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Some of you may already know that I very foolishly bought Mr Woo an Oak tree for his birthday. I know he likes the thought of something staying behind after you've gone and all that.


I knew that Oak trees grow really big and grand (that's why I bought it) but I'm not really very spatially aware. Mr Woo explained that it could potentially grow to 70ft or more and the roots spread a long way. Our garden simply isn't big enough (and the neighbours might fail to be impressed).


We have thought that maybe we'd ask at the golf club if we could plant it there - also I may speak to a village councilor to see if there's somewhere in the village.


Does anyone have any ideas? I think at the moment the plan is to plant it in a very big pot and enjoy it's early life in the garden.

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Originally Posted by Saint:

I was amazed - it grew immediately !!!

I was a kid - it must be about 20yrs old but struggling in that pot - it has to come out.

What can i do?

I've even thought of planting it somewhere at night so i'm not reported LOL

We had a lengthy discussion about that last night


We have a big green in front of our house - we just might do that It is cut regularly by the local council though - do you think the cutter might notice and report it? It's very tempting.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Saint:

I was amazed - it grew immediately !!!

I was a kid - it must be about 20yrs old but struggling in that pot - it has to come out.

What can i do?

I've even thought of planting it somewhere at night so i'm not reported LOL

Freecycling? You can give away /swap unwanted stuff + anyone who wants it can pick it up from you.


A friend just popped in. He's had a word with an old guy who's on our village council. We know him well (it's a smallish village) Apparently on Feb 2nd there is some sort of drive to encourage people in the area to plant trees.


He sees no reason why we can't plant it on the green outside our house (he's bringing it up at the next council meeting) RESULT 


He even said (if we want) Mr Woo could put a small plaque to say he'd donated it to the community. I don't think we'll do that but it will be great to be able to watch it grow and to know that it'll be 'protected' in years to come.


I'm made up 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

A friend just popped in. He's had a word with an old guy who's on our village council. We know him well (it's a smallish village) Apparently on Feb 2nd there is some sort of drive to encourage people in the area to plant trees.


He sees no reason why we can't plant it on the green outside our house (he's bringing it up at the next council meeting) RESULT 


He even said (if we want) Mr Woo could put a small plaque to say he'd donated it to the community. I don't think we'll do that but it will be great to be able to watch it grow and to know that it'll be 'protected' in years to come.


I'm made up 

Good news indeed 


I love oak trees 


my parents have 3 in their garden...   two at the bottom (so waaaay down from the house), but the other one is not that far from the house (don't ask me for measurements...   I am really crap with measurements...     ermmm..    I can hit it with water from the hose when its unreeled from the side of the house..    its an average size reel of hose if that helps)..  


anyways..     we love this tree...     it almost went over during that hurricane we had 20 odd years ago..  but survived, but is now uber gnarly.    Plus...   its cos of this tree that when the field next door their house was sold to developers the initial planning proposal for 5 houses crammed in, so close to ma & pa's house that they'd have been able to have conversations window to window, got refused..    and they could only build 3 houses..     a decent distance from my parents garden boundary!



Goooo the Oak Tree!   



Soooz...     I would recommend either a couple of apple trees or a birch tree if an oak was a bit overkill ...    


I have a habit of buying my Dad tree's for his bday (he is an awkward man to buy for)...  


so far I have bought him, 2 pear trees (hadn't realised the first year that a single pear tree was pointless cos it needs another one to pollinate it)..    3 apple trees (2 one year..   cos I thought I was wise to this pollination malarky... only to be informed a few months later there needed to be 3 apples trees)...    and an olive tree.


I had intended for him to keep the olive tree in the pot..    and bring it in during winter...   or at least keep it in a sheltered place against the house wall..   


Dad ignored all advice & planted it slap bang in the middle of the front lawn...  


I dunno if he likes it really..    he seems think it was a challenge to see if he could kill it (as yet, the olive tree is fighting back).




IF I owned my parents house I would have a weeping willow tree..     they are my fave! 


oh & poplars..      we have lines of poplar trees up where I work... and in summer they release poplar fluff..     making it feel like some sort of fantasy fairy land 



Bloody tree thread..     drew me in..     I have things I should be doing...   

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good news on the oak tree, Soozy. I know it might be a wee bit disappointing that you can't plant it in your garden, but it will make a fabulous gift to your community for decades to come.

No I'm not disappointed at all - the green is bang outside my house - it's just like an extension of my garden. We just look straight out on it from our window - nothing inbetween 

Soozy Woo

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