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Corins accent may seem strange to some people, as might Nathans, but not to me, because we all talk like that up round these parts, I must add not quite as mardy voiced as Corin but the accent is still the same...I don't think she's rough or common, she's just a nice person who Keeva is jealous of...

I agree DID, but us northerners can take it. There are such a variety of accents up here, if we all judged people on accents we'd be liking no one.Like you I just think she's a genuine person with her own mind, she listens but I've noticed nominates on her own thoughts and not on a bitching session she's been involved in the night before, like most of the others.
I agree DID, but us northerners can take it. There are such a variety of accents up here, if we all judged people on accents we'd be liking no one.Like you I just think she's a genuine person with her own mind, she listens but I've noticed nominates on her own thoughts and not on a bitching session she's been involved in the night before, like most of the others.
That's exactly why I like her, she makes her own mind up, and, if I'm totally honest, my first impressions were that she was going to be some dumb WAG wishwas type person....she was my biggest surprise as I watched her and got to like her...

Keeva on the other-hand looks 'hard' to me, there's not much compassion or anything else behind the eyes, she's out for her and her alone. I thought she was striking when she went in, not beautiful or stunning though, and now the ugliness of her personality over-rules everything else....
The Devil In Diamante

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