he doesn't want to be evicted and he really wants to win.

Rodrigo - Crazy, happy go lucky when he isn't crazy. Really wants to win.

Dogface - Attractive, boring, no real opinion of her own, will be in the final week.

Marcus - Cool, huge ego, balanced in knowing things, Really wants to go home.

Freddy - Intelligent, naive, confident. Doesn't think about public perception (silly). Needs to chill out and not be taken in by cruella. Could have won.

Charlie - Thick as ****, Big game player, nasty piece of work. Shame if he makes it to the final.

David - Hhhhhm, why is he in there?

Lisa - Calculating, big game player, Lucky to still be in there, needs to be booted before the final.

Bea - Manipulative, disgusting, gameplan, calculating, milks the situation for all it's worth. Fake. Negative. I outright hate her. Everything you said and more!

Wanted Freddie to win. If he goes tonight, Marcus. Others aren't worthy imo.
siavash - a bit mamby-pamby for me, seems ok though.

charlie - comes across as desperate and 2 faced with a bit of agression thrown in.

sophie - likeable, quite funny, good at dodging between goups.

rodrigo - the obligatory bb ' nice boy', his saving grace is that he's stood up and defended what he thinks is right on more than one occassion, will probably win, unfortunately.

dave - bit gormless but has his funny moments, fairly harmless really.

bea - best hm this year, funny, witty, forthright, sarcastic, manipulative, what more could you want in a bb contestant.

lisa - bit of a non event after the first few weeks, think her and he crew have suffered from always feeling inferior.

marcus - runs a close 2nd for me as one of the best hms ever.forthright, astute and funny.

feddie - think he's blown it and he's lost the likeability factor that has seen him through most of the show, for me he's been the biggest strategist this year,a bit humourless but a good hm, most of the time.
Siavash - Entertaining, cool, calm, level headed, intelligent, stays away from the bitching and backstabbing for the most part. My favourite

Rodrigo - Actor, fake, little sense of humour, v principled, says what he thinks, wants to win more than anyone, nice teeth

Sophie- Not that bright but generally harmless, comes out with some great malopropisms, makes me laugh sometimes, would like to see her in the final

Marcus - Interesting observations of other hms but sometimes so wrapped up in working out others games he gets it wrong...Funny at times, some great one liners and the 'perviness' seems to have eased off of late. Knows his game and generally plays it well. Isn't that keen on Freddie or Siavash in truth but sees them as the best of a bad bunch.

Freddie- takes on 'victim' role too easily for my liking. Can be superior, arrogant, condescending. Lacks emotional intelligence and social skills and has a nasty streak, especially when he laughs in people's faces/mocks them. None of the other hms, in truth, like him - makes me think that they can't all be wrong, they are having to live with him and see much more than we do.

Charlie - Tries to be nice, bit of a numpty, good fun, prankster but sometimes takes it too far. Sticks up for what he thinks is right, more of his 'own person' than most give him credit for. Wants to win a lot. I'd q like to see him in the final

David - Feel sorry for him, wish he hadn't got so wrapped up with Lisa, does his best given his learning/language difficulties. Is the most grateful to be a hm, hope he does well out of BB, but also hope he's not the next Brian Belo

Lisa - Kind of disappeared off the radar after a few weeks, smokes and bitches a lot, nasty streak but a kind heart underneath for those she likes.

Bea - Nasty piece of work at times, but also bloody funny at times too. Probably the brightest in there, knew she had to play the 'short game' this week in order to give her even half a chance at the long game- if she hadn't 'defected' she would have been having her Davina interview tonight. Seems to have forgotten half of the phrase, 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer'
Originally posted by monkey13:
I cannot understand why BB haven't intervened and added another evictee... To lose one of these two big characters is a crying shame!

Bea, Lisa or David should go before these two IMO.

They engineered to have both Marcus and Freddie up. Their 'punishment' meant everyone knew who the other were voting for.
Siavash - Cool, calm and collected and pretty level-headed. Can be unintentionally funny and was embarrassed by the Noirin affair. Gets along with all the housemates.

Rodrigo - Over-reacts, naive, a fake. Easily influenced by Lisa and the gang, doesn't see things clearly.

Dogface - Funny when drunk, attractive on a physical level apart from the hair extensions and water wings, not very interesting though.

Marcus - Cool, full of himself with a massive ego. Highly intelligent and astute.

Freddie - Intelligent and eccentric. Likes to analyse people and situations but doesn't understand that others don't do this and they see it as arrogance and nastiness. He should keep his analyses to himself.
A little naive and should have learnt lessons from the Noirin situation in relation to Bea.

Charlie - Easily influenced, lack of empathy, not very intelligent and backs all the wrong people, all of the time.

David - Loud. Not so dumb as he looks. Playing the Brian Belo card.

Lisa - Calculating gameplan, talks in code i.e. will let everyone know her opinion about 1 or 2 people so they vote for them too, devious, two-faced.

Bea - Manipulative, disgusting gameplan, calculating, milks the situation for all it's worth. Fake. Negative.
Siavash..untrustworthy sly and in constant fear of looking uncool. How smelly must those jammies be..ewww!
Dogface..quite shallow but fairly harmless.
Marcus..Pass! I don't wanna be banned. He has come out with some funnies though so credit for that.
David..excitable and loud with a meany streak.
Lisa..hardfaced and opinionated with a degree of the sinister about her.
Charlie..short attention span..annoying with his speed of convo (find it difficult to understand him sometimes) and is a bitch whenever possible.
Freddie..Very excitable with a unique way of dealing with it..(slightly an acquired taste) He is honest and of strong priciples but can be a bit not sure how much his dyslexia is to blame for this. Can't sing for toffee!
Bea..Needs a good long hard SLAP!!
Rodders..reminds me of an only child that doesn't know how to play nicely..although he is quite the little gentleman when he needs to be.
Bea - The worse hm ever, evil twisted, pretends to cry when

she cant manage a situation.

Lisa - Ive nothing to say about nothing

Sophie - Very likeable, genuine, has a little bitch but was

impressed she stood up to Marcus, ( in my top three )

Freddie - I dont think he would harm a fly, a nice bloke who

has been treated like shit by most of them

Roddrigo - Funny, sweet, ratty, great tv

Charlie - nob who is using his ill Mother hoping it gains him

popularity, if he cared that much, he would not put himself in a

position for 3 month were he does not know how she is.

Siavash - I like him, but he does really really want to win, and

did cheat on his g/f, so he does not deserve the popularity he

has imo.

Marcus, pervert, sick in the head cringeworthy know it all

Ive never enjoyed watching anything he has done

uncomfortable viewing for me.

Dave is a nice lad, but not great tv.
Siavash..Trustworthy, loyal,sensitive kind, mature, level headed and cool. Fabulous clothes! My winner!

Dogface..Bubbly, sensitive, loyal, bitchy.

Marcus..Angry and bitter with the occasional moments of good insight and clarity, clouded by a lot of bitter memories from his past. He would be happier with some therapy.

David..Foghorn leghorn, too easily influenced good natured.

Lisa..Selfish, vindictive, spineless.

Charlie..Shit stirring, thick piece of crap. Adds nothing to the show.

Freddie.. Unique, fun loving, kind, sensitive, thoughtful, intense, loyal, emotional.

Rodrigo..Fiery, kind, thoughtful, mature, forthright, honest.

Bea: Horrible mean spirited, vile, duplicitous, evil, ugly, demented toe rag.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by 15:10:
Originally posted by monkey13:
I cannot understand why BB haven't intervened and added another evictee... To lose one of these two big characters is a crying shame!

Bea, Lisa or David should go before these two IMO.

They engineered to have both Marcus and Freddie up. Their 'punishment' meant everyone knew who the other were voting for.

that is so true. Either way BB has got rid of one of their biggest pains in the arse. And i think it is really unfair for BB to blatently intervene in the way that they did by allowing noms talk, if they dont put all the house up next week then it will be the survivor this week vs siavash. Love or hate this threesome they have made the show a much talked about show here on the forums, the others well what have they actually contributed.
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Siavash..trustworthy, loyal,sensitive kind, mature, level headed and cool. Fabulous clothes! My winner!

Dogface..Bubbly, sensitive, loyal, bitchy.

Marcus..Angry and bitter with the occasional moments of good insight and clarity, clouded by a lot of bitter memories from his past. He would be happier with some therapy.

David..Foghorn leghorn, too easily influenced good natured.

Lisa..Selfish, vindictive, spineless.

Charlie..Shit stirring, thick piece of crap. Adds nothing to the show.

Freddie.. Unique, fun loving, kind, sensitive, thoughtful, intense, loyal, emotional.

Rodrigo..Fiery, kind, thoughtful, mature, forthright, honest.

Bea: Horrible mean spirited, vile, duplicitous, evil, ugly, demented toe rag.

I agree with your evaluation of the HMs Nod
Siavash - I must admit I don't get the attraction, I'm not keen on him. Cheated on his girlfriend and I have occasionally found him to be a little duplicitous. He's better than most of the other HMs in there though so he's in my top three.

Charlie - a liar, a coward and a thief. That says everything I need to know about him.

Lisa - I don't like Lisa. BUT she has actually contributed more to the house this year that others in that house and I suspect that without her HM would be a bit duller. However, she's thick, unpleasant, selfish and cruel and I am still a little in shock that the end is in sight and she's still clinging on in there.

David - annoying.

Sophie - is she still there? Oh! She is! And somehow a favourite although she has done almost nothing in the house except exchange saliva samples with Kris. Does not deserve to win in the slightest.

Marcus - Marcus, Marcus, Marcus. The rebel. The Dark Horse. I'm quite lucky in that I 'get' Marcus's sense of humour and I often banter with male friends how Marcus banters with his friends. Marcus has been a fabulous housemate and has been at the centre of most of the interesting things that have happened in the house. Doesn't deserve to go and should be in the top 3 but I think Freddie will beat him tonight.

Rodrigo - very sweet, temperamental, a bit odd. I suspect he'll win but he's been invisible a lot of the time and again hasn't really made many interesting situations of his own so doesn't deserve to win in my book.

Freddie - now I'm a Freddie supporter so this is going to be positive (my disclaimer). Assuming he's still there I'll be voting on final night for Freddie because I think that's he's been the real underdog in the house. He's had a rough time and I think he has a genuinely good heart and is a kind and gentle person. Despite this he's not dull and so I do think that he would make a worthy winner.

Bea - do I have to answer this? *goes home*

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