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I've been making salads recently and it dawned on me that I  never add radishes.

Its something I have only ever tried once - ever.


My Dad has been regaling me on his food choices which in the past has included: faggots, rabbits and on occasion ... tripe.


Is there anything you have never tried (run-of-the-mill stuff)?

Or some things you used to eat but not now.

What informs your choices?


Replies sorted oldest to newest

I used to eat mild cheese but now I like strong cheese.

I used to be a chocaholic but now I prefer fruity sweets and desserts. I do occasionally eat chocolate, but not often. 

I've never been able to eat porridge. It makes me sick before I can put the spoon in my mouth. Shocking admission for a Scot!

I've never eaten rabbit or tripe and I have no wish to try either.



Originally Posted by kimota:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Originally Posted by Saint:

I used to eat Haslet when I was young

God knows wots in it

I've never heard of that... is it some sort of black pudding?


Not sure what's in it but it's a sliced meat for sandwiches a bit like corned beef

Oh my! 

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
I can't stand olives, they're the only food that I've tried to eat and just have to spit out ASAP every time!

I love radishes, they're yummy

Same here summer.  I have tried, but they're just not for me.  Mr C also eats them by the bucket load.


I'll try most things.  But I have never tried brains, tripe or heart, and can't imagine I ever will.  Foods that I cannot eat are beetroot and squid.


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